Çolak, Yaşar

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İslami İlimler Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümü
Köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan İslami İlimler, güçlü bir gelenek oluşturmuştur. Bu gelenek içerisinde, akıl ile vahiy, fizik ile metafizik arasında uyum sağlanmıştır. Ne var ki modern dönemde bu uyum bozulduğu için daha önce var olmayan dinî , hukukî, itikadî, sosyal, psikolojik vb. pek çok problemle karşılaşılmıştır. Bu problemlere çözüm üretilmesi, din ile dünya arasındaki uyum ve yakınlaşmanın yeniden tesisini gerektirmektedir. Bu da İslami ilimlerde nitelikli çalışmalar yapmakla mümkündür.

Adı Soyadı

Yaşar Çolak

İlgi Alanları

İslam Tarihi, Batıda İslam Araştırmaları

Kurumdaki Durumu

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Listeleniyor 1 - 2 / 2
  • Yayın
    Islamic or secular history: Reassessing the categories of Muslim historical writing by Tarif Khalidi and Thomas Bauer
    (Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, 2020) Çolak, Yaşar; Chizari, Navid; İslami İlimler Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümü
    The growing acceptance to challenge long-held notions have led to many new insights and opened up ways to access the Islamic scholarly tradition anew. This applies especially when it comes to the categories of Islamic and Secular. The present paper focuses on the works by Tarif Khalidi, a historian of Palestinian origin, and Thomas Bauer, a German scholar specializing in Arabic language and literature, and tries to achieve three objectives. First, applying the concept of cultural ambiguity to the formative period and observing it in its formative stages. Second, showing how and when a secular approach to history became the norm. Third, demonstrating how Muslim scholars demarcated a shar?? realm in which the subject matters of the different sciences were in one way or another dealing with the revelation. This selfimposed boundary opened up a space for other discourses with their epistemologies based on reason and empirical knowledge. From a very early stage, history was to be found in this non-shar?? realm of secular sciences.
  • Yayın
    The Schlomo Dov Goitein’s “political” symbiosis in the secrets of Simon Ben Yohai. A Qur’anic reappraisal for a Jewish apocalyptic source on the reflecting of an early Islamic background
    (2022) Çolak, Yaşar; Gulec, Serdar Cihan; Çolak, Yaşar; İslami İlimler Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümü
    This paper examines the concept of symbiosis in Islamic history as developed by Schlomo Dov Goitein, the 20th century Jewish German scholar in the area of Jewish and Arabic studies and discusses its application to the identity sourcing of Prophet Muhammad in particular. The aim of the study is to review the historical outline briefly on the background and formation of “symbiosis” preceding and in the aftermath of Goitein’s conceptualization and context, following a qualitative research approach with an intertextual criticism to his references and discussing their possible philological aspects in his mindset. The study found that, while the Islamic historical sources presented the relations between Jews and Muslim in Madina period of Islam as negative, in Goitein’s works, the Jewish perception of early Islamic history is positively grounded on a mid-eight century Jewish messianic-apocalyptical text, namely, The Secrets of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai as traditionally understood in Judaism for describing Ishmaelites as the savior of Jews from Christian oppression. This finding seems to be in explicit contradistinction to the concept of innovative “creative symbiosis” with subversion of historical experience.