Hareketu’t-te’lif fi uluumi’l-kur’an ‘abre’l-kuruni’s-selaseti’l-‘ula : ‘ilmu’t-tefsir ve ba’du’l-‘ulumi’l-kur’aniyye Unmızecen
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İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları
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حين تتطلع فهارس التراث العربي والإسلامي، ابتداء بالفهرست للنديم (ت ۱۳۸۰ / ۹۹۰م) وانتهاء بتاريخ التراث العربي لفؤاد سزكين (ت 1439هـ/ 2018م)، يلاحظ فيها ذكر قليل وحضور يسير للتأليف والمصنفات من القرون الثلاثة الأولى للهجرة في شتى العلوم. هذا يسري أيضاً على العلوم الشرعية بأنواعها؛ ففي تاريخ المصاحف مثلاً لم يكتب البقاء للمصاحف العثمانية ولا حتى للمصحف الإمام. كذلك بواكير الكتب المؤلفة في مرسوم المصاحف التي أعتنت بمدارسة خصائص الرسم العثماني ومباحثة ظواهره؛ وهي في عداد الكتب المفقودة. هذه الحالة لا تختلف عن أحوال العلوم القرائية، مثل علم التجويد وعلم العدد وعلم القراءات وعلم الوقف والابتداء؛ فبواكير تواليفها التي ترجع إلى الربع الأخير من القرن الأول الهجري وما تبعها من سلسلة تواليف كثيفة خلال القرنين الثاني والثالث للهجرة، كما تشهد لذلك فهارس التراث، لم يسلم منها مع بالغ الأسف شيءٌ إلا في النادر. أما علم التفسير، فوضعه أحسن بكثير من أوضاع العلوم القرائية، إذ أوردت الفهارس التراثية مجموعة كبيرة من التفاسير المبكرة التي وصل إلينا بعض منها إما بصورة كاملة وإما بصورة ناقصة. من هنا يحاول هذا البحث أن يستعرض ما ألف في هذه العلوم أثناء هذه الحقبة المتقدمة هدف الوقوف على عمق أزمة التراث المبكر وحجم المفقود منه وكيفية السبيل إلى الإحاطة به بالتعويل على مصادر التراث المتأخر.
When one explores the available heritage catalogues, starting with al-Fihrist of an-Nadīm (d. 380/990) and ending with die Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums of Fuat Sezgin (d. 1439/2018), he clearly sees a little mention and a weak presence of Arabic and Islamic heritage in various sciences from the first three centuries of hijra; This, of course, applies to the Islamic theologian sciences of all kinds. Regarding the history of the text of the Qurʾān, neither the ʿuthmānic codices nor the so-called imām codex have survived. Also, the early works written in the orthography of the Qurʾānic text, which deal with its characteristics and phenomena, have not survived to us. This case does not differ from case of the Qurʾānic sci-ences that are concerned with correctness and accuracy of the reading and recitation of the Qurʾān, such as the science of the Qurʾānic readings, the science of the recitation of the Qurʾān, the science of stopping and beginning. Their early works date back to the first century of hijra. In the sec-ond and third centuries, the movement of writing in these fields strengthened, as witnessed by the several catalogues of the heritage, but what was spared is very rare. As for the science of exegesis, its condition is much better than the above-mentioned from the Qurʾānic sciences; the catalogues mention a wide range of early tafsīr works that have survived, partly complete and partly incomplete. Therefore, this contribution attempts to present an updated presentation of what was written in the aforementioned sciences in order to show the depth of the crisis of early heritage and the size of the lost from it on the one hand and how to reset it based on later sources on the other hand.
When one explores the available heritage catalogues, starting with al-Fihrist of an-Nadīm (d. 380/990) and ending with die Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums of Fuat Sezgin (d. 1439/2018), he clearly sees a little mention and a weak presence of Arabic and Islamic heritage in various sciences from the first three centuries of hijra; This, of course, applies to the Islamic theologian sciences of all kinds. Regarding the history of the text of the Qurʾān, neither the ʿuthmānic codices nor the so-called imām codex have survived. Also, the early works written in the orthography of the Qurʾānic text, which deal with its characteristics and phenomena, have not survived to us. This case does not differ from case of the Qurʾānic sci-ences that are concerned with correctness and accuracy of the reading and recitation of the Qurʾān, such as the science of the Qurʾānic readings, the science of the recitation of the Qurʾān, the science of stopping and beginning. Their early works date back to the first century of hijra. In the sec-ond and third centuries, the movement of writing in these fields strengthened, as witnessed by the several catalogues of the heritage, but what was spared is very rare. As for the science of exegesis, its condition is much better than the above-mentioned from the Qurʾānic sciences; the catalogues mention a wide range of early tafsīr works that have survived, partly complete and partly incomplete. Therefore, this contribution attempts to present an updated presentation of what was written in the aforementioned sciences in order to show the depth of the crisis of early heritage and the size of the lost from it on the one hand and how to reset it based on later sources on the other hand.
Anahtar Kelimeler
علوم القرآن, الموسوعات_المعاجم, تفسير, Kuran Sciences, Hermeneutics
İslâm’da Medeniyet Bilimleri Tarihi (1. Cilt)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Hamdan, O. (2021). Hareketu’t-te’lif fi uluumi’l-kur’an ‘abre’l-kuruni’s-selaseti’l-‘ula : ‘ilmu’t-tefsir ve ba’du’l-‘ulumi’l-kur’aniyye Unmızecen. R. Şentürk, A. Süruri, R. T. Kalyoncu, M. Sürün ve E. Morgül (Ed.). İslâm’da Medeniyet Bilimleri Tarihi (1. Cilt) içinde (117- 190. ss.). İstanbul: İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları.