Işık, Vahdettin

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Organizasyon Birimi
Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
Enstitü, “Medeniyet Araştırmaları” alanını haddizatında müstakil bir araştırma sahası olarak ihdas etmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu çerçevede Medeniyet Araştırmaları alanının kendi çözümleme düzlemlerini tarif etmek ve alanı yönlendirecek ontolojik, epistemolojik ve metodolojik yaklaşımları teklif etmek için çalışmaktadır. Medeniyet Araştırmaları, mevcut disiplinlerin yaklaşımlarının çözümlemekte yetersiz kaldığı, yerel veya dünya ölçeğinde, insanlığın karşılaştığı farklı meseleleri anlamaya yönelik, çok disiplinli ve alternatif bakışlara imkan veren bir yaklaşım sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Adı Soyadı

Vahdettin Işık

İlgi Alanları

Sosyoloji ve Siyaset, Din ve Toplum İlişkileri, Modernleşme, Çağdaş Dünyada İslam ve Türkiye

Kurumdaki Durumu

Aktif Personel

Arama Sonuçları

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  • Yayın
    Geleneğin muhafızı ve değişimin faili olabilmek: Şehadetinin 100. Yıldönümünde Said Halim Paşa’yı yeniden düşünmek
    (Kadim Yayınlar, 2022) Işık, Vahdettin; Işık, Vahdettin
    In order to understand what Said Halim Pasha and the heritage he represented correspond to, it is necessary to explicate the search for a new order and the avenues this search occurred in in the second half of the 19th and the first quarter of the 20th centuries. Because he was both a party to these discussions as foreign minister and Grand Vizier of the Ottoman State, and one of the leading thinkers of the idea of Islamic renewal, which was one of the most significant branches of these discussions. At the time the Pasha was born Muslims were debating whether their conceptions, methods and scientific disciplines were adequate for meeting the needs of the new world they faced. The fact that the Pasha published a collection of his treatises under the title Buhranlarımız (Our Crises) indicates that he perceived the issue at hand as a "crisis". At a time when there emerged diverging evaluations of the historical experience of Islam and Muslims, the Pasha insisted that a solution could be found on the basis of Islam and the historical experience of his own society. Though, his approach did not evolve into traditionalist introversion. The value he attributed to the concept of renewal, however, did not result in adopting a Westernizing line either. For this reason, we can summarize Said Halim Pasha's stance as being at the same time both “a guardian of tradition and an agent of change”. After analyzing the causes of the “crisis” in detail, the Pasha proposes Islamization as the solution. According to him, Islamization should rise on a grounded faith that is supported by coherent knowledge. Therefore, Islamization requires understanding the existence in accordance with its own nature. This article focuses on understanding the thought of Said Halim Pasha in its context.