Arslan, Mahmut
Araştırma projeleri
Bu araştırmanın konusu OSB’lerde çalışan beyaz yakalı teknik ve ofis çalışanlarının uzaktan çalışma uygulamaları konusunda geliştirdikleri ahlaki algılamaların ölçülmesi ve sınıflandırılmasıdır. Buna dayalı olarak uzaktan çalışma uygulamalarının ne gibi ahlaki sorunlara yol açtığı ampirik verilerle desteklenecek ve araştırma çoğunlukla OSB’lerde yapılacağı için bu konuda Türkiye’de elde edilen ilk geniş çaplı alan bulgusu olacaktır.
Organizasyon Birimleri
Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
Küresel rekabete ayak uydurmak ve sürdürülebilir olmak isteyen tüm şirketler ve kurumlar, değişimi doğru bir şekilde yönetmek, teknolojinin gerekli kıldığı zihinsel ve operasyonel dönüşümü kurumlarına hızlı bir şekilde adapte etmek zorundadırlar.
Adı Soyadı
Mahmut Arslan
İlgi Alanları
Business Ethics
Kurumdaki Durumu
Aktif Personel
8 sonuçlar
Arama Sonuçları
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Yayın Analysing organisational culture and social behaviour patterns: An exploratory case study(Busssecon International, 2020) Arslan, Mahmut; Arslan, Mahmut; Yiğit, Tuba; Arslan, Mahmut; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThe present study aims to propose a model suitable for Turkish organizational culture using observations, a qualitative research method. The reason behind this is that observation is frequently used in ethnographic studies, i.e. studies analyzing culture. An ethnographic study revealed the foundation of the organizational culture of the observed ABC firm. These factors can be listed as fear, fear-driven paternalism, pressure, silence, intimidation, ennui, insensitivity, and apathy and gossiping. It is possible to say that an abusive level of productivity is aimed at the organization and an authoritarian understanding of management.Yayın The work ethic of medieval Muslim Ahi brotherhood: A comparison with Catholic and Puritan work ethics(Busssecon International, 2020) Arslan, Mahmut; Arslan, Mahmut; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis paper compares and analyzes the Catholic Social Teaching, Puritan work ethic and Islamic ethic of medieval Muslim Ahi Brotherhood of Anatolia in terms of business ethics. A high level of similarity can be found between Catholic social teaching (CST) and a branch of the Islamic work ethic of Ahi movement. Islamic Ahi work ethic has also significant similarities with the historical Protestant work ethic. This similarity reveals the opportunity to cooperate and to foster a more humanitarian workplace, particularly in multi-cultural organizations both for Christians and Muslims. We can argue that many ethical problems arise in organizations as a result of a violation of ethical values and virtues. Corruption, sexual harassment, mobbing, nepotism, are direct results of the lack of such virtues. Therefore, it is possible to merge Catholic, Protestant and Islamic values to create a more humane workplace.Yayın A theoretical analysis on a peace culture model in the workplace(Busssecon International, 2021) Arslan, Mahmut; Demirel, Hilal; Kok Arslan, Havva; Arslan, Mahmut; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis study aims to develop a theoretical approach to define the culture of peace and its dimensions in the workplace based on De-Rivera’s peace culture dimensions at the international level. This study offers an organizational model in the workplace and it needs empirical tests in further studies. This paper is an attempt to develop a theoretical framework for peace culture in the workplace. Peace culture will be analyzed in four underlying dimensions: liberal development, violent inequality, state use of violent means, and nurturance. This study transfers De Rivera’s peace culture dimensions into the organizational level, and it is assumed that peace culture in the workplace could be a remedy for a harmonious and peaceful workplace. Peace culture in the workplace is also expected to be a beneficial factor to employees’ behavior, job performances, and organizational commitment as well as work outcomes. In a conclusion, it is expected that this study fills the gap in the literature and will have a leading role for further studies.Yayın Exploring the impact of workplace incivility on employee counterproductive work behavior through the mediating role of turnover intention: Evidence from the Gambia and Ghana(CIKD, 2023) Arslan, Mahmut; Sowe, Samba; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüWorkplace Incivility (WPI) has recently become a dominant area of research as a predictor of employee behavior at work. WPI is a menace in the workplace that creates dissatisfied employees who spend most of their time on non-productive tasks. Based on a sample of 504 employees of public and private sector institutions in The Gambia and Ghana, this article examines the impact of workplace incivility on employee counterproductive work behavior through the mediating role of Turnover Intention (TI). Using structural equation modeling, the results indicate a strong relationship between workplace incivility and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) as well as a partial mediating role of TI in the relationship between WPI and CWB. Furthermore, the independent sample t-test and multigroup analysis show a higher level of WPI, TI, and CWB in Ghana compared to The Gambia. These findings contribute to the under-researched area of WPI on the African continent. This study also adds value to the existing, but sparse, literature on workplace incivility and may also be used as a guide for public and private institutions in their pursuit of avoiding workplace incivility as well as knowing its effects on institutional productivity. Finally, this study is the first of its kind to look at the existence of WPI in both public and private institutions from The Gambia and Ghana making country comparisons as well as looking at the impact of WPI on the performance of employees hence its relevance to the literature.(c) CIKD Publishing.Yayın The impact of job autonomy on employee creativity: Examining perceived supervisor support as a mediator and job difficulty as a moderator(Sage Publications, 2025) Kıvrak, Fatma Halide; Arslan, Mahmut; Adarves-Yorno, Inmaculada; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüResearch indicates that job autonomy (JA) plays a pivotal role in enhancing employee creativity (EC); however, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms facilitating this connection is still limited. To address this lacuna, we draw on self-determination theory, which argues that perceived supervisory support (PSS) may act as a mediator. Thus, this study explores how JA enhances creativity through PSS. Furthermore, we explore the moderating role of the job difficulty level on the relationship between JA and EC. Conducting a cross-sectional survey involving 561 employees in the Turkish media sector, our study utilizes structural equation modelling in AMOS and employs moderator analysis in PROCESS Macro. The results unveil that JA not only directly positively impacts EC but also exerts an indirect influence through the mediating role of PSS. Furthermore, our findings highlight the moderating effect of job difficulty level, indicating a negative impact on the relationship between JA and EC. Among the examined control variables, including gender, organizational tenure and sectoral tenure, it is notable that sectoral tenure emerges as the sole factor significantly influencing EC. These results have significant implications for the development of innovative management strategies and human resources policies tailored to the unique needs of media companies. The study underscores the importance of understanding the intricate dynamics between JA, PSS and job difficulty levels in fos tering a creative work environment.Yayın The motherhood experiences of women employees: An interpretive field study in Turkey(Ege Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2020) Arslan, Mahmut; Arslan, Mahmut; Akyol, Aylin; Arslan, Mahmut; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüMotherhood is an extensive research topic that can be seen in different disciplines. Problems arising from motherhood are the main research questions of this research. Social constructivism has been chosen as a philosophical basis of the research in order to understand subjective motherhood experiences of female employees through their self- expressions. According to social constructivism individuals try to make sense of the world they live in. Social constructivisttheory discusses motherhood as a social construct which constructed by members of a particular society or culture, not as a fundamental feature of women or secondary product of social structure. Phenomenological research approach has been chosen with qualitative research design. Participants of this study consist of 33 married working mothers with 0-6 years old children in Turkey. For sampling method, snowball sampling method was used as a purposive sampling strategy. Qualitative data is gathered by using an unstructured interview form with 13 questions. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis method. According to research findings, the first priority of working mothers is motherhood. Keeping a balance between motherhood and work is a real challenge for working mothers. Working mothers also experience various problems.Yayın Geleneksel basından dijitale geçiş sürecinde gazetecilik etik ilkelerinin değişim ve dönüşümü: New York Times örneği(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2024) Eren, Selçuk; Arslan, Mahmut; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüBu makalenin amacı gazetecilik meslek etiğinin güven üzerine etkisini New York Times gazetesi üzerinden açıklamaya çalışmaktır. Nitel araştırma yöntemiyle oluşturulan araştırmada örnek olay çalışması olarak New York Times incelenmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme metodu benimsenmiş ve her biri farklı ülkeden olan 19 gazeteci ile uzaktan bire bir görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmeler, betimsel ve içerik analizi yöntemine göre ele alınmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında: Haber sitelerinin gelir modellerine daha fazla odaklandığı, kamuoyunda güven konusundaki farkındalığın yükseldiği, gazetecilerin etik sorunlara karşı bilincinin arttığı ve haber merkezlerinin dijitalleşmeye yönelik dönüştürülmeye başlandığı saptanmıştır. Bu faktörlerden dolayı internet haberciliğinin geleceğinin son 10 yılda olduğu kadar problematik geçmemesi beklenmektedir. Katılımcıların “tarafsız yayıncılıktan” çok “güvenilir içeriğin” önemine vurgu yaptıkları belirlenmiştir. New York Times’ın internet ile geleneksel yayıncılığı başarılı şekilde koordine ettiği, internet ortamında okuyucuya ulaşmak için tüm araçları etkin şekilde kullandığı ve aldatıcı başlıklara başvurmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın geleneksel basından dijitale geçiş sürecinde yaşanan etik sorunlara karşı izlenebilecek yolların bulunmasına katkı sağlaması da hedeflenmektedir.Yayın Employee mindfulness and creativity in the media industry: The roles of intrinsic motivation, cognitive flexibility, and supervisor support(Routledge, 2025) Kıvrak, Fatma Halide; Adarves-Yorno, Inmaculada; Arslan, Mahmut; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüWithin the competitive landscape of creative industries, fostering employee creativity is essential for organisational innovation. Recently, mindfulness has been recognised as a significant contributor to creativity, yet its impact within creative industries and the underlying mechanisms remain underexplored. To address these gaps, we examine the relationship between mindfulness and employee creativity and propose a model based on the Componential Theory of Creativity, tested with employees from six media organisations in Turkey (N = 561). The findings confirm that mindfulness significantly enhances employee creativity through intrinsic motivation and cognitive flexibility. Additionally, we examine the moderating effect of perceived supervisor support, revealing a moderated mediation effect in the link between mindfulness and creativity. Finally, we discuss practical implications and future research directions.