Yaslıçimen, Faruk

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Organizasyon Birimleri

Organizasyon Birimi
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
Tarih Bölümü, çok-yönlü, disiplinler-arası, mukayeseli ve sosyolojik bir zenginlik üretmeyi; bu suretle, gerek Avrupa-merkezci veya Batı-merkezci, gerekse dar Osmanlı-Türk odaklı yaklaşımları aşmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Adı Soyadı

Faruk Yaslıçimen

İlgi Alanları

Osmanlı Tarihi, Sosyal Tarih, Şiiler, Kültür Politikaları

Kurumdaki Durumu

Aktif Personel

Arama Sonuçları

Listeleniyor 1 - 2 / 2
  • Yayın
    The Committee of Union and Progress and The Iraqi Shiites
    (Routledge, 2024) Yaslıçimen, Faruk; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    This article analyses the relationship between the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the Shiite subjects of Ottoman Iraq in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, it examines the various contexts in which the CUP attempted to integrate Iraq's Shiite population into the state apparatus – for example, by authorizing and supporting the establishment of modern Shiite schools or by employing Shiite scholars at the Ottoman courts. The Shiites themselves navigated administrative contexts, regularly petitioning the Ottoman authorities to fight for their rights under the recently restored constitution of 1908, thus exercising agency as Shiite subjects of the empire. In dealing with Iraq's Shiite population, the CUP government in Istanbul had to negotiate continuity and change in its policies towards them from earlier practices under the rule of Abdulhamid II (r. 1876–1909). New policies and administrative practices towards Iraq's Shiite population also had to be negotiated with local political intermediaries – creating a complex political constellation in which the equally complex relationship between the CUP and the Iraqi Shiites would unfold.
  • Yayın
    Saving the minds and loyalties of subjects: Ottoman education policy against the spread of shiism in Iraq during the time of Abdülhamid II
    (Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı, 2016) Yaslıçimen, Faruk; Yaslıçimen, Faruk; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Ottoman authorities realized that the Sunni orthopraxy and ipso facto state sovereignty in Iraq were in danger. They believed that the great numbers of Sunni masses converting to Shiism could pose a serious political risk in the near future. To guarantee the political loyalties of the subjects living in Iraq, the Ottoman authorities formulated a policy of education to protect and correct beliefs. This article explains how the Ottoman government during the time of Abdülhamid II applied counter-measures against the perceived spread of Shiism in Iraq. These included appointing single Sunni professors to madrasas, sending itinerant preachers among the tribesmen to teach them the basic tenets of Sunnism, opening modern schools, and taking Iraqi Shiite boys at an early age to Istanbul to change their beliefs. The article further addresses issues that emerged during the implementation of this policy, such as the questions of whether to select local or non-local ulama and how to overcome financial challenges. Overall, the Ottoman policy of education aimed at disseminating an identity of Ottomanness (Osmanlılık) that included the correction of the beliefs of non-Sunni Muslim groups. This also meant re-defining Ottomanness in closer association with the Sunni interpretation of Islam.