İslâm iş ahlakının temelleri ve İbn Haldun'da ahlak medeniyet ilişkisi
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İbn Haldun Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
Ahlak terimi dilimizde iki anlama sahiptir. Birincisi insanların toplum içinde uyması gereken kural ve ilkeleri belirtirken ikincisi ahlak felsefesini belirtmektedir. İş ahlakı terimi çalışma ve meslek ahlakını da içermektedir. İslâm dininin temel ilkesi ise tevhid yani Allah’ının birliği ilkesidir. Bu ilke iş ve ticaret yaşamında da etkisini göstermiştir. İş ahlakı açısından İslâmiyet'in önemli bir özelliği de Hz. Peygamber’in bizzat ticaretle uğraşmış olmasıdır. İslâm iş ahlakında tevhid ile birlikte muvazene, özgür irade, sorumluluk ve ihsan gibi dört ilke daha vardır. Batıda görülen lonca teşkilatlarının Osmanlıdaki benzerleri Ahîlik ve gedik sistemidir. Ahîlik ise Horasan erenlerinin Anadolu’nun Türkleştirilmesi aşamasında kurulmuş bulunan ve kökü fütüvvet teşkilatında olan esnaf örgütlenmesinin adıdır. Ahîlik, yaşadığı dönemde ahlak, eğitim-bilim, kalite-standart, üretici-tüketici ilişkisi ve denetim konularında da toplumsal işleyişlere nüfuz etmiştir. İslâm dünyasında 16. yüzyıldan sonra başlayan ekonomik gerileme bireyciliği değil kaderciliği ve kollektivizmi teşvik etmiştir. İslâm’da refah, para ve zamana karşı geliştirilen tutumlar Protestan ve Katoliklerden çok da farklı değildir. Bu konuda belki de en önemli fark faiz yasağında yatmaktadır. İslâm’da zenginliğin iyi olarak görülmesini İslâm geleneğinde veren elin alan elden üstün olduğu düsturu ile açıklanır. İbn Haldun bir insan toplumunun medenileşme süreci hakkında kafa yormuş ve özellikle medeni olmayan yani göçebe Arap kabilelerinin medenileşme hikâyesini anlatmıştır. Askeri ve bürokratik örgütlenme seyfiyye ve kalemiyye sınıflarının gelişimi ile anlatılırken ticaret ve zanaat faaliyetleri de ihmal edilmemiştir. İbn Haldun medeniyetin ahlakı bozup bozmadığı tartışması üzerinde uzun uzadıya durur. O şehirli medeniyetin insan değerlerini yozlaştırdığı, kişinin erdem ve ahlakını bozduğu görüşündedir. İbn Haldun'un iş ahlakı ile doğrudan ilgili olarak en önemli sözleri Mukaddime'nin 2. Cildinde yer alan Muhtesiplik ve Sikke hakkındaki parçadır.
The term of ahlak has two meaning in Turkish language. The first meaning is ethic or morality which refers to accepted ethical rules and principles in a society. The second meaning is ethics which refers to philosophical search for what is good or what is bad. The term of business ethics includes work ethic and professional ethic. Main principle of İslâm is unity of God (tawhid). This principle has also effects on business life. It should be noted that Prophet Muhammad was dealing with trade and business in his early life. There are four other principles in Islamic business ethics: balance, free will, responsibility and charity. Equivalent of trade guilds of the West in Ottoman society is Ahîlik Brotherhood. This brotherhood was established as a guild of traders and merchants by Horasan Yesevi Dervishes during the Turkification of Anatolia in the 11th Century. Ahîlik Brotherhoods affected Turkish business life in ethics, education, science, quality, standards, consumer relations, and control of production. Muslim societies experienced an economic decline starting from 16th century. This economic decline encouraged fatalism instead of individualism. Attitudes toward wealth, money and time in Islam is not so different from Catholic and Protestant societies. Perhaps attitudes to usury is the only difference. Wealth is not considered as an undesired situation in Islam because of the Islamic maxim of “giving is better than getting.”. Ibn Khaldun studied about civilization process of human societies especially of civilization of nomadic Arab tribes. Military and bureaucratic organization was explained by the improvement of sword owners (Salafiyya) and pen owners (Kalamiyya) classes. Trade and craft activities was not omitted in Ibn Khaldun’s writings. He discusses in detailed relationship between civilization and ethical decline. He believes that city life and civilization degenerates personal virtues and ethical standards. We can find his thoughts about business ethics in the second volume of Al-Mukaddima’s section of Muhtasib and Coins discussion.
The term of ahlak has two meaning in Turkish language. The first meaning is ethic or morality which refers to accepted ethical rules and principles in a society. The second meaning is ethics which refers to philosophical search for what is good or what is bad. The term of business ethics includes work ethic and professional ethic. Main principle of İslâm is unity of God (tawhid). This principle has also effects on business life. It should be noted that Prophet Muhammad was dealing with trade and business in his early life. There are four other principles in Islamic business ethics: balance, free will, responsibility and charity. Equivalent of trade guilds of the West in Ottoman society is Ahîlik Brotherhood. This brotherhood was established as a guild of traders and merchants by Horasan Yesevi Dervishes during the Turkification of Anatolia in the 11th Century. Ahîlik Brotherhoods affected Turkish business life in ethics, education, science, quality, standards, consumer relations, and control of production. Muslim societies experienced an economic decline starting from 16th century. This economic decline encouraged fatalism instead of individualism. Attitudes toward wealth, money and time in Islam is not so different from Catholic and Protestant societies. Perhaps attitudes to usury is the only difference. Wealth is not considered as an undesired situation in Islam because of the Islamic maxim of “giving is better than getting.”. Ibn Khaldun studied about civilization process of human societies especially of civilization of nomadic Arab tribes. Military and bureaucratic organization was explained by the improvement of sword owners (Salafiyya) and pen owners (Kalamiyya) classes. Trade and craft activities was not omitted in Ibn Khaldun’s writings. He discusses in detailed relationship between civilization and ethical decline. He believes that city life and civilization degenerates personal virtues and ethical standards. We can find his thoughts about business ethics in the second volume of Al-Mukaddima’s section of Muhtasib and Coins discussion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İslâm İş Ahlakı, Ahîlik, İbn Haldun, Islamic Business Ethics, Ahî Brotherhood, Ibn Khaldun
İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arslan, M. (2019). İslâm iş ahlakının temelleri ve İbn Haldun'da ahlak medeniyet ilişkisi. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 101-128.