Clark, Kelly James
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İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü
Bölüm, uluslararası standartlarda nitelikli bilgi üretmeyi, özellikle İslam felsefesi, Türk düşüncesi ve fenomenoloji geleneğini merkeze almayı ve bu meyanda felsefi bilgi üretilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Batı'da gelişen felsefenin soy kütüğünde sadece Yunan, Helenistik ve Hıristiyan değil, İslam felsefi mirası da yer almaktadır.
Adı Soyadı
Kelly James Clark
İlgi Alanları
Din Felsefesi, Bilim ve Din, Bilişsel Bilim, Felsefe, Bilim Tarihi ve Felsefesi
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4 sonuçlar
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Yayın Philosophy and friendship(Oxford University Press, 2024) Clark, Kelly James; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe BölümüWhenImadethemistakeofagreeing to write commentary onfourteen chapters that I knew little or nothing about, I had no idea how deep was my folly. I am a trained philosopher of religion, trained by one of the best—Alvin Plantinga. I have been practising my trade for nearly four decades. I’m often asked to speak or write on the philosophy of religion. But I’ve come to learn that I have really been trained in philosophy of Christianity, by one of the best Christian philosophers—Alvin Plantinga. I’ve been practising the trade of Christian philosophy of religion for nearly four decades. I’m often asked to speak or write on the philosophy of Christianity. It’s not just me. The vast majority of philosophy of religion of the past fifty plus years is philosophy of Christianity. But I have few regrets. Honestly, given the hostility to religious belief in the academy, it was a relief to work among a community of like-minded scholars towards common goals…Yayın Randomness and providence: Is God a bowler or a curler?(Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) Clark, Kelly James; Koperski, Jeffrey; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe BölümüMost Abrahamic theists affrm divine providence, the doctrine that God brings about or allows everything that happens in the universe; moreover, they hold that God controls creation so that all things either are good or work together for good. How, then, does God do it? How does God’s providential guidance work? These are old questions, but the traditional answers did not have to face the modern scientifc claim that nature is, to some degree or other, random. How then can God ensure that God’s providential aims are met? This is the central question of this volume. We briefy present some of the issues in this introduction.Yayın A spiritual geography of early Chinese thought: Gods, ancestors, and afterlife(Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2022) Clark, Kelly James; Winslett, Justin; Flint, Thomas; Koons, Robert; Pruss, Alexander; Taliaferro, Charles; Trigg, Roger; Widerker, David; Wynn, Mark; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe BölümüIt is widely claimed that notions of gods and religious beliefs are irrelevant or inconsequential to early Chinese (“Confucian”) moral and political thought. Rejecting the claim that religious practice plays a minimal philosophical role, Kelly James Clark and Justin Winslett offer a textual study that maps the religious terrain of early Chinese texts. They analyze the pantheon of extrahumans, from high gods to ancestor spirits, discussing their various representations, as well as examining conceptions of the afterlife and religious ritual. Demonstrating that religious beliefs in early China are both textually endorsed and ritually embodied, this book goes on to show how gods, ancestors and afterlife are philosophically salient. The summative chapter on the role of religious ritual in moral formation shows how religion forms a complex philosophical system capable of informing moral, social, and political conditions.Yayın God and the problems of love(Cambridge University Press, 2023) Clark, Kelly James; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe BölümüReligious believers are often commanded to love like God. Onclassical accounts, God seems a poor model for human beings: an immutable and impassable being seems incapable of the kind of episodic emotion(sympathy,empathy)thatseemsrequiredfor thebest sorts of human love. Models more conducive to human love, on the other hand, are often rejected because they seem to limit God’s power and glory. This Element looks first at God and then divine love within the Abrahamic traditions—Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. It will then turn to love and the problem of hell, which is argued as primarily a problem for Christians. The author discusses the kind of love each tradition asks ofhumansandwonders,givenrecentworkintherelevant cognitive and social sciences, if such love is even humanly possible.