Baysan, İbrahim Vehbi

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Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Organizasyon Birimi
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
Tarih Bölümü, çok-yönlü, disiplinler-arası, mukayeseli ve sosyolojik bir zenginlik üretmeyi; bu suretle, gerek Avrupa-merkezci veya Batı-merkezci, gerekse dar Osmanlı-Türk odaklı yaklaşımları aşmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Adı Soyadı

İbrahim Vehbi Baysan

İlgi Alanları

Osmanlı Tarihi, Ortadoğu, Tanzimat

Kurumdaki Durumu

Aktif Personel

Arama Sonuçları

Listeleniyor 1 - 1 / 1
  • Yayın
    History of the Ottoman Public Education and Paradigm Shifts
    (Cambridge University, 2019) Baysan, İbrahim Vehbi; Baysan, İbrahim Vehbi; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Classical medrese education continued for centuries without much change and served its purpose: graduating new members for the prestigious ulama and the judiciary. Following the Industrial Revolution and major developments in the 18th century, the Ottoman Empire had to focus on formal military education by opening up new institutions. However, Sultan Mahmud's bureaucratic reforms and the establishment of new governmental institutions required different types of civil servants who could read, understand and more importantly implement the new regulations. This presentation will expound on the changes that occurred throughout the 600-year history of the Ottoman Empire from its beginning to its end. Special reference will be given to the concept of education from the first centuries of Islam.