Kachkar, Omar
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Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
Küresel rekabete ayak uydurmak ve sürdürülebilir olmak isteyen tüm şirketler ve kurumlar, değişimi doğru bir şekilde yönetmek, teknolojinin gerekli kıldığı zihinsel ve operasyonel dönüşümü kurumlarına hızlı bir şekilde adapte etmek zorundadırlar.
Adı Soyadı
Omar Kachkar
İlgi Alanları
İslami finans, Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri, Mülteciler, Vakıf ve Zekât, Şeriat Yönetişimi
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Yayın Waqf sukuk as instruments of sustainable development and challenges of issuing them a field study in Malaysia(Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, 2022) Alfares, Marwa; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümüبرزت التنمية المستدامة مؤخراً كأحد أهم القضايا في مجال التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية. ولقد لعبت مؤسسة الوقف عبر التاريخ الإسلامي دورا أساسيا في دعم التنمية المستدامة للمجتمعات الإسلامية. تحاول هذه الورقة تقديم مراجعة حديثة لصكوك الوقف بشكل عام مع التركيز بشكل خاص على الصكوك الوقفية في ماليزيا. وقد تم استخدام الطريقة النوعية لجمع البيانات في هذه الورقة. حيث أجريت ست مقابلات مباشرة مع خبراء الأوقاف والصكوك في ماليزيا. وجدت هذه الورقة أنه رغم أهميتها الكبيرة، لم يتم أي إصدار لصكوك الوقف في ماليزيا حتى الآن. وأشار الخبراء الذين تمت مقابلتهم إلى عدد من التحديات التنظيمية والتشغيلية التي تواجه إصدار صكوك الوقف بشكل عام مع التركيز على السياق الماليزي. وأكد الخبراء، على وجه الخصوص، على نقص الوعي بأهمية صكوك الوقف بين المسلمين بشكل عام وكذلك بين الأفراد العاملين في المؤسسات الخيرية الإسلامية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك أشاروا إلى التحديات المتعلقة بحوكمة الوقف وإلى النقص الكبير في الموارد البشرية المحترفة والمتخصصة في تشغيل الوقف وإدارته على صعيد المجالس الدينية باعتبارها السلطة الوحيدة في ماليزيا المسؤولة عن إدارة شؤون الوقف والصكوك الوقفية ضمنا.ً وأخيرا شكك بعض الخبراء في المقابلات في قابلية السوق على المساهمة والاكتتاب في الصكوك الوقفية بسبب المخاطر الكامنة وضعف الثقة بالقائمين على مثل هذه المشاريع الوقفيةYayın Islamic social finance: Integrating zakah funds in microfinance and microenterprise support programs: Selected case studies(IGI Global, 2022) Alfares, Marwa; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüAlleviating poverty and inequality are among the central objectives of zakah in the Islamic economic system. These objectives are also on top of the 17 SDGs of the UN 2030 Agenda. This research argues that microenterprise support programs (MSPs) have been proven as effective tools in combating poverty. However, lack of funds has always been a major challenge for the sustainability of those programs. Channeling zakah funds to MSPs will directly contribute to empowering deprived populations and helping them to lift themselves out of the poverty cycle. Two zakah-based MSPs have been analyzed in this chapter. The first one is the Asnaf Entrepreneurship Program of Lembaga Zakah, Malaysia and the second one is Baitul Maal Muamalat Indonesia (BMMI). According to literature, using zakah in (MSPs) requires a strict implementation of best practices including screening program beneficiaries, providing professional training and monitoring to businesses, and finally applying a graduation scheme.Yayın Maximizing productivity in online businesses through task management software: The case of online entrepreneurs in Turkiye(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2023) Issaku, Gamel; Kachkar, Omar; Kachkar, OmarThe advent of the internet has transformed how businesses operate, giving rise to the concept of online businesses. The rise of online businesses has revolutionized commerce, presenting entrepreneurs and organizations with numerous opportunities and challenges. This study aimed to explore the relationship between task management software and the productivity of online businesses. The study employed quantitative research methods and used surveys for data collection. The data was collected through an online survey among online businesses in Turkiye. The study used a sample size of 250, which represents a 96.2% response rate. The data for the study were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and employed descriptive and inferential statistics. The analyses reveal that task management software positively and significantly correlates with online business productivity.Yayın ‘Afak isdarat es-sukuki’l-vakfiyye fi Malezya(جامعة المدينة العالمية, 2019) Kachkar, Omar; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümüتناقش هذه الورقة آفاق إصدارالصكوك الوفقية في ماليزيا, ومدى أهمية استخدام هذا الأسلوب لتطوير الممتلكات الوقفية الماليزية و .لقد تم ذلك من خلال مناقشة الإطار القانوني والتنظيمي لكل من الصكوك والوقف في ماليزيا مع التطرق باختصار لبعض المسائل الفقهية المتعلقة بالوقف في ماليزيا.Yayın Kadaya fıkhiyye mu’asıra fi’l-vakıf en-nakdi el-mü’ekkat: Tahlilu haleti’s-sukuk el-vakfiyye el- mü’ekkat(University of Malaya, 2019) Kachkar, Omar; Alfares, Marwa; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümüيعد الوقف أحد اهم المؤسسات الفاعلة في النظام الاقتصادي الاسلامي، وقد لعب الوقف دورا كبيرا في تحمل عبء كبير عن الدولة ورفد المجتمعات الاسلامية بمعظم الخدمات الاجتماعية من التعليم والصحة والرعاية الاجتماعية والبنية التحتية. وقد برزت اهميته مؤخرا مع تزايد الاهتمام العالمي بالتنمية المستدامة. ويشكل الوقف النقدي احد اهم انواع الوقف وذلك لمرونته وفاعليته في تعبئة الموارد المالية للمشاريع الخيرية والانمائية. تناقش هذه الورقة البحثيةبعض القضايا الفقهية المعاصرة المتعلقة بالوقف النقدي المؤقت مع التركيز على حالة الصكوك الوقفية المؤقتة. تكمناهمية البحث في تسليطه الضوء على عدد من المسائل الفقهية المتعلقة بالصكوك الوقفية والتي يختلف حكمهاباختلاف التأصيل الفقهي لها من حيث اعتبار هذه الصكوك قرضا ام وقفا. وعلى رأس تلك المسائل ملكية الأصولالوقفية وأحكام الزكاة والاعسار والرجوع عن الوقف وتلف العين الموقوفة في يد الناظر أو الموقوف عليهم والتصرفبالمال الموقوف دون إذن الواقف أو خلافا لشرطه الى غير ذلك. تناقش هذه الورقة أهم تلك المسائل وتبين حكمهاالفقهي مع التفصيل ماامكن وضمن الحدود البحثية لهذه الورقة. تختم هذه الورقة بدعوة المجامع الفقهية والمجالسالشرعية لايلاء الاهتمام الواجب بتلك المسائل واصدار القرارات الشرعية الخاصة لتوضيحها وتوحيد العمل بموجبهافي المؤسسات الوقفية والمالية ذات الصلة.Yayın Exploring the intentional behaviour of refugees in participating in micro-enterprise support programmes (MESP): Is theory of planned behaviour (TPB) still relevant?(Emerald Publishing, 2021) Kachkar, Omar; Djafri, Fares; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüPurpose – This study aims to investigate the relevance of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting the intentional behaviour of refugee entrepreneurs. This paper uses key components of the theory on attitude, subjective norms and perceived control to explore the willingness of refugees to participate in microenterprise support programmes (MESP) in refugee camps. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a positivist research approach, comprising a quantitative basis of enquiry and gathered data via survey questionnaires. In total, 400 usable questionnaires were completed and used for analysis. This study uses descriptive and inferential analysis with SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis with AMOS to test three key TPB hypotheses. Findings – The structured model revealed acceptable high goodness-of-fit indices. Also, the findings indicated that out of three hypotheses, two hypotheses (attitude and perceived control) were substantial, positive and significant. However, the relationship between subjective norms of refugees and their intention to participate in MESP was insignificant. The findings of this study indicate the low-profile refugees give to the views and opinions of the surrounding communities when it comes to determining their intentional behaviour. As such, some poignant implications may relate to microfinance and microcredit programmes targeting refugees. Practical implications – The present study illustrates the interrelationships between the proposed variables. Also, by understanding the relationships between the selected variables, the findings would be useful for the concerned authorities to ameliorate and upgrade the well-being of refugees along with empowering their environment, which would facilitate their engagement in business and entrepreneurship. Originality/value – This study explores the relevance of TPB and its components in the context of the intentional behaviour of refugee entrepreneurs. It further illuminates the distinction of refugee behaviour towards entrepreneurship and MESP.Yayın How diverse are Shariah supervisory boards of Islamic banks? A global empirical survey(Emerald Publishing, 2022) Kachkar, Omar; Yılmaz, Mustafa Kemal; Yılmaz, Mustafa Kemal; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüPurpose – This study examines diversity in the composition of Shariah Supervisory Boards (SSBs) of Islamic banks (IBs). It investigates diversity from two perspectives: 1) existing composition of SSBs, and 2) the regulatory frameworks and standards of selected Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. Diversity characteristics in this study include education, nationality, gender, and age. Design/methodology/approach – A list of all full-fledged Islamic commercial banks (FFICBs) globally has been carefully prepared and confirmed. Conventional banks with Islamic windows, non-commercial banks, takaful companies and other Islamic financial institutions are excluded. The available profiles of 428 SSB members have been scrutinised and analysed. These board members occupy 522 SSB positions in 238 FFICBs operating in 52 countries around the globe. From the regulatory perspective, twelve national and international Shariah governance frameworks and standards have been examined. Findings – The findings indicate various levels of diversity in the SSBs of the IBs. The level of diversity in educational background and nationality of the SSBs are generally acceptable. However, lack of diversity in gender and age among the SSB members is evident. While the lack of age diversity in SSBs maybe relatively justified as a common trend in the composition of corporate boards, the SSBs of FFICB are seriously lagging conventional banks in gender diversity. On the regulatory side, these results show that provisions on diversity requirement in the SSBs are almost non-existent in the existing frameworks and standards. Research limitations/ implications – The major limitation of this study is the lack of available information on the SSB members. Practical implications – This paper provides valuable insights for Islamic banks and policy makers concerned with the corporate governance of Islamic financial institutions. First, it offers an excellent bird’s-eye view of the status of diversity in the SSBs of Islamic banks. Second, it motivates policy makers and standard-setting bodies to ensure an adequate level of diversity in the composition of SSBs through relevant regulatory frameworks. This is of paramount importance to the reputation of Islamic finance industry which has been subject to mounting pressure to translate the rhetoric about the Islamic finance industry being ethical, fair, just, equitable and inclusive into genuine implementations. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first of its kind to examine the diversity of the SSB members from the regulatory as well as implementation perspective.Yayın Islamic social finance: Mobilizing Zakah (almsgiving) funds to support refugees’ microenterprises pogroms(ISEFE, 2019) Kachkar, Omar; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis paper examines the prospects and challenges of using zakah as a source of funding in microenterprise support programs for refugees. According to the literature, lack of funds represents a fundamental obstacle in supporting refugees’ livelihood in particular in microenterprises programs. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. All Muslims have to pay 2.5 percent of their wealth every year to the poor and needy. Refugees represent one of the main beneficiaries of zakah. Recently the UNHCR has established zakah funds to mobilise zakah funds to help refugees. This paper argues that instead of giving the refugees cash money, zakah fund or at least part of the zakah funds can be used to provide microcredit grands to support the refugees and help them to help themselves. Despite all the challenges of microfinance programs in particular in the context of refugees, well-designed microfinance programs can provide a more sustainable solutions to refugees in particular those trapped in protracted situations.Yayın Exploring the shariah board diversity characteristics in full-fledged islamic banks globally(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, 2020) Kachkar, Omar; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis study aims to examine the diversity characteristics of Shariah boards in fully-fledgedcommercial Islamic banks (FFIBs). The data is collected manually covering differentdiversity components in Shariah boards, i.e. age, gender, nationality, education andexperience from 248 FFIBs globally in 50 countries for the year 2019. Sudan, Iraq and Iranhave the highest number of FFIBs, with 31, 30 and 29 banks respectively. Interestingly, thereis only one FFIBs among 14 Shariah banks operating in Indonesia. There are in total 563Shariah board positions in the FFIBs analysed, occupied by 428 Shariah scholars, 135 of themhaving multi-directorship positions. The results reveal that only six female Shariah scholarstake positions in four FFIBs in Bangladesh (1), Brunei (1), Malaysia (3), and Tunisia (1). Asfor the age, the findings show that about 45 per cent of the Shariah board members are 60 orabove, and only 4 per cent lower than 40. Most of the Shariah scholars have the nationality ofBangladesh (55), Malaysia (33) and Saudi Arabia (23). In terms of education, the majority ofthe scholars are graduated from Shariah programs. Nevertheless, about 15 per cent of theShariah scholars have a non-Shariah background such as law (26), economics (9), economicsand comparative religion (22), and business administration (3). The findings may encouragethe management of the FFIBs to more seriously consider the diversity in their Shariah boardscomposition to come up with innovative and sustainable solutions in a dynamically changingenvironment. Further, the policy makers may inforce some measures to improve diversity anddecision making in the FFIBs to respond new dimensions raising in the global economic andsocial environment.Yayın Not to be left behind: Refugees and the role of waqf in the light of the ongoing COVID19 pandemic(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, 2021) Kachkar, Omar; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüCOVID-19 pandemic has led to devastating effects on human life worldwide and has caused unprecedented disruptions in all economic and social aspects of life. Tens of millions of people particularly in fragile economies are at risk of slipping into extreme poverty. Refugees and other marginalised populations are feared to be left beyond the reach of aid packages and assistance plans. This paper is proposing the establishment of a waqf based fund to help refugees. Rational of this model is founded on several arguments. These arguments are related to the global refuge crisis which can be described as follows: a. it is a Muslim humanitarian crisis in the first place, b. it is not a temporary one, c. it is impacting mainly developing countries with a considerable number of Muslim-majority countries being the host of the majority of global refugees, d. majority of refugee stay in urban areas, d. Waqf constitutes a big potential to close the gap in humanitarian aid and to offer for the basic needs of refugees, e. a proper differentiation must be clear between emergency aid and long-term durable solutions for refugees. f. Similar differentiation must be observed between core poor refugees and economically active refugees in terms of durable solutions and economic engagement. Against the above backdrop, this paper is proposing a model of waqf fund for refugees that is similar to the Zakah refugee Fund created by the UNHCR. The objective of the model is to contribute in the relief and aid efforts and to make use of the create potential of the philanthropic sector. The proposed model shall use in-kind waqf and cash waqf as key sources of funds. Temporary and permanent waqf will be accepted. Collected funds will be invested and the revenues will be distributed on the beneficiaries in the specific aid sector as specified by the donor or the waqf founder. The current model can be a subject of further research to explore various aspects of the model such as the legal requirements and the operational challenges in the real environment.
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