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    Early-modern commodity routes: Ottoman silks in the webs of world trade
    (Oxford University Press, 2023) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Silk was particularly important to intra-empire/inter-regional commerce across the vast Ottoman empire, in addition to trade with bordering polities. Historians have approached the interrelated issues of import substitution, political control of trade, trade linked to manufacture, and consumption through Braudel and Wallerstein’s concepts of ‘world economy’ and ‘world-empire’—in which significant sections of the late-eighteenth- and nineteenth-century-Ottoman Empire were incorporated as peripheral territories into a world economy dominated by Europe. Yet, this approach has been little used for the early-modern period, when Ottoman manufacturers supplied luxury silks to Poland, Russia, and the principalities forming present-day Romania, while artisans from the island of Chios successfully substituted their own silks for costly imports from Venice, Iran, and India. Well into the eighteenth century, Ottoman strength derived from control of overland trade routes, more secure than the pirate-infested Indian and Atlantic Oceans—and the war-torn Mediterranean.
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    Turkish migrations in the greater Turkic-speaking world, 1450–1830
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Volume 1 of The Cambridge History of Global Migrations documents the lives and experiences of everyday people through the lens of human movement and mobility from 1400 to 1800. Focusing on the most important typologies of preindustrial global migrations, this volume reveals how these movements transformed global paths of mobility, the impacts of which we still see in societies today. Case studies include those that arose from the demand for free, forced, and unfree labor, long- and short-distance trade, rural/urban displacement, religious mobility, and the rise of the number of refugees worldwide. With thirty chapters from leading experts in the field, this authoritative volume is an essential and detailed study of how migration shaped the nature of global human interactions before the age of modern globalization.
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    Magnificence at the royal courts in the Islamic world
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Over the twentieth century, multi-disciplinary academic studies addressed dress practice and bodily adornment from a variety of perspectives, assessing the question of fashion, though few communities outside the West were awarded this term until the past generation. Anthropologists took an ethnographic stance, with works that from the late 1980s became more attentive to the lived significance of clothing that reflected ‘agency, practice and performance’ with local and global impact.
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    Working, marketing and consuming Ottoman copper-with a special emphasis on female involvement
    (Brill, 2021) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; Boyar, Ebru; Fleet, Kate; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    In the Ottoman context, studies dealing with metals made into objects, rather than with raw material sent to the mint, are not very common. Even personal ornaments made of precious metals have attracted only a limited amount of attention, although samples possessed by people outside the Ottoman court have survived, albeit in limited numbers. In the case of females we find ear- rings, necklaces, bracelets and jewelled headdresses, while males owned orna- mented weapons as well as horse-gear with silver inlays. Presumably, scholars have held back because it is very difficult to interpret the written documenta- tion relevant to metalwork – if it even exists. The refining of copper and the products of coppersmiths remain in limbo as well, apart from a number of catalogues describing items in public museums and private collections.
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    From the New Order to the Benevolent Event-making children’s education compulsory in the Ottoman Empire, 1808 – 1826
    (Selim Hilmi Ozkan, 2024) Baysan, İbrahim Vehbi; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Sultan Mahmud II's era witnessed a gradual transition of the centuries-old classical Ottoman education system that was controlled by the ulama into a state administration by the announcement of an imperial decree in 1824. Although this significant change was the third in Europe, it has not been a specific topic for academic research so far. As the documents from the Ottoman archives confirm, the Sultan's efforts concerning children's basic education began almost a decade earlier. He was concerned about the deteriorating quality of the education system. Based on the primary sources, this study aims to portray the historical background and the official transfer of children's education under state control. This decree did not only make children's education compulsory but also displayed families' bad habit of letting little children work instead of sending them to school. According to the imperial decree, children started working at a very early age and did not learn the basics of their religion, and when they grew up, they did not go and educate themselves either. Sultan instructed authorities to prevent child labor and ensure children attended schools learning the basics of their religion. In effect, children's education became the collective responsibility of not only the families but also imams, school teachers, neighborhood administrators, and judges.
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    Catholic Missionary activity in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire from the perspectives of state and convert (Review)
    (Indiana University Press, 2023) Güngörürler, Selim; Shapiro, Henry; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Catholic Church efforts to convert Christians of the Ottoman Empire accelerated in the early seventeenth century after the establishment of the “Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith” (Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide) in 1622, and in the remainder of the century missionaries would be particularly successful in winning converts among Ottoman Armenians. This success gradually led to intra-Armenian conflict between Apostolic Armenians and those with Catholic sympathies. This article argues that the topic of Apostolic/Catholic Armenian confessional conflicts is ripe ground for research that builds connections between Ottoman Turkish archival documentation and Armenian narratives sources, many of which remain unpublished. While most previous research has examined the topic from European, Ottoman, or Armenian perspectives, here we present images of Catholic-Apostolic conflict using both Ottoman archival sources and the unpublished Armenian manuscript of an Armenian convert, showing the potential for further integrated studies on the spread of Catholicism among Ottoman Armenians of the early modern period.
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    Catholic Missionary activity in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire from the perspectives of state and convert
    (Indiana University Press, 2023) Güngörürler, Selim; Shapiro, Henry; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Catholic Church efforts to convert Christians of the Ottoman Empire accelerated in the early seventeenth century after the establishment of the “Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith” (Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide) in 1622, and in the remainder of the century missionaries would be particularly successful in winning converts among Ottoman Armenians. This success gradually led to intra-Armenian conflict between Apostolic Armenians and those with Catholic sympathies. This article argues that the topic of Apostolic/Catholic Armenian confessional conflicts is ripe ground for research that builds connections between Ottoman Turkish archival documentation and Armenian narratives sources, many of which remain unpublished. While most previous research has examined the topic from European, Ottoman, or Armenian perspectives, here we present images of Catholic-Apostolic conflict using both Ottoman archival sources and the unpublished Armenian manuscript of an Armenian convert, showing the potential for further integrated studies on the spread of Catholicism among Ottoman Armenians of the early modern period.
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    Timeless principles of war and the vertical transmission of military knowledge through the Taktika
    (Brill, 2024) Theotokis, Georgios; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    It is my intention in this chapter to bring to the forefront the common ele¬ments and ideas that shaped the structure and content of what we have come to identify as military manuals, and to compare samples of this particular liter¬ary genre from different cultures (Rome, Byzantium, Islamic polities) in order to showcase the vertical (chronological) transmission of military knowledge between “military cultures”. My focus will be on the following common char¬acteristics: the advisory nature of these manuals; the writing during a period of intense socio-political instability for the State; the author trying to make sense of the socio-political turmoil and decline of his time; the trend to blame their contemporaries, not just for not consulting previous treatises on military matters, but for completely ignoring the study of the ‘science’ of war; the time¬less interest in the fighting abilities, ideology and institutional framework for war of their nation’s neighbours and enemies; the struggle to make sense of defeat; avoiding battle and to confirm the historians’ view that sieges, raids, skirmishes and ambushes dominated medieval and early modern warfare.
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    The Campaign and Battle of Manzikert, 1071
    (ARC Humanities Press, 2024) Theotokis, Georgios; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    The Battle of Manzikert on August 26, 1071 is widely regarded as one of the most significant turning points in medieval history, frequently presented as the culmination of a Turco-Islamic assault upon the Byzantine bulwark of a Christian world struggling for survival. Emperor Romanus IV’s campaigns between 1068 and 1071 do, in many ways, represent the empire’s fightback against an enemy that for decades had penetrated deep into Asia Minor, its heartland and strategic bulwark. Yet Manzikert was not a disaster. This book examines the geopolitical background and the origins of the campaign that led to the battle, the main protagonists, and their strategies and battle tactics. It also evaluates the primary sources and the enduring legacy of the battle, for both the Greek and Turkish historiography of the twentieth century.
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    A conversion narrative and its political and social dimensions: Abdu’l Ahad Dawud
    (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, 2021) Sefiloğlu, Muhammed Salih; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    During the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Iranian-born, David Benjamin converted into Islam under the name of Abdu’l Ahad Dawud. After the 1908 Revolution, he wrote many newspaper articles and a book, İncil ve Salib. All of his writings embody in many ways the continuation of Islamic polemical literature. Dawud claims that Christianity was corrupted by Saint Paul and Constantine and the name of Muhammad was included in Bible beforehand. Moreover, in his writings, Dawud supported the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and illustrated comments about that period such as the dethronement of Abdülhamid II, Imperialism and Zionism. Based on Dawud's books and articles, I will question the purpose of his works and try to fragment the perception of a converted Muslim in that period and the Muslim identity at the end of the 19th century. In this way, I will argue that polemical writings are not only produced for religious purposes but that they also reflect the common mentality of the era in which they were written, as a political instrument. I will try to contextualize Abdu’l Ahad Dawud within the historical framework of his period as a person who witnessed the last years of the Ottoman Empire. During this period, almost all Islamic countries were colonized under Christian powers, therefore Dawud's efforts to prove the superiority of Islam were significant.
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    The Committee of Union and Progress and The Iraqi Shiites
    (Routledge, 2024) Yaslıçimen, Faruk; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    This article analyses the relationship between the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the Shiite subjects of Ottoman Iraq in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, it examines the various contexts in which the CUP attempted to integrate Iraq's Shiite population into the state apparatus – for example, by authorizing and supporting the establishment of modern Shiite schools or by employing Shiite scholars at the Ottoman courts. The Shiites themselves navigated administrative contexts, regularly petitioning the Ottoman authorities to fight for their rights under the recently restored constitution of 1908, thus exercising agency as Shiite subjects of the empire. In dealing with Iraq's Shiite population, the CUP government in Istanbul had to negotiate continuity and change in its policies towards them from earlier practices under the rule of Abdulhamid II (r. 1876–1909). New policies and administrative practices towards Iraq's Shiite population also had to be negotiated with local political intermediaries – creating a complex political constellation in which the equally complex relationship between the CUP and the Iraqi Shiites would unfold.
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    [Book Review]: "Useful enemies: Islam and the Ottoman Empire in Western political thought, 1450-1750"
    (İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi & İSAM, 2023) Thaçi, Atdhe
    Ottoman historians in the last decade have focused a lot on Ottoman political thought. This means how the thoughts and writings of different Ottoman scholars, which mainly included the religious strata and other intellectuals, influenced political thought and political decisions in the Empire. Now with the book written by Oxford Professor Noel Malcolm, we have another side of that story...
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    On the spot Surma Farm
    (Kirsten Price, 2023) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    We ask leading historians why their research matters, what history has taught them, and what we should be reading…
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    Ottoman artisans in a changing political context: Debates in historiography
    (Brill, 2021) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Historians have interpreted the relationship between Ottoman artisans and sultan governance in two contrasting ways. Some believe that, by definition, the sultan represented the interests of the Islamic community and even, to some extent, those of his subjects at large. Others assume that, although the Islamic legitimacy of sultans was never in doubt, artisans could nonetheless develop initiatives of their own, including participation in rebellions when their livelihoods were under threat. While adhering to the second option, the author discusses why artisans thought that compliance with officialdom was the royal road to success, and why, such conformity notwithstanding, Ottoman guilds often defended the interests of master craftsmen with reasonable success. Since artisans legitimized their strivings for private gain through constant reference to the sultan, they had little reason to limit the ruler’s power. When soldiers and associated artisans acted to depose Selim III in 1807, they did so because his policies threatened their livelihoods, and not because they wanted broader participation in policy decisions, or because they blindly upheld a ‘traditional’ system. The fall of Selim III (1807) thus differed fundamentally from what had happened in France in 1789.
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    Byzantine military rhetoric in the ninth century: A translation of the Anonymi Byzantini Rhetorica Militaris
    (Taylor and Francis, 2021) Theotokis, Georgios; Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Byzantine Military Rhetoric in the Ninth Century is the first English translation of the ninth-century Anonymi Byzantini Rhetorica Militaris. This influential text offers a valuable insight into the warrior ethic of the period, the role of religion in the justification of war, and the view of other military cultures by the Byzantine elite. It also played a crucial role in the compilation of the tenth-century Taktika and Constantine VII’s harangues during a period of intense military activity for the Byzantine Empire on its eastern borders. Including a detailed commentary and critical introduction to the author and the structure of the text, this book will appeal to all those interested in Byzantine political ideology and military history.
