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Yayın Two sides of the same coin? A comparison between internet-based and paper-based data collection for autism quotient and depression, anxiety and stress scale(Cambridge University Press, 2024) Sönmez, Dilruba; Abidi, Yousr; Jordan, Timothy R.; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThe utilization of internet-based data collection in mental health research has gained popularity for its convenience and affordability. However, concerns often arise regarding the validity and reliability of data collected via the internet. The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is a self-report questionnaire to measure the traits associated with autism spectrum disorder (Baron-Cohen et al. J Autism Dev Disord, 2001; 31 5-17) and the online usage of AQis common and conducted with large numbers of participants across many studies. However, the effect of using internet-based data collection for AQ rather than conventional paper-based procedures is unknown.Yayın Examining the influence of situational factors on reappraisal efficiency among Turkish adult participants: An exploratory study(Serbian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 2024) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Uysal, Burcu; Altan Atalay, Ayşe; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüBackground and Purpose Emotion regulation (ER) encompasses the processes we utilize to influence our emotions. Among ER strategies, cognitive reappraisal (CR) is notably effective, as emotions often stem from appraisals of events. Frequent CR use correlates with positive outcomes like reduced negative emotions, stronger social connections, higher academic achievement, enhanced psychological well-being, and fewer psychopathological symptoms. Despite existing research, gaps remain in characterizing different reappraisal instances based on a theoretical framework and predicting their effectiveness across contexts. The reAppraisal Framework distinguishes between two different reappraisal mechanisms to shift appraisal: reconstrual (changing situation interpretation) and repurposing (changing the goal which the interpretation is compared to). Given that reappraisal is not a unified strategy and its effectiveness varies depending on contextual factors such as controllability of the stressor, this study aimed to examine: a) the role of appraisal dimensions in determining the type of emotion experienced (sadness or anxiety), and b) the effectiveness of reconstrual and repurposing in reducing short-term emotions (sadness and anxiety) depending on perceived control (low/high)…Yayın PTSD among Turkish earthquake survivors: The role of cognitive distortions and religious coping(Serbian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 2024) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Aytemür Mneımneh, İlknur; Akyüz, Elif; Furkan, Muhammed; Uysal, Burcu; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüBackground and Purpose In 2023, two major earthquakes of magnitudes 7.7 and 7.6 struck eleven cities in southern Turkey, affecting 13.5 million people. In addition to their devastating impact, earthquakes are known to have negative effects on people’s psychological health. Among the psychological issues faced by survivors, PTSD is the most common, with over 50% of survivors affected three months post-disaster in the 2023 Turkey earthquake. Chronic PTSD can lead to severe outcomes, such as substance misuse, isolation, cardiovascular issues, and suicidal tendencies. As a result, it is critical to examine the factors influencing PTSD following earthquakes in order to improve survivors’ physical and mental well-being...Yayın A qualitative analysis of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) experiences for trauma(The Center for Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 2024) Zorlu, Ayşe Selin; Uysal, Burcu; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü[No Abstract Available]Yayın Mapping American attitudes towards refugees and immigrants: Insights into anti-refugee and anti-Muslim sentiments(MDPI, 2025) Armağan Boğatekin, Merve; Ho, Ivy; Wang, Yan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThe number of refugees across the world is increasing rapidly, as is the prevalence of Islamophobia. This flow of people and changing perceptions of them usually result in negative attitudes and hostility toward Muslims and refugees since they are perceived as the “outgroup”. This globally prevalent trend is usually attributable especially to refugees being perceived as a social, economic, or security threat. The goal of this paper is to understand Americans’ perception of outgroups and how they are related to anti-refugee and anti-Muslim sentiment by using a data-driven approach. We used latent class analysis (LCA) to determine whether there were any latent classes concerning outgroup attitudes in the US. Our results showed that people fall into four different categories regarding how they perceive Muslims, refugees, and minorities. At the same time, there were five different latent classes regarding how they perceive immigrants. This paper aims to explore this complex issue and help to reduce prejudice and intergroup conflict, ameliorate negative attitudes, and provide these groups with a stable social support system.Yayın Youth violence and aggression interventions in Türkiye: A protocol for systematic review(Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2024) Uysal, Burcu; Muftareviç, Sümeyye; Kavla, Büşra; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüUnderstanding and working violence and aggression in adolescents and young adults is critical for nurturing societal well-being and fostering developmental growth. This planned systematic review aims to reveal the accumulation of practical application examples to raise awareness in this field. It will systematically examine the interventions, educational tactics, and programs designed to decrease the prevalence of violence and aggression among adolescents and young adults in Turkey. This current study aims to clarify whether the current state of the research will be suitable for a systematic review. Despite the considerable impact of aggressive behavior on social relationships and cognitive development, research on this topic in Turkey is suggested to be limited. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and a thorough search was conducted in databases including DergiPark, ERIC, Web of Science, and Scopus, employing terms such as ‘violence,’ ‘aggression,’ and ‘Turkish adolescent’. This approach has surfaced a significant yet underexplored corpus of relevant literature, suggesting a more substantial research foundation than previously acknowledged. Our initial query retrieved 4786 studies, of which 621 were redundant entries identified via Rayyan, spanning from 1995 to 2024. The planned review will seek to provide a compre- hensive analysis of these interventions, offering insights that could inform policymakers, educators, and practitioners. While limitations exist, as with any literature review, the preliminary findings anticipate guiding evidence-based approaches and participating in the international conversation on culturally attuned preventive strategies. The initial data presents a landscape that underscores the importance for researchers to conduct a thorough literature review, given the substantial body of work already existing in this field. Thoroughly examining the existing literature can be crucial for informing new research as well as designing interventions and prevention measures.Yayın Contingency learning of social cues: Neural engagement and emotional modulation by facial expressions(Frontiers, 2025) Saylık, Rahmi; Uysal, Burcu; Williams, Adrian Loyd; Murphy, Robin A.; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüContingency learning—the fundamental process by which associations are formed between events in our experience is as relevant of conditioning as it is for social interactions, where emotional cues, such as facial expressions, signal complex and reciprocal causal dynamics. This study investigates the functional neuroanatomy underlying contingency perception by with three type of contingent relation (positive, zero, and negative) using sad and happy facial expressions as stimuli in a group of neurotypical participants. Employing a streaming trial paradigm and functional MRI, we examined how these emotional contingencies engage brain regions involved in attention and predictive processing. The behavioural results indicated that participants could distinguish between different contingencies, regardless of the emotional stimuli. However, judgment ratings varied across conditions, with sad expressions eliciting weaker ratings compared to happy expressions, which moderated perceived causality, especially in the uncorrelated and negative contingency tasks. These behavioural findings were primarily linked to increased activation in frontal regions, including the inferior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, and anterior cingulate cortex. The results highlight the differential cognitive demands and neural responses evoked by emotional expressions and suggestive of the idea that statistical relations that violate social expectations are processed differently than positive relations.Yayın Contextual factors affecting psychological and physical well-being among Syrian refugees in Turkey(Bilgi Yolu Eğitim Kültür ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2024) Armağan Boğatekin, Merve; Ho, Ivy; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThere are a total of 6.3 million Syrian refugees, equal to almost one-third of world’s total refugee population. Refugees face significant mental and physical health issues, including depression posttraumatic stress disorder and infectious diseases. This paper is a literature review that integrates current knowledge on the psychosocial factors associated with mental and physical well-being among Syrian refugees in Turkey. It focuses on issues of social issues such as social integration, social isolation, social support; cultural issues such as linguistic and religious factors; and distal factors including immigration and economic policits in Turkey. Finally, suggestions for future directions in this area of work are provided.Yayın A study on gambling behavior in Türkiye: Perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors toward gambling(AVES, 2024) Altıntaş, Merih; Başgül, Şaziye Senem; Avcu, Akif; Macit, Ruken; Büyüköztürk, Şener; Dinçer, Duygu; Özdenler, Merve; Öztürk, Ömer Mücahit; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüBackground: The aim of this quantitative study conducted with 5008 individuals aged 15 and above in 12 provinces across Turkey was to determine the prevalence and significant variables of gambling behavior in our country and to examine the gambling behaviors, perceptions, thoughts, and attitudes of this population towards gambling. The goal is to generate concrete, original, culturally sensitive, feasible, and effective recommendations for preventive and risk-reducing policies. It is the first and only comprehensive investigation into gambling behavior in Turkey, offering guidance in this field. Methods: In this study, which was conducted with an epidemiological cross-sectional design, a stratified random sampling technique was employed, and data were collected using computer-assisted faceto-face interviews. Individuals to be surveyed in households were randomly selected using the Kish method. Results: Three hundred forty-one participants (6.81%) reported having gambled at least once (GALO) in their lifetime, while the remaining participants stated they had never gambled (NG). Among the GALO group, 100 individuals (29.33%) reported regular participation in gambling activities during the data collection period. The most commonly played types of gambling were sports betting (55.4%), national lottery (42.2%), numeric lottery (34.6%), and bingo (30.8%). The ages of first-time gambling ranged from 6 to 41. Tobacco, alcohol, and substance use were significantly more common in the GALO group compared to the NG group (P < .001). Conclusion: Understanding the prevalence of gambling behavior and underlying motivations is crucial for creating awareness and implementing effective preventive measures. We must determine its prevalence, examine societal attitudes, highlight its presence, and prioritize solution-oriented strategies.Yayın The Reicher-Wheeler paradigm in word recognition research: A cautionary note on its actual contributions and published misconceptions(Frontiers Media SA, 2024) Jordan, Timothy R.; Akkaya, Aziz M.; Göçmüş, Fatma Zehra; Kalan, Aleynanur; Morgül, Ebru; Önalan, Kübra; Sheen, Mercedes Kier; Akkaya, Aziz Muhammed; Morgül, Ebru; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThe study of word recognition has been influenced greatly by findings obtained when visual stimuli are presented very briefly. Under these conditions, a great deal of evidence suggests that words are perceived better than nonwords, and even single letters, and it is generally accepted that these “word superiority effects” reflect the relative efficiency with which words are perceived. For more than 50 years, a key procedure for establishing these effects has been the Reicher-Wheeler Paradigm in which potentially confounding effects of non-perceptual guesswork are cleverly suppressed. More recently, however, the actual nature of the ReicherWheeler paradigm and its contribution to research have become misrepresented in a range of publications, and its use in experiments has been confused and conflated with other, less sophisticated procedures. In this article we describe the actual contributions made by the Reicher-Wheeler Paradigm to word recognition research and show examples of how these important contributions have been misunderstood and misconceived in experiments reported in the recent literature.Yayın Göçmen siyasetçilerin göçmen karşıtı politikaları: İngiltere örneği(İLKE Vakfı Toplumsal Düşünce ve Araştırmalar Merkezi (TODAM), 2024) Yeşil, Yunus; Yeşil, Yunus; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyoloji BölümüArtan göç hareketleri, Avrupa’da aşırı sağın ve göçmen karşıtı hareketlerin yükselişini de beraberinde getiriyor. Fransa’da Le Pen, İtalya’da Meloni ve Hollanda’da Wilders gibi milliyetçi isimlerin seçimlerde aldıkları başarılar Avrupa’da göçmenlerin geleceğine dair pek parlak bir harita çizmiyor. Toplum içinde artan nefