İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

DSpace@İHÜ, İbn Haldun Üniversitesi tarafından doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak yayınlanan; kitap, makale, tez, bildiri, rapor, araştırma verisi gibi tüm akademik kaynakları uluslararası standartlarda dijital ortamda depolar, Üniversitenin akademik performansını izlemeye aracılık eder, kaynakları uzun süreli saklar ve yayınların etkisini artırmak için telif haklarına uygun olarak Açık Erişime sunar.


Güncel Gönderiler

Assessment of sustainable aviation fuel production methods using a hybridized decision-making framework
(Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, 2024) Ibrahim, Ibrahim Temam; Kuşakcı, Ali Osman; Abdullah, Amna; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) present a feasible solution to decarbonize modern aviation. Unlike traditional jet fuels, SAFs are produced in a variety of ways, thereby choosing one of these processes is a complicated Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) challenge that involves conflicting priorities. This study evaluates SAF production processes using a multicriteria methodology, PROMETHEE II. With SAF technology in its nascent stage and limited data, several stakeholders in the aviation sector were enlisted to assist in the collection of data and preferences. The suggested framework’s strength lies in its adaptability to suit the subjective opinions of diverse stakeholders, selection of a ranking system, and robustness of outcomes. This research engaged stakeholders in a participatory manner to rank 11 (A1 to A11) SAF production paths based on 24 parameters categorized into social, environmental, economic, and technological evaluation criteria. Industry professionals were given a form to rate SAF production methods according to a performance criterion. Data is validated using fuzzy TOPSIS, fuzzy VIKOR, and PROMETHEE II to reduce professionals’ judgmental personal prejudice. Results indicate the optimal feedstock for SAF production is the direct transition process of CO2 to SAF (A11) in the gasification or Fischer-T synthesis group.
Work-life integration in women's lives: A qualitative study
(Sage Publications, 2024) Bulut, Solmaz; Rostami, Mehdi; Bulut, Sefa; Bukhori, Baidi; Seyed Alitabar, Seyed Hadi; Tariq, Zarmin; Zadhasn, Zohreh; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Objective: Work-life integration represents a critical challenge for many, especially women who often navigate complex interplays of professional aspirations and personal responsibilities. This qualitative study aims to explore the experiences of work-life integration among women, identifying the strategies they employ and the challenges they face, with the objective of informing policies and practices that support gender equity and work-life balance. Methods and Materials: Employing a grounded theory approach, the study conducted semi-structured interviews with 23 women from various professional backgrounds. Participants were selected through purposive sampling to ensure a wide range of experiences were represented. Interviews focused on daily routines, challenges in work-life integration, and strategies for managing these challenges. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key themes and patterns. Findings: The study identified five main themes related to work-life integration: Workplace Flexibility, Support Networks, Personal Well-being, Career Advancement, and Work-Life Conflict. These themes highlight the importance of flexible work arrangements, robust support systems, attention to personal wellbeing, pathways for career advancement, and the ongoing negotiation of work-life conflict. Each theme encompasses several subthemes and concepts that illustrate the complex and varied strategies women employ to achieve work-life integration. Conclusion: The findings underscore the multifaceted nature of work-life integration for women, emphasizing the crucial role of workplace flexibility, supportive networks, and policies that prioritize personal well-being and career advancement. The study suggests that addressing these key areas is essential for promoting work-life balance and gender equity in the workplace.
Effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention infused with psychodrama to enhance group processes and alleviate burnout among public institution call center employees: A pilot study
(Muhammed Zincirli, 2024) Uysal, Burcu; Özkul, Seyhan; Bayraktar, Ayşenur; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü
This quasi-experimental study examines the effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention program consisting of psychoeducation sessions and group exercises based on psychodrama warm-up activities resulting from the needs of public sector call center agents in the workplace. Forty municipality call center employees from two municipalities (intervention and control groups) completed pre- and post-test measures before and after the intervention program. Within the scope of the study in sociodemographic form, the Brief Psychological Resilience Scale (BPRS), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS), Organization-Based Self-Esteem Scale (OBSES), Group Cohesion Scale (GCS), and Group Atmosphere Scale (GAS) were used. A follow-up session and follow-up test for the intervention group took place one month after the completion of the intervention sessions. The intervention group showed significant pre-to-post-test short-term effects on psychological resilience and pre-to-follow-up long-term effects on group atmosphere scores. However, there was no significant change in burnout, well-being, or organization-based self-esteem scores. Moreover, no significant difference was noted in the control group from pre- to post-test, except for the decrease in the group atmosphere scores.
Tükenmişlik modellerine ait genel bir değerlendirme
(Muhammed Yıldız, 2024) Çınar, Zeynep; Bulut, Sefa; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Tükenmişlik; çalışanların iş verimliliğini düşüren, bireyde birçok ruhsal ve bedensel problemlere yol açan ciddi bir sendromdur. Son yıllarda üzerinde birçok akademik çalışma yapılan kavramlardan bir tanesi olsa da, bu çalışmaların bulguları yeteri kadar dikkate alınmamakta ve iş yerlerinde tükenmişlikle mücadele adına önlemler göz ardı edilmektedir. Çalışanlar, gerek zihinsel gerekse de bedensel açıdan birçok yeteneğe sahip olsa da tükenmişlik girdabı, bireyin tüm yeteneklerine zarar vererek çalışma performansını ciddi bir biçimde düşürmektedir. İşyerlerinin personel alımlarında gösterdikleri hassasiyeti, personellerinin tükenmişliğiyle mücadelesinde de göstermesi önemli bir konudur. Bu literatür taramasının amacı; tükenmişlik kavramını genel olarak tanıtmak, tarihsel gelişimini incelemek ve geliştirilen farklı modellerin teorilerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla; Edelwich ve Brodsky Tükenmişlik Modeli, Cherniss Tükenmişlik Modeli, Perlman ve Hartman Tükenmişlik Modeli, Golembiewski Tükenmişlik Modeli, Pines ve Aranson Tükenmişlik Modeli ve Maslach Tükenmişlik Modeli tanımlanmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler neticesinde tükenmişliğin, bazı modellerde insanlara hizmet sunan meslek gruplarındaki kişilerde; bazı modellerde ise sadece insanlara hizmet sunan değil; birçok meslek kolunda çalışan kişilerde görülebileceği ifade edilmiştir. Kişilerin, işle ilgili yaşadıkları stresi başarılı bir şekilde yönetememe durumlarının da yaşanan tükenmişlikte etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Ele alınan modeller arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklara çalışmada dikkat çekilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik: Maneviyat psikolojisi VI
(Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2024) Bulut, Sefa; Atak, Mustafa; Bulut, Sefa; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
[No Abstract Available]