Young people's COVID-19 narratives from an argumentative perspective and normative implications

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Aktar, Merve




Aktar, Merve
Merve Aktar earned her PhD in English from the University of Southern California. As a doctoral student, she taught core curriculum academic writing and critical reasoning courses, and worked as a writing consultant at the Viterbi Academic Resources Center. Since 2018, Merve has been Assistant Professor in the IHU Comparative Literature Department. She is one of the founding members of the Munazara and Argumentation Ethics Research Center, and is currently involved in two Center-related projects. She is the principal investigator of “Young People's COVID-19 Narratives from an Argumentative Perspective, and Normative Implications,” and is a researcher in “Adab in Dialogue: Developing Argumentative Virtues in a Divided World.” Merve’s research areas are mainly English literatures between 1580 - 1850, cognitive literary criticism, and virtue argumentation.


Organizasyon Birimleri

Organizasyon Birimi
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Bölümü
Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Bölümü’nün vizyonu, özellikle Avrupa ve Orta Doğu dillerinde yazılmış eserleri hem birbirleriyle hem de Türk Edebiyatı’yla mukayese ederek, medeniyetlerin geçişkenliği hakkında bilgi üretmek ve farkındalık yaratmaktır. Eleştirel bakış açısının temel alınacağı Bölümde, edebiyat, dil, kültür, sinema alanlarındaki gelişmeleri yakından takip edip, tartışmalara katkı sağlayacak bilim insanları yetiştirmeyi hedeflemektedir.


Career-wise, this project provided some of its researchers their valuable first experience with project development, coordination, execution, in addition data analysis. Specifically in terms of the topic, the project facilitated: - deeper understanding in three dimensions of the undertaken work: the experiences and coping strategies of students in Turkey during the pandemic lockdown, - the extension of the analytical focus of argument analysis from propositions to narrative stories. - the formation of a competent core research team in performing argument analysis of everyday discourse and narratives - endeavors to write and apply to large-scale projects with the core research team and partnerships. - a PhD dissertation on the project topic, in progress, by ACI student, Hossein Turner.

Anahtar kelimeler

COVID-19, Young People, Normative Implications