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Yayın A re-classification of al-Ījī’s Akhlāq al-Adudiyya into a model of Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV)(Michigan Publishing, 2024) Keshavarzi, Hooman; Yanık, Medaim; Keçeci, Esra; Cinisli, Muhammed Furkan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüWhile psychologists have only recently become extensively interested in character development and virtue acquisition, such an interest has existed for centuries among Muslim scholars. Islamic scholars have created many typologies and classifications of the virtues building upon the tradition they inherited from the ancient Greeks. Among the most notable works in this genre is the treatise most famously known as al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah, written by the 14th century scholar Ad ․ud al-Dīn al-Ījī (d. 756 AH/1355 CE), which provided a comprehensive yet concise manual of the Islamic virtues that synthesized the previous work of Islamic philosophers situated within Islamic scripture. This paper provides a revised classification of the Islamic virtues by adjusting al-Ījī’s classification of virtues in his al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah.This revised classification of virtues, referred to as Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV), adopts the four cardinal virtues of wisdom, temperance, valor, and justice, with the addition of spirituality as an independent chief virtue with accompanying sub-virtues. TIV provides an aggregation of many of the sub-virtues enlisted by al-Ījī due to the degree of overlap between them. TIV also makes minor linguistic revisions and adds a few new sub-virtues. The definitions of each of the TIV sub-virtues are constructed by drawing upon numerous sources in the Islamic tradition while still relying mostly on al-Ījī’s classification.The process of aggregation and revision has produced five cardinal TIV virtues with 31 sub-virtues. This paper further demonstrates that a review and integration of the Islamic tradition into mainstream psychological discourses can greatly enrich the holistic practice of clinical and community psychology.Yayın Exploring the contributions of islamic thought to psychotherapy: A thematic analysis of Islamically integrated psychotherapy practitioners(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021) Cinisli, Muhammed Furkan; Keshavarzi, HoomanThe religion of Islam has never been seen as only a set of certain practices and beliefs in any period of time since its beginning. On the contrary, Islam has built a civilization that encompasses all of life and draws perspectives on human belief in every aspect. While this civilization built ontological basis on human existence, it also focuses on the processes of obtaining information epistemologically. The relationship between religion and life has been severed in the modern period and this rift has expanded in every field of the social sciences. Psychology, which is one of these fields, is on the verge of abandoning religion or spirituality. Although the foundations of this break are deeper and more philosophical, it is a much more practical way to start from its reflections. Islamic thought, which can make a significant contribution especially in terms of psychotherapy, is currently ignored and not given enough attention. In this study, thematic analysis of interviews with 8 therapists who incorporate Islamic principles into their psychotherapy was conducted. A total of 22 themes were found in 5 categories. These five categories (integration of specific methods of Islamic thought into psychotherapy, integration of specific methods of other therapy methods with the Islamic psychology approach, difficulties in transferring Islamic thought to therapy, importance of applying Islamic thought to the therapy setting and the contributions of transferring Islamic thought to the therapy environment in clinical psychology) are analysed and discussed within this dissertation. Finally, the contributions of these themes to the current situation and future were discussed.Yayın Travmaya narrative terapi yaklaşımı(Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2023) Dinç, Mehmet; Cinisli, Muhammed FurkanNarrative terapi postmodern/postyapısalcı olarak nitelendirilebilecek klasik ve modern terapilerden sonra gelen yeni nesil bir terapi yaklaşımıdır. 1980'li yıllardan itibaren Avustralyalı Aile Terapisti Michael VVhite ve Yeni Zelandalı Aile Terapisti David Epston’ın öncülüğünü yaptığı narrative terapi fikir ve uygulamaları bugün dünyanın çok sayıda farklı ülkesinde kullanılmaktadır. Felsefeden antropolojiye, sosyolojiden eğitime çok farklı disiplinlerin fikir ve uygulamalarından beslenerek inşa edilen narrative terapi fikir ve uygulamaları temelde insanları kendi hayatlarının uzmanı olarak terapötik çalışmanın merkezine alır. Bunu yaparken insanları patolojikleştirmeyen, problemle özdeşleştirmeyen ve onu probleme karşı yetersiz görmeyen bir yaklaşım benimser. Saygılı ve suçlayıcı olmayan bir dil kullanır. İnsanlarla problemleri ayırır ve insanların hayatlarındaki problemlerin etkilerini azaltabilecekleri çok sayıda becerilerinin, yetkinliklerinin, inançlarının ve değerlerinin olduğunu kabul eder.