Limited şirketlerde intifa senetleri
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Adalet Yayınevi
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İntifa senetleri, sahiplerine şirketin malvarlığından kaynaklı birtakım mali haklara katılma imkânı sağlayan kıymetli evrak niteliğini haiz senetlerdir. 1 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu, 6762 sayılı Ticaret Kanununda sadece anonim şirketler bakımından açıkça düzenlenmiş olan intifa senedi çıkarma imkânını, 584. madde düzenlemesiyle limited şirketler bakımından da uygulanabilir hale getirmiştir. Söz konusu hükümde, "Şirket sözleşmesinde intifa senetlerinin çıkarılması öngörülebilir; bu konuda anonim şirketlere ilişkin hükümler kıyas yoluyla uygulanır’’ denilerek anonim şirketler bakımından öngörülen intifa senetlerine ilişkin hükümlere yollamada bulunulmuştur. Bu durumda uygulama bulacak düzenlemeler, "Kurucu menfaatleri" başlıklı 348. maddesi ile "İntifa Senetleri" kenar başlıklı 502 ve 503. madde hükümleridir. Söz konusu hükümler limited şirketlerin niteliğine uygun düştüğü ölçüde uygulama alanı bulacaktır...
Redeemable usufruct certificates are negotiable instruments that enable their holders to participate in certain financial rights arising from the assets of the company. The Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, which entered into force on 1 July 2012, has made the possibility of issuing usufruct certificates, which was expressly regulated only for joint stock companies in the Commercial Code No. 6762, applicable for limited liability companies with Article 584. İn the said provision, it is stated that "The issuance of usufruct certificates may be stipulated in the articles of association of the company; in this regard, the provisions regarding joint stock companies shall be applied by analogy" and the provisions regarding usufruct certificates for joint stock companies are referred to. İn this case, the applicable provisions are Article 348 titled "Founders' interests" and Articles 502 and 503 titled "Beneficial shares". These provisions will be applied to the extent that they are appropriate to the nature of limited liability companies...
Redeemable usufruct certificates are negotiable instruments that enable their holders to participate in certain financial rights arising from the assets of the company. The Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, which entered into force on 1 July 2012, has made the possibility of issuing usufruct certificates, which was expressly regulated only for joint stock companies in the Commercial Code No. 6762, applicable for limited liability companies with Article 584. İn the said provision, it is stated that "The issuance of usufruct certificates may be stipulated in the articles of association of the company; in this regard, the provisions regarding joint stock companies shall be applied by analogy" and the provisions regarding usufruct certificates for joint stock companies are referred to. İn this case, the applicable provisions are Article 348 titled "Founders' interests" and Articles 502 and 503 titled "Beneficial shares". These provisions will be applied to the extent that they are appropriate to the nature of limited liability companies...
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anonim Şirket, İntifa Senedi, Limited Şirket, Kurucu Menfaatleri, Joint Stock Company, Usufruct Deed, Limited Liability Company, Founder Interests
Prof. Dr. Hasan Pulaşlı'ya Armağan
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bozkır, B. (2023). Limited şirketlerde intifa senetleri. Ö. Korkut, M. F. Cengil, S. Baş, İ.N. Gürbüz Gökberk ve M. Zahid Doğanay (Ed.), Prof. Dr. Hasan Pulaşlı'ya Armağan içinde (Cilt 2, 1117-1153. ss.). Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi.