Nazir, Thseen

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Globalization has brought changes in every aspect of human lives and education process had a huge impact on itself. Globally the movement of students tented from east to west where students prefer to travel and get enrolled in modern and advanced universities of west and tried to adapt the language, culture and their education system. Such trend had been seen in Turkey also in recent times and the universities in Turkey had seen a huge rise of enrolment of international students. The strength of International student's in higher education within the Turkey has increased considerably in the last few years with the help of different Scholarship Program. Every year, the number of foreign students come to get higher education in Turkey and they go through an adaptation process to new University life. Mostly, in early researches around the world revealed that international students face many challenges such as academic challenges, social isolation, and cultural adjustment. The academic challenges include student's communication with their Teachers, their communication with classmates and with other staff members in the universities, different grading system, difference in university norms and regulations, Multicultural classes etc. On another hand, they also face social isolation especially when they are engaged in different social activities. Culturally, they face the differences in the way of thinking and ideological clashes within the new country. In order to overcome these hurdles, challenges and barriers students have to adopt different resources that mainly are derived from the universities and outside universities. In this research work the international student's experiences will be studied in various settings such as in academics, Socio-cultural and personal settings. This research believes that if the faculties, students and other staff members of the universities had a better understanding of these student's academic challenges and needs then an effective support in campus and services can be provided to these students. Also, the universities need to be well prepared and aware of in order to meet students' needs not only academically but also socially and culturally. This research will suggest some preparations which are needed to be made by the universities and scholarship agencies such as International student's offices in universities so the process of adjustment for foreign students becomes easier. The mixed method research design will be used as a study design. For the quantitative part the date will be collected through Demographic Information sheet and International Students Adjustment Scale. In Qualitative study, a focus group interview process will be used in order to get the in depth information and also qualitative case study method will be adopted in order to have in depth understanding of issues such as academic, socio-cultural and personal adaptation faced by international students studying in Turkey. In light of the research the recommendations for the universities and all scholarship providing offices will be generated and how they can assist and help international students. The study will be unique of its kind as there are not much researches done in this field within Turkey and there is a very strong need of it. It will help researchers, policy makers and concerned authorities to understand issues related to international students in Turkey and how unique social and cultural environment of Turkey effects them. In addition, it will give insights of how Turkey and its academic life is being perceived around the globe and can suggest steps if need to improve it.

Organizasyon Birimleri

Organizasyon Birimi
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültemiz, kuram ve uygulamaların öğretildiği bir yer olmanın ötesinde, fikirlerin yeşerdiği, yeteneklerin geliştiği ve ömür boyu süren arkadaşlıkların kurulduğu dinamik ve çeşitlilik gösteren bir topluluktur.

Adı Soyadı

Thseen Nazir

İlgi Alanları

Bullying Phubbing, Adjustment Issues of International Students, Counselling and Guidence

Kurumdaki Durumu

Aktif Personel

Arama Sonuçları

Listeleniyor 1 - 5 / 5
  • Yayın
    South Asian perspectives on the nuclear weapons ban: Challenges and prospects for disarmament
    (Taylor and Francis, 2024) Mir, Mohd Amin; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    This research paper explores the nuanced perspectives of South Asian nations, primarily India and Pakistan, on the global efforts toward nuclear disarmament. Against a complex regional security landscape, historical conflicts, and evolving nuclear doctrines, this study employs a qualitative research design, drawing on document analysis and existing literature. The findings reveal divergent views between India and Pakistan, often shaped by intricate factors of security considerations, regional dynamics, and domestic political influences. The paper discusses the implications of South Asian stances on global disarmament efforts. It proposes potential pathways for fostering dialogue and cooperation in pursuing nuclear disarmament in the region. Through an in-depth examination of South Asian perspectives, this research contributes valuable insights to the broader discourse on nuclear disarmament.
  • Yayın
    Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the career choices of individuals by using career sailboat model
    (Frontiers Media S. A., 2023) Nazir, Thseen; Özçiçek, Ayşe; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Career sailboat model (CSM) is a postmodernist career-counseling model in which career decision-making involves four interrelated and interactive dimensions: individual/personal factors, social factors, system-related factors, and chance factors. According to the CSM, because these factors are interrelated, in case of disclusion of any of them while making a career decision may lead an individual to make unfitting career choices. From this perspective, an unexpected event such as a natural disaster can be considered under the category of chance factor and it can impact other factors -individual, social and system-related- which have an influence on the individual’s career choice as well as its impact varies according to the individual, social and system-related factors. This article aims to understand the effects of COVID-19, as a chance factor, on other constructs -individual/personal, social, and system-related- of the CSM and their overall impacts on people’s career decision-making process. To be able to understand the impact of such a global calamity, the research done during the COVID-19 period has been used in this research. It is concluded that when a calamity like COVID-19 comes into the scene as a chance factor can have a significant impact on an individual’s perspective regarding their career.
  • Yayın
    Adjustment challenges and coping strategies of Arab female international university students
    (Frontiers, 2023) Nazir, Thseen; Özçiçek, Ayşe; Lilla, Nanine; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Over the past decade, Türkiye has experienced an increasing influx of international students, particularly from various Arab countries. The significant number of Arab international university students has prompted researchers to pay more attention to the experiences of this population in the country. This study examined the adjustment problems experienced by Arab female international university students in Türkiye…
  • Yayın
    Dimensions responsible for overall satisfaction among university students: A case study of Ibn Haldun University
    (Tomsk State University, 2024) Nazir, Thseen; Nawab, Tabish; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Educational institutions around the world are always trying to impart the highest quality of education, and they are continuously improving their quality and standards. This practice enables them to attract much more capable students as well as academics. As the student is at the center of the learning process, his/her satisfaction is also at the center of the quality and standards of an educational institution. This study aims to find and assess the most important dimensions responsible for the overall satisfaction of Ibn Haldun’s students. For this, a sample of 180 students from different departments, programs (undergraduate, graduate and language), gender (Male – 41.28% and Female – 58.72%), nationalities (Turkish – 71% and Foreigners – 29%), etc. were surveyed. Students were questioned about their satisfaction levels on different dimensions like academic, accommodations, facilities and services, extracurricular, economic and financial, social and cultural via their expectations before joining Ibn Haldun University. In-depth descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression model with General to Specific methodology has been used to find and evaluate the key dimensions contributing to overall satisfaction. The study found overall satisfaction to be independent of gender and nationality. Also, graduate students were found to be more satisfied than undergraduates, while the number of semesters spent at Ibn Haldun University was found to be positively and highly correlated with overall satisfaction. Furthermore, economic and financial benefits granted to students by the university, academic features and the facilities and services dimen- sions are the key determinants of overall satisfaction of the students. The study concludes that the students’ satisfaction can be further improved by enhancing the above-mentioned features and a special attention may be given to social and cultural integration of students, accommo- dation facilities provided to the students and extracurricular activities.
  • Yayın
    Phubbing: A phenomenon that is mending social relationships
    (Tomsk State University, 2019) Nazir, Thseen; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Nazir, Thseen; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    A competitive evolution began in human communication during the last few decades and it revolutionized the way humans use to communicate, with the advancement of mobile phone, technology and addition of the internet to this device transforming it into a smartphone, which the creator of this device had never imagined. The fast pace of life and the spread of internet bought many features together and the smartphone was no more only a device for long distance verbal communications but its usage and dependency also increased from such features as social networking, online shopping, internet surfing, etc. These features, on one hand, made life easy but on another hand, it bought many psychological issues to their verge. Especially the way humans used to communicate face-to-face was not only facing challenges but also it started affecting us socially. A common behavior nowadays, we all almost encounter during social conversations is multitasking i.e. using our smartphones and simultaneously having face-to- face conversation which psychologist named Phubbing. This behavior is affecting all of us in different social settings and is having a profound effect on our relationships. This paper tries to analyze early research work on Phubbing and tries to understand its impact on our different social relationships with time and space and tries to bring into light its severity and impact.