Nazir, Thseen
Araştırma projeleri
Globalization has brought changes in every aspect of human lives and education process had a huge impact on itself. Globally the movement of students tented from east to west where students prefer to travel and get enrolled in modern and advanced universities of west and tried to adapt the language, culture and their education system. Such trend had been seen in Turkey also in recent times and the universities in Turkey had seen a huge rise of enrolment of international students. The strength of International student's in higher education within the Turkey has increased considerably in the last few years with the help of different Scholarship Program. Every year, the number of foreign students come to get higher education in Turkey and they go through an adaptation process to new University life. Mostly, in early researches around the world revealed that international students face many challenges such as academic challenges, social isolation, and cultural adjustment. The academic challenges include student's communication with their Teachers, their communication with classmates and with other staff members in the universities, different grading system, difference in university norms and regulations, Multicultural classes etc. On another hand, they also face social isolation especially when they are engaged in different social activities. Culturally, they face the differences in the way of thinking and ideological clashes within the new country. In order to overcome these hurdles, challenges and barriers students have to adopt different resources that mainly are derived from the universities and outside universities. In this research work the international student's experiences will be studied in various settings such as in academics, Socio-cultural and personal settings. This research believes that if the faculties, students and other staff members of the universities had a better understanding of these student's academic challenges and needs then an effective support in campus and services can be provided to these students. Also, the universities need to be well prepared and aware of in order to meet students' needs not only academically but also socially and culturally. This research will suggest some preparations which are needed to be made by the universities and scholarship agencies such as International student's offices in universities so the process of adjustment for foreign students becomes easier. The mixed method research design will be used as a study design. For the quantitative part the date will be collected through Demographic Information sheet and International Students Adjustment Scale. In Qualitative study, a focus group interview process will be used in order to get the in depth information and also qualitative case study method will be adopted in order to have in depth understanding of issues such as academic, socio-cultural and personal adaptation faced by international students studying in Turkey. In light of the research the recommendations for the universities and all scholarship providing offices will be generated and how they can assist and help international students. The study will be unique of its kind as there are not much researches done in this field within Turkey and there is a very strong need of it. It will help researchers, policy makers and concerned authorities to understand issues related to international students in Turkey and how unique social and cultural environment of Turkey effects them. In addition, it will give insights of how Turkey and its academic life is being perceived around the globe and can suggest steps if need to improve it.
Organizasyon Birimleri
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültemiz, kuram ve uygulamaların öğretildiği bir yer olmanın ötesinde, fikirlerin yeşerdiği, yeteneklerin geliştiği ve ömür boyu süren arkadaşlıkların kurulduğu dinamik ve çeşitlilik gösteren bir topluluktur.
Adı Soyadı
Thseen Nazir
İlgi Alanları
Bullying Phubbing, Adjustment Issues of International Students, Counselling and Guidence
Kurumdaki Durumu
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12 sonuçlar
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Yayın Depression from a diffirent perspective(Scientific Research Publishing, 2021) Bulut, Sefa; Hajiyousouf, Ishaq Ibrahim; Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüDepression is one of the most common yet a serious mental health condition that individuals have struggled with from the past to the present. It affects the functionality of a human being regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or even religion. The aim of this article is to discuss depression in general and its Islamic perspective in specific as research has shown that an Islamically oriented approach and intervention works better with the Muslim population in general. The paper also aims to have a broader view of how Islam classified depression classically and its modern implications upon psychotherapy which also lets us explore the differences, similarities and gaps between the Islamic and Western perspectives of depression at large. A collection of both classic and modern sources was used to extract information and provide a scope of definitions and clarify what depression means from an Islamic perspective. It was found that application and integration of Islamically oriented psychotherapy showed a faster recovery in the Muslim clients. Yet, further studies and research needs to be conducted in order to compare the effectiveness among the religious and non-religious Muslims and to fill the gap as to why the Muslim population tends to be hesitant in seeking help regarding their psychological problems.Yayın Adolescent smoking: The causes, the onset, the prevalence and the associated risk factors(Chembio Publisher, 2020) Bulut, Sefa; Usman, Ali Cissey; Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüThe menace of adolescents smoking is something that cannot be relegated to the background. The findings of this review attested to the fact that the prevalence of adolescents smoking is still on the rise especially in Europe and the Arab world. Though the onset of cigarette smoking differed from regions of the world, while most are initiated or start to use tobacco at 13 years, some are initiated into it indirectly as early as 6 years. Social workers, counselors, and health care specialists should be informed of the actual reasons leading to underage or early age smoking, which pinpoints to environmental, peers, and family influences, social media referencing and perceived unjustified benefits of tobacco. The symbolic escalation of smoking among adolescents and kids should be addressed with a well-designed national smoking prevention programs that involve schools and families.Yayın The guiding force for moral behaviour and the role of religion to sustain it : A comparative study through a psychological lens(ORSAM, 2020) Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Thabassum, Liyana; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüSince time immemorial, the world has been shaped by various rules and codes of conduct. These rules, though varying with the demands of time, have been incorporated into human life to ensure harmony and prosperity. Of particular significance are the moral or ethical rules that have guided humanity along the path of goodness. Moral codes of conduct have always been tied to the idea of right and wrong, of goodness and evil, and are almost always introduced with religious or cultural undertones. While this may be the cause for differences in certain specific codes of conduct across different cultures and religions, nonetheless, there are also pieces of evidence pointing to a universal nature of moral and ethical values. There are some of these values that remain the same across cultures, and religions are causes for exploration. Therefore, the current paper seeks to explore the similarities in ethical or moral values and behavior found in religious scriptures, namely Futuwwat-nama and certain Hindu scriptures. Moreover, the paper briefly examines modern psychological theories to understand morality through religion. For this purpose, we have examined Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami’s Futuwwat-nama, ‘The Book of Sufi Chivalry,’ and some Hindu scriptures, such as the ‘Rig Veda’, ‘Manu Smrithi’ and ‘Mahabharata’ to name a few. Three broad themes were identified and analyzed using various psychological theories.Yayın Phubbing and what could be its determinants: A dugout of literature(Scientific Research Publishing, 2019) Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüSmartphone technology turned life easy but it also complicated many things in human lives. One of the biggest issues nowadays, which rose by smartphones, is its overuse and it had been studied under the banner of addiction. A different kind of issue arose similar to smartphone addiction when people overuse their smartphones in social settings. This phenomenon has been termed as “Phubbing” when a person uses his smartphone and literally ignores the person beside him. This phenomenon is very new and researchers are trying hard to understand the phenomenon so they can predict the determinants of this phenomenon. The aim of this article is to understand the previous researches, which had been done in the area of smartphone addiction and try to understand the similarities and differences in both the phenomenon. This article tries to dig out the available literature to find out what actually Phubbing is and what can be its true determinants. In addition, it tried to understand various types of addictions, which can elevate the Phubbing behavior in different settings. In the light of definition and current understanding of Phubbing, it will try to understand how various types of addictions will help us to understand it in depth. This study analyzes previous researches done on addiction and researches related to Phubbing, and tries to understand the correlation of various addictive behaviors with Phubbing phenomenon.Yayın The study of emotional and attitudinal responses of teachers who face Phubbing during lectures(Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2019) Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüTechnology invaded every aspect of over lives and classrooms are not the exception. Basically, advancement in education technology tried hard to utilize modern technology in classrooms in order to enhance learning, improve learning environment and it revolutionized the classrooms. In this technological advancement it bought huge positive drift in learning outcomes but on another side, it bought many distractions. One of the common distractions during lectures nowadays is use of smartphones in classrooms during lectures. Teachers often find students using smartphones during there lectures and no doubt even its use had been limited strictly in the classroom policy and norms. Such kind of use of smartphone during the lectures is termed as Phubbing. The Word Phubbing is new and can be defined as the action of ignoring or snubbing someone during one-to-one interaction or in any social events by using smartphones, whether it is checking Facebook, using WhatsApp or using any other chatting applications and attempting multitasks (Nazir.,2016). This phenomenon is nowadays very common in every walk of life and it intrude in classrooms and influences teachers as well as learning environment. Thus, this kind of behavior done by students during lectures can be termed as classroom phubbing. This study will try to understand the influence of phubbing on teachers, their emotional responses, attitudes and whether it had any effect on the teacher’s motivation. The study will interview teachers regarding the phenomenon and the interviews will be guided by the survey questionnaire in order to understand there emotional and attitudinal response towards Phubbing.Yayın Implications of enuresis in children and their families(Scientific Research Publishing, 2020) Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüNocturnal enuresis (bedwetting during the night at sleep) is one of the most disturbing and frustrating childhood problems for both parents as well as children (Bulut, 2019). As many as 5 million American children and families are suffering from it (Warzak, 1993). Nocturnal enuresis is one of the most common disorders of childhood (Schulpen, 1997). If it is not treated, it has a significant effect on children’s social and emotional health. Even when they reach adulthood, enuresis can still have a serious effect on their careers, social life and personal relationships (Graff, 1992). Furthermore, enuresis causes a financial drain in both the families and the society as a whole. Continuously having to wash, dry, and buy washing soaps and diapers can cause a significant financial burden on families. Additionally, enuresis can limit the family’s mobility and vacation planning. Therefore, it seems that it has multiple consequences to be considered.Yayın Phubbing: A phenomenon that is mending social relationships(Tomsk State University, 2019) Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüA competitive evolution began in human communication during the last few decades and it revolutionized the way humans use to communicate, with the advancement of mobile phone, technology and addition of the internet to this device transforming it into a smartphone, which the creator of this device had never imagined. The fast pace of life and the spread of internet bought many features together and the smartphone was no more only a device for long distance verbal communications but its usage and dependency also increased from such features as social networking, online shopping, internet surfing, etc. These features, on one hand, made life easy but on another hand, it bought many psychological issues to their verge. Especially the way humans used to communicate face-to-face was not only facing challenges but also it started affecting us socially. A common behavior nowadays, we all almost encounter during social conversations is multitasking i.e. using our smartphones and simultaneously having face-to- face conversation which psychologist named Phubbing. This behavior is affecting all of us in different social settings and is having a profound effect on our relationships. This paper tries to analyze early research work on Phubbing and tries to understand its impact on our different social relationships with time and space and tries to bring into light its severity and impact.Yayın Panel discussion: Effective bullying intervention(Pejabat Karang Mengarang (UPSI Press), 2021) Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Yıldız, Nadire Gülçin; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüThis panel discussion was one of the sessions in the International Multidisciplinary Perspective Research in Education and Social Sciences (IMPRESS21) conference that took place on 7-9 September 2021. The panel discussion focused on the concept of bullying, various types of bullying, awareness of bullying among children, the role of different contenders in bullying, and effective prevention strategies for bullying problems. The panel members were Professor Sefa Bulut (Ibn Haldun University, Başakşehir, Istanbul, Turkey) whose work focuses on the trauma and school violence relationship. The second panelist was Assistant Prof. Thseen Nazir (Ibn Haldun University, Başakşehir, Istanbul, Turkey), whose specialization focus on school bullying, role of different contenders and culture in bullying behavior, and prevention studies and the third panelist was Assistant Prof. Nadire Yildiz (Istanbul Medipol University) whose research interest focuses on mentorship programs with at-risk youth as a preventive intervention strategy. The panel discussion provided a conceptualization and understanding of bullying concepts and their prevention for school-age children. The panelists provided some insight into the nature of bullying, the underlying problems, causes, and consequences of the problems, and the effective prevention and evidence-based prevention programs for school-age children.Yayın Stalking of healthcare professionals by their clients: The prevalence, motivation, and effect(Scientific Research Publishing, 2021) Bulut, Sefa; Usman, Ali Cissey; Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüIt is proposed that healthcare professionals are prone to be stalked by their patients, but many feel ashamed to talk about it, believing that they might have done something to warrant the stalking. We undertook a rigorous review of the literature with the primitive goal of highlighting noteworthy issues on the stalking of healthcare professionals and psychologists by their patients. Databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar were searched to collate articles and studies on the topic with the keywords “stalker, stalking, assaults, aggression, and physicians”. From the review, the prevalence rate of stalking healthcare professionals ranged between 6% - 53%. This huge variation was largely due to the inconsistencies in the definition of what constituted stalking. The common motives of stalkers were largely due to erotomania or misguided expectation and a sense of resentment due to service dissatisfaction. Finally, it was apparently right to conclude that, medical doctors or healthcare professionals are at risk of being stalked on the grounds of service dissatisfaction, and mismanagement of treatment processes resulting in physical or perceived client injuries. Whereas psychologists and other psychiatrists are more prone to be stalked due to erotomaniac reasons.Yayın Panel discussion: How to conduct a succesful research from scratch to the end(Pejabat Karang Mengarang (UPSI Press), 2021) Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Alay, Ahmed; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüThis panel discussion was one of the sessions in The International Multidisciplinary Perspective Research in Education and Social Sciences (IMPRESS21) conference that took place on 7-9 September 2021. This discussion aimed at giving an idea for the beginning level researcher on how to start from scratch to end and how to go through the stages of social science research. First, panelists emphasized the importance of choosing a new and original topic, then considering and feasibility of the research, then how to conduct an effective literature search and how to choose an appropriate statistical method. It is important to be in touch with reality when designing and conduction research in the sense that you may encounter some unpredictable results and problems. Therefore, it is always better to consider and plan ahead of time where, how, and with whom you will choose your subjects and conclude your research studies. Novice researchers are afraid of interoperating the results. Panelists encourage them to be open-minded and take the liberty of interoperating their results. The panel members were Professor Sefa Bulut (Ibn Haldun University, Başakşehir, Istanbul, Turkey) whose work focuses on the trauma and school violence relationship, and Assistant Prof. Thseen Nazir (Ibn Haldun University, Başakşehir, Istanbul, Turkey), whose specialization focus on school bullying and prevention studies, and Professor Ahmed Alay (University Of Preston, Peshawer Campus), and now an Emeritus Professor.