Increasing the effectiveness of youth policy implementation at the level of territorial communities
Boltivets, Sergii
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Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University
Erişim Hakkı
Стаття розкриває основні підходи до оцінки ефективності реалізації мо¬лодіжної політики територіальними громадами та наводить індикатори, за допомогою яких можливо з’ясувати мотиваційну динаміку її втілення та встановити компаративні результати. Відзначено, що програми, політика та практика розвитку молоді в громаді має зосереджуватися на позитивних методах і містити практичні інструменти й моделі для розроблення загаль¬ногромадських ініціатив, які розвивають компетенції та зосереджуються на схвалюваних громадами показниках. Стверджується, що розвиток молоді не відбувається й не повинен відбуватися в ізольованих контекстах, а навпаки, має бути вбудований у численні середовища, в яких взаємодіє і живе молодь, та переміщується до ініціатив, що розвивають індивідуальний потенціал. Розкрито взаємозв’язок між місцевою громадою та конкретною територією проживання корінних народів на належних їм масивах природних ресурсів, що втілився в русі, який сприяв справедливості в охороні природи, а в 2010 році був офіційно заснований у Швейцарії як міжнародна асоціація «Консорціум територій життя корінних народів»...
The article reveals the main approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy by territorial communities and provides indicators that can be used to find out the motivational dynamics of its implementation and establish comparative results. It was noted that programs, policies, and practices of youth development in the community should focus on positive methods and contain practical tools and models for developing community-wide initiatives that develop competencies and focus on community-approved indicators. It is argued that youth development does not and should not occur in isolated contexts, but rather should be embedded in the multiple environments in which young people interact and live, and move towards initiatives that develop individual potential. The relationship between the local community and the specific territory of indigenous peoples on their natural resources was revealed, which was embodied in a movement that promoted justice in nature protection, and in 2010 was of¬ficially founded in Switzerland as an international association «Consortium of Indigenous Peoples’ Territories «. The decisive mission of children and young people, including unborn descendants, is stated in the «Manifesto of the Territories of Life», signed by the author on behalf of the Ukrainian people, to which Ukraine has thereby joined: «The decisive role of the territories of life and their guardians in ensuring that future generations inherit a world that is diverse, fair and livable.» Indicators of the evaluation system in 12 possible areas of youth policy proposed by the University of Girona (Kingdom of Spain) are presented, which include «Education», «Employment», «Housing», «Health», «Participation and association», «Culture», «Social cohesion», «Sports», «Information and orientation of youth», «Mobility», «Methodological aspects of youth policy» and «Resources of youth policy». Attention is drawn to the proposition that the motivational dynamics of the implementation of youth policy by territorial communities is derived from one of the central elements in social discourses and, among them, in discourses related to youth policy, to which the full citizenship of a young person belongs...
The article reveals the main approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy by territorial communities and provides indicators that can be used to find out the motivational dynamics of its implementation and establish comparative results. It was noted that programs, policies, and practices of youth development in the community should focus on positive methods and contain practical tools and models for developing community-wide initiatives that develop competencies and focus on community-approved indicators. It is argued that youth development does not and should not occur in isolated contexts, but rather should be embedded in the multiple environments in which young people interact and live, and move towards initiatives that develop individual potential. The relationship between the local community and the specific territory of indigenous peoples on their natural resources was revealed, which was embodied in a movement that promoted justice in nature protection, and in 2010 was of¬ficially founded in Switzerland as an international association «Consortium of Indigenous Peoples’ Territories «. The decisive mission of children and young people, including unborn descendants, is stated in the «Manifesto of the Territories of Life», signed by the author on behalf of the Ukrainian people, to which Ukraine has thereby joined: «The decisive role of the territories of life and their guardians in ensuring that future generations inherit a world that is diverse, fair and livable.» Indicators of the evaluation system in 12 possible areas of youth policy proposed by the University of Girona (Kingdom of Spain) are presented, which include «Education», «Employment», «Housing», «Health», «Participation and association», «Culture», «Social cohesion», «Sports», «Information and orientation of youth», «Mobility», «Methodological aspects of youth policy» and «Resources of youth policy». Attention is drawn to the proposition that the motivational dynamics of the implementation of youth policy by territorial communities is derived from one of the central elements in social discourses and, among them, in discourses related to youth policy, to which the full citizenship of a young person belongs...
Anahtar Kelimeler
оцінка ефективності, молодіжна політика, територіальні громади, мотиваційна динаміка, компаративні результати, позитивні мето- ди, практичні інструменти, загальногромадські ініціативи, розвиток молоді, індивідуальний потенціал, території життя, повноправне громадянство, різ- номанітність підходів, Performance Evaluation, Youth Policy, Territorial Communities, Motivational Dynamics, Comparative Results, Positive Methods, Practical Tools, Communitywide Initiatives, Youth Development, Individual Potential, Territories of Life, Full Citizenship, Diversity of Approaches
Public Policy
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Boltivets, S. & Bulut, S. (2024). Increasing the effectiveness of youth policy implementation at the level of territorial communities. Public Policy, 1(1), 14-44.