İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Stock market response to natural disasters: Does corporate sustainability performance make difference?
(Elsevier, 2024) Aksoy, Mine; Yılmaz, Mustafa Kemal; Tatoğlu, Ekrem
This study aims to examine the short-term price reactions of the stocks listed on Borsa Istanbul (BIST) after the severe earthquake of February 6, 2023, that happened in the southeastern region of Türkiye covering 11 provinces and causing more than 50,000 fatalities. Using a sample of 450 companies listed on the BIST All Index, this study estimates the abnormal returns (ARs) of stocks by employing an event study methodology. Using BIST 100 companies as a sub-sample, this study also explores whether sustainability performance creates resilience against downside risk after the earthquake. The results of the market model and the mean-adjusted model show that on the event day, most of the sectors had negative and significant ARs, while only the non-metal mineral products had positive and significant ARs. Most of the sectors continued to decline in the following 10 days except basic metal and non-metal mineral products sectors. The telecommunications sector was the most negatively affected sector in both models after the event day as it has underperformed in ensuring uninterrupted access to communication. The findings also indicate that firms in the financial sector that have higher sustainability performance are more resilient in responding to the disaster.
Strategic agility and product development in emerging markets: The role of employee resilience and self-efficacy as microfoundations
(IEEE, 2024) Bouguerra, Abderaouf; Gölgeci, İsmail; Gligor, David M.; Khan, Zaheer; Arslan, Ahmad; Tatoğlu, Ekrem; Tatoğlu, Ekrem
While strategic agility is increasingly acknowledged as a critical source of innovation and product development performance (PDP), little attention has been paid to the microindividual capabilities that translate strategic agility into greater PDP. In this article, we examine the mediating roles of employee resilience and self-efficacy as key dynamic microlevel (individual) capabilities that connect firms' strategic agility to their PDP in the emerging market of Türkiye. We draw on dynamic capabilities theory, adopt a microfoundations approach, and run a multilevel analysis using data from 758 managers working in 185 firms to test our hypotheses. We draw on the microfoundations of PDP and provide important insights into how individual capabilities enable attaining higher PDP in emerging markets. In particular, the findings suggest that strategic agility is positively associated with PDP. Also, the impact of strategic agility on PDP - both examined at the organizational level - is conveyed through individual-level capabilities of employee resilience and self-efficacy. Our study makes significant theoretical contributions to innovation and product development, operations management, and strategic agility research and draws managerial implications.
Rethinking cognitive psycho-education -4T Model- in the psychotherapy of religious obsessive-compulsive disorder: Report of three resistant cases
(Halil Ekşi, 2024) Toprak, Taha Burak
In religious obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the current cognitive model does not seem to be convincing enough for patients to understand the source of their obsessions and to distinguish between their obsessions and their religious beliefs (iman) and values, which affects secure relationships in therapy. Therefore, there is a need for both religious sensitivity and model proposals to solve the problem of lack of persuasiveness of cognitive psychoeducation. From this perspective, the present case study uses the 4T model (tahayyul (imagination), tasawwur (conceptualization/detailed imagination), taakkul (reasoning/reflecting), tasdiq (confirmation)), which is a hierarchical cognitive model and adapted with the inspirations from the texts of Muslim scholars (specifically from Nursi’s text of Treatise on Scrupulosity) on cognitive processes. A case report of three individuals with religious OCD is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of this treatment method. Symptoms were measured in therapy using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Padua Inventory scales. Feedback was obtained for post-intervention assessment. The participants received 30 individual face-to-face therapy sessions, one per week, with an average duration of 50 minutes per session, and follow-up sessions were also conducted after the completion of treatment. The results from the three cases of individuals with religiously resistant OCD symptoms, which resulted in improvement on all scale scores, demonstrate that the model is substantially effective, particularly in addressing thought-action fusion (TAF). Furthermore, the thought hierarchy offered by the model is practical and compelling in the process of cognitive restructuring.
Yunus Emre’s grammar of the self
(Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, 2023) Conte, Francesco
In this paper, I would like to take into account some of the main elements that in my opinion forge Yunus Emre’s form of life and that are directly reflected in his Divan, one of the most important works of Turkish poetry written during the XIII and XIV centuries. Although we have little information about Yunus Emre’s life, we know for sure that he was a dervish, a person who followed the path of Sufism. I will investigate to what extent Yunus Emre’s Divan relates to his spiritual journey experiences. What can we understand about his life by reading his poetry? Did he write to witness his innermost experiences? Did he write to understand his journey toward the Ineffable Absolute (Hakk)? What is the relationship between his way of walking along the spiritual path and his conception of language?
Yapay zekânın i̇şe alım süreçleri̇nde kullanımı ve algori̇tmi̇k ayrımcılık
(Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, 2023) Gümrükçüoğlu Bozkurt, Yeliz; Yakacak, Gülnihal Ahter; Bozkurt Gümrükçüoğlu, Yeliz; Yakacak, Gülnihal Ahter
Algoritmik ayrımcılık, algoritmaların bir sonucu olarak bireyler veya gruplar tarafından deneyimlenen her türlü farklı muameleyi veya etkiyi ifade etmek için kullanılan bir kavramdır. Hali hazırda mevcut ayrımcılık temellerine dayalı sebeplerle gerçekleşen ayrımcı davranışların yapay zekâ araçları vasıtasıyla daha sistematik, düşük maliyetli ve anlaşılamaz biçimde ortaya çıkması mümkün hale gelmiştir. İşe alım süreçleri de algoritmik ayrımcılık örnekleri ile sıkça karşılaşılan alanlardandır. Bazı hallerde işverenin bilinçli kararlarına dayanabileceği gibi bazı durumlarda işverenin ve hatta yapay zekâ aracını geliştirenin bilgisi dışında ortaya çıkması mümkündür. Gelinen noktada teknolojik gelişmelere karşı durabilmek mümkün olmasa da insan hakları ile uyumlu kullanımını sağlamak gerekmektedir. Yapay zekanın mevcut işlere etkileri düşünüldüğünde, istihdama giriş sürecinde bireyin temel haklarının korunması giderek artan bir önem arz etmektedir. Gerekli tedbirler geliştirilmediği takdirde bireylerin sistematik ayrımcılığa maruz kalması, hatta öjenik anlayışla işçi adaylarının seçimi mümkün olabilecektir. Dijitalleşmenin panaptikonunda bireyin ayrımcılığa uğrama riskini artıran özel nitelikli kişisel verilere erişim hızı ve kolaylığı acil tedbir ihtiyacı doğurmaktadır.