Maraba, Dilara

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Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültemiz, kuram ve uygulamaların öğretildiği bir yer olmanın ötesinde, fikirlerin yeşerdiği, yeteneklerin geliştiği ve ömür boyu süren arkadaşlıkların kurulduğu dinamik ve çeşitlilik gösteren bir topluluktur.

Adı Soyadı

Dilara Maraba

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  • Yayın
    The exploration of academic procrastination from self regulated learning perspective
    (Asclepius Open LLC, 2022) Maraba, Dilara; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Maraba, Dilara; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Many people have an issue which is delaying or putting tasks off, so they face distress and concomitantly failure in different domains of life. Procrastination is a scientific term that explains the situation, and academic procrastination is the distinct type which is generally attributed to self-regulatory failure that refers to being successful in self-control, self-discipline, emotional regulation and cognitive process, so it is significant to analyze self-regulated learning and its perspectives. In this regard, Zimmerman, Winnie, Hadwin and Pintrinch are prominent scholars, who proposed SRL models that generally follow common phases which are task analysis, performing, monitoring and feedback. Also, intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation, self-efficacy, the control of beliefs, the fear of failure (test anxiety), cognitive and metacognitive learning abilities are fundamental components of SRL.