Nazir, Thseen
Araştırma projeleri
Globalization has brought changes in every aspect of human lives and education process had a huge impact on itself. Globally the movement of students tented from east to west where students prefer to travel and get enrolled in modern and advanced universities of west and tried to adapt the language, culture and their education system. Such trend had been seen in Turkey also in recent times and the universities in Turkey had seen a huge rise of enrolment of international students. The strength of International student's in higher education within the Turkey has increased considerably in the last few years with the help of different Scholarship Program. Every year, the number of foreign students come to get higher education in Turkey and they go through an adaptation process to new University life. Mostly, in early researches around the world revealed that international students face many challenges such as academic challenges, social isolation, and cultural adjustment. The academic challenges include student's communication with their Teachers, their communication with classmates and with other staff members in the universities, different grading system, difference in university norms and regulations, Multicultural classes etc. On another hand, they also face social isolation especially when they are engaged in different social activities. Culturally, they face the differences in the way of thinking and ideological clashes within the new country. In order to overcome these hurdles, challenges and barriers students have to adopt different resources that mainly are derived from the universities and outside universities. In this research work the international student's experiences will be studied in various settings such as in academics, Socio-cultural and personal settings. This research believes that if the faculties, students and other staff members of the universities had a better understanding of these student's academic challenges and needs then an effective support in campus and services can be provided to these students. Also, the universities need to be well prepared and aware of in order to meet students' needs not only academically but also socially and culturally. This research will suggest some preparations which are needed to be made by the universities and scholarship agencies such as International student's offices in universities so the process of adjustment for foreign students becomes easier. The mixed method research design will be used as a study design. For the quantitative part the date will be collected through Demographic Information sheet and International Students Adjustment Scale. In Qualitative study, a focus group interview process will be used in order to get the in depth information and also qualitative case study method will be adopted in order to have in depth understanding of issues such as academic, socio-cultural and personal adaptation faced by international students studying in Turkey. In light of the research the recommendations for the universities and all scholarship providing offices will be generated and how they can assist and help international students. The study will be unique of its kind as there are not much researches done in this field within Turkey and there is a very strong need of it. It will help researchers, policy makers and concerned authorities to understand issues related to international students in Turkey and how unique social and cultural environment of Turkey effects them. In addition, it will give insights of how Turkey and its academic life is being perceived around the globe and can suggest steps if need to improve it.
Organizasyon Birimleri
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültemiz, kuram ve uygulamaların öğretildiği bir yer olmanın ötesinde, fikirlerin yeşerdiği, yeteneklerin geliştiği ve ömür boyu süren arkadaşlıkların kurulduğu dinamik ve çeşitlilik gösteren bir topluluktur.
Adı Soyadı
Thseen Nazir
İlgi Alanları
Bullying Phubbing, Adjustment Issues of International Students, Counselling and Guidence
Kurumdaki Durumu
Aktif Personel
1 sonuçlar
Arama Sonuçları
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Yayın Emotional abuse, emotional competence and self-concept as correlates of academic achievement of boys and girls(InMind Support, 2020) Nazir, Thseen; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüAs we know in this modern society adolescence period or we can say the period of expectations are prone to depression and frustration. They get easily frustrated and depressed, either they are getting poor grades or being scolded by parents or teachers or having any other issues in their peer circles. They face a number of internal and external struggles. They feel stressed due to parental, environmental and social pressures. All these problems are related to each other directly or indirectly. And these problems have certain consequences. One of the main consequences is their low academic score. What were the reasons behind their low academic score or what were its other consequences on their daily life. This study is an effort to answer these questions .The present study was directed on 300 adolescents (boys n =150, & girls n =150) using stratified sampling method. Different scales were used to measure each variable of the study. Results revealed that boys and girls significantly differ in terms of emotional abuse as boys were found to be highly emotionally abused than girls. Also results show that significant difference was found between boys and girls in terms of their emotional competency, girls are found to be emotionally competent than boys. Our findings show that boys and girls differ significantly in terms of academic achievement. Boys are found to be low in their academic achievement whereas girls perform better in their academics. The study also confirm that boys and girls significantly differ in terms of different dimensions of emotional abuse i.e. rejection, terrorizing, isolation, ignoring and corruption.