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    Köprülü sadrazamlar ve sûfî çevreler
    (İSAR, 2018) Çalışır, Muhammed Fatih; Alkan, Ercan; Arı, Osman Sacid; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    On yedinci yüzyılın ilk yarısında vâiz Kadızâde Mehmed Efendi’nin (ö. 1045/1635) “Kadızâdeliler” adı verilen taraftarları ile Halvetîliğin Şemsî koluna mensup ŞeyhAbdülmecid Sivâsî Efendi’nin (ö. 1049/1639) “Sivâsîler” olarak adlandırılan takipçi ve destekçileri arasında önceleri risâle ve kitaplar aracılığıyla ilmî/fikrî seviyede başlayan ancak gittikçe şiddetlenerek siyasî ve sosyal bir meseleye doğru evrilen dinî temelli tartışmalar yaşanmıştır. Hz. Muhammed döneminden sonra ortaya çıkan bir takım adet ve uygulamaları bidat olarak nitelendirip reddeden Kadızâdeliler, dinî ve sosyal hayata dair birçok meselede toplum tarafından kabul görmüş uygulama ve ritüellere karşı çıkmışlardır. Dönemde yaşanan İdarî ve askerî başarısızlıkları devlet ricâlinin tarikat ehlini himaye etmesine hamlederek halkı galeyana getirmeye çalışan Kadızâdeliler, Şeyhülislâm Bahâî Efendi’den (ö. 1064/1654) aldıkları fetva ve Sadrazam Melek Ahmed Paşa’dan (ö. 1073/1662) aldıkları buyruldu sonrası ı65i’de Demirkapı yakınlarındaki Halveti Tekkesini basıp burada devran eden dervişleri dağıtmışlardır…
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    An Ottoman gentleman observing İzmir at a time of change: Evliya Çelebi on the Road, 1670-1
    (İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2022) Faroqhi, Suraija Roschan; Gökçe, Turan; Çalış, Hüseyin; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Izmir was the ‘mushroom city’ of the seventeenth-century Ottoman world: while a small town in the late 1500s, by the end of the seventeenth century, the city may have been home to nearly 90,000 people. If realistic, this figure would mean that by the late 1600s, Izmir probably surpassed Bursa and belonged to the major cities of the empire. This increase is even more remarkable as the Ottoman central authorities certainly did not promote migration into the cities: on the other hand, before the mid-twentieth century newcomers from the countryside probably were a condition sine qua non for rapid urban growth. Ever since the 1990s, historians have tried to identify the reasons for Izmir’s dramatic expansion.
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    Çevresel tarih
    (Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, 2022) Çalışır, Muhammed Fatih; Şimşek, Ahmet; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    [No abstract available]
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    Hayvan hakları kronolojisi
    (İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2022) Çalışır, Muhammed Fatih; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    [No abstract available]
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    Ösekli Şeyhî İbrahim Efendi (öl. 1686'dan sonra) ve tarihçesi
    (Dergipark, 2022) Çalışır, Muhammed Fatih; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
    Ösekli Şeyhî İbrahim Efendi'nin (öl. 1686’dan sonra) Ankara Adnan Ötüken İl Halk Kütüphanesi kataloğunda Zeyl-i Vâkıʻa-nâme başlığıyla kayıtlı tarihçesi ilk kez İsmet Parmaksızoğlu tarafından 1976 yılında gerçekleşen VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresinde ilim âlemine tanıtılmıştır. Parmaksızoğlu’nun Naẓîre-i Vâkıʻa-nâme-i Veysî olarak adlandırdığı eser, aradan geçen uzun zamana rağmen hak ettiği ilgiyi görmemiş, müstakil bir çalışmaya konu olmamış, bir-iki tarih araştırması dışında kitaba referansta bulunulmamıştır. Hâlbuki Şeyhî’nin kitabı, XVII. yüzyıl Osmanlı tarihinin önde gelen divan şairlerinden Alaşehirli Veysî’nin (öl. 1628) Vâkıʻa-nâme’sine yazılan bir nazîre olması sebebiyle edebiyatçıların ve aynı yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Macar serhaddinde yaşanan birçok önemli olayı kaydetmesi nedeniyle de tarihçilerin ilgisini çekmesi beklenen önemli bir eserdir. Bu makalede henüz yayımlanmamış tarihçe muhteva açısından ele alınacak ve ilgili literatüre atıfla tartışılacaktır.