Özcan, Rasim
Araştırma projeleri
Organizasyon Birimleri
Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İktisat Bölümü
İktisat Bölümü, başta Türkiye ve çevre ülkeler olmak üzere küresel ekonomileri anlayan, var olan sorunları analiz ederken, iktisadi kuramları ve kavramları yetkin ve özgün bir şekilde kullanma becerisine sahip bireyler yetiştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Adı Soyadı
Rasim Özcan
İlgi Alanları
Ekonomi, Finansal piyasalar, Manipülasyon ve Düzenleme, Blockchain Kripto Para Birim
Kurumdaki Durumu
Pasif Personel
2 sonuçlar
Arama Sonuçları
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Yayın Till debt does us apart: Cross-country evidence on the relationship between microfinance prevalence and social distrust(Public Library Science, 2023) Khan, Asad ul Islam; Özcan, Rasim; Masood, Syed Muhammad Usman; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İktisat BölümüEconomic interventions have social consequences. In this paper, we explore one such relationship, between microfinance intensity and social distrust levels reported by the low-income people. We find a significant association between microfinance intensity in a country and distrust among the poor as well as ultra-poor in cross-section using World Values Survey & European Values Survey (WVS-EVS) Wave 7 (2017-2022). We supplement these findings using empirical Bayes on a panel extending back from 7th to the 4th WVS wave (1999-2004). To deal with potential endogeneity, we run 2SLS as well as weak instruments-robust conditional instrumental variable tests and find evidence showing microfinance prevalence intensity affects distrust levels among the poor and ultra-poor households. We find no association between microfinance and distrust levels in the rich in any of the tests, potentially because the rich are not exposed to microfinance.Yayın Hegemony of network capabilities, frugal innovation and innovation strategies: The innovation performance perspective(MDPI, 2021) Haffar, Mohamed; Özcan, Rasim; Radulescu, Magdalena; Isac, Nicoleta; Nassani, Abdelmohsen A.; Özcan, Rasim; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İktisat BölümüThe emergence of advanced technologies has brought new challenges and opportunities for all kinds of business organizations. In a technologically advanced era, innovation plays a dominant role for the successful operation of the commercial landscape. Therefore, the current study was conducted to investigate the impact of network capabilities (NC) and frugal innovation (FI) on innovation performance (IP). Furthermore, the mediating role of FI and moderating role of innovation strategies has also been tested on the link between NC and IP. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) registered with small and medium enterprises development authorities (SMEDA) were approached for the completion of the current study. Only 509 owner/managers agreed to participate. A quantitative research design was employed for the current study. During the two–three months process of data collection only 387 complete responses were received from the SMEs working in Pakistan’s big cities. Correlation, regression and bootstrap methods were applied to test the study hypotheses. The findings revealed that NC positively affect FI and IP. Furthermore, the findings also confirmed the mediating effect of FI between NC and IP link. The performance of SMEs working in emerging economies is largely based on their innovative activities. In this dynamic scenario SMEs’ survival is attached to continuous IP in their products and services.