İbn Haldun’un İlim ve Eğitim Anlayışının Almanya’daki Müslümanlar İçin Önemi
Güneş, Merdan
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İbn Haldun Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İbn Haldun’un ilim-eğitim anlayışının “İslâmî epistemolojik paradigma” içinde, onu geliştirip tamamlayan bir yaklaşım olduğu söylenebilir. İbn Haldun’un düşünce dünyası, özellikle de toplum ve medeniyet (umran) algısı, onun ilim-eğitim anlayışının da çerçevesini oluşturur. İlim, İbn Haldun’a göre insânî tefekkürden neş’et eder. Bu bilgi anlayışı, ontolojik temeli olan, âlem tasavvuruyla iç içe, temyizî, tecrübî ve nazarî üç basamaklı bir düşünce esası üzerine bina edilmiştir. “İlim, bilgi ve malumat yığını değil, bir melekedir.” yaklaşımı İbn Haldun’un İlim ve eğitimle ilgili en temel tezidir. Biz bu makalede, İbn Haldun’un modern Avrupa eğitim telakkileriyle birebir örtüşen bu yaklaşımı üzerinde durduk. Ona göre, eğitimle ilgili problemlerin çoğu ya eğitici veya eğitim metoduyla alakalıdır. Eğitimin amacı “Talebenin yetenekli olduğu sahada ona meleke kazandırmaktır.” Tedricîlik ve öğrenciye görelik İbn Haldunî metodun en temel ilkeleridir. Yirminci yüzyılın başından beri Almanya başta olmak üzere, Batı’da geliştirilen farklı eğitim modelleri hep bu hedefe yönelik ve İbn Haldun’un “meleke” diye kavramlaştırdığı “beceri (Kompetenz)” esasına dayanır. İbn Haldun’un yüzyıllar öncesinde yaptığı tespitlerin, bugün Almanya’da uygulanmakta olan eğitim İlkeleriyle örtüşmesi dikkate şayandır. Onun ilimler tasnifi aynı zamanda kendi bilgi teorisinin bir uygulaması niteliğindedir. Ona göre naklî-dinî ilimlerde gelenek, aklî ilimlerde ise deney ve tecrübe esastır. Din eğitimi, okul başta olmak üzere, cami, dernekler ve yeni kurulan İlahiyat bölümlerinde verilmektedir. Bu anlamda yapılması gerekenleri, İbn Haldunî eğitim anlayışını göz önünde bulundurarak tesbit etmeye çalıştık. Îman (Bekenntnis) ve beceri (meleke=Kompetenz) odaklı İslâm din dersinin İbn Haldun yaklaşımıyla örtüştüğü ortadadır. Bu anlayış çerçevesinde bir cami eğitim konseptinin hayata geçirilmesinin ne kadar elzem olduğunu ifade ettik. Son olarak İbn Haldun penceresinden bakıldığında onun meleke anlayışı ve ilimler tasnifinin yeni kurulan İlahiyat fakültelerine de ışık tutacağını vurguladık. Özetle İbn Haldun’un bakış açısı ve tespitleri günümüz araştırmacıları için çok önemli perspektifler sunmaktadır.
Ibn Khaldun's concept of knowledge/science and education is a further developed and complementary approach within the Islamic epistemological paradigm. The framework of this concept of knowledge/science and education is built on his world view, and especially on his perception of society and civilization (umran). According to Ibn Khaldun, knowledge/science is a product of human thought, which he again divides into three degrees: discerning, experimental and speculative. His most basic thesis on science and education is expressed in this statement of his: “Science is not the accumulation of knowledge and information, but it is a habitus.” In this paper I argue that this approach is completely compatible with the modern European view on education. Ibn Khaldun states that most problems in education arise from either the educator or the educational methods being used. The aim of education is “the acquisition of habitus in a field in which a student is talented.” The most crucial feature of Ibn Khaldun’s method is gradual and student oriented learning. It is by way of instruction that knowledge and science can be transferred and developed. The different education models that emerged in Europe and especially in Germany in the 19th century center around the principle of competence, the same principle that Ibn Khaldun called “meleke” (habitus). It is remarkable that the ideas expressed by Ibn Khaldun centuries ago, are in agreement with the educational principles that today are put into practice in the German educational system. His classification of sciences are at the same time an application of his theory of knowledge. According to Ibn Khaldun, as a rule religious sciences are based on traditions, but rational sciences are based on experimental and empirical knowledge. Islamic-religious education in Germany takes place in schools, in mosques, associations and the recently founded Islamic-theological faculties. In this paper, I try to establish what can be done regarding Islamic education in the German educational system according to Ibn Khaldun’s educational concept. The denominational (Bekenntnis) and competence oriented religious education in German schools is compatible with Ibn Khaldun’s concept. But I also point out how crucial it is to form an educational concept for mosques in Germany. Finally, I argue that Ibn Khaldun’s findings can help us shape the newly founded Islamic-theological faculties in Germany. In summary, Ibn Khaldun’s ideas offer today’s researchers very important perspectives.
Ibn Khaldun's concept of knowledge/science and education is a further developed and complementary approach within the Islamic epistemological paradigm. The framework of this concept of knowledge/science and education is built on his world view, and especially on his perception of society and civilization (umran). According to Ibn Khaldun, knowledge/science is a product of human thought, which he again divides into three degrees: discerning, experimental and speculative. His most basic thesis on science and education is expressed in this statement of his: “Science is not the accumulation of knowledge and information, but it is a habitus.” In this paper I argue that this approach is completely compatible with the modern European view on education. Ibn Khaldun states that most problems in education arise from either the educator or the educational methods being used. The aim of education is “the acquisition of habitus in a field in which a student is talented.” The most crucial feature of Ibn Khaldun’s method is gradual and student oriented learning. It is by way of instruction that knowledge and science can be transferred and developed. The different education models that emerged in Europe and especially in Germany in the 19th century center around the principle of competence, the same principle that Ibn Khaldun called “meleke” (habitus). It is remarkable that the ideas expressed by Ibn Khaldun centuries ago, are in agreement with the educational principles that today are put into practice in the German educational system. His classification of sciences are at the same time an application of his theory of knowledge. According to Ibn Khaldun, as a rule religious sciences are based on traditions, but rational sciences are based on experimental and empirical knowledge. Islamic-religious education in Germany takes place in schools, in mosques, associations and the recently founded Islamic-theological faculties. In this paper, I try to establish what can be done regarding Islamic education in the German educational system according to Ibn Khaldun’s educational concept. The denominational (Bekenntnis) and competence oriented religious education in German schools is compatible with Ibn Khaldun’s concept. But I also point out how crucial it is to form an educational concept for mosques in Germany. Finally, I argue that Ibn Khaldun’s findings can help us shape the newly founded Islamic-theological faculties in Germany. In summary, Ibn Khaldun’s ideas offer today’s researchers very important perspectives.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İbn Haldun, İlim, Eğitim, Meleke, Almanya’da Din Eğitimi, Ibn Khaldun, Science, Education, Meleke, Religious Education in Germany
İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Güneş, M. (2017). İbn Haldun’un İlim ve Eğitim Anlayışının Almanya’daki Müslümanlar İçin Önemi. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 185-239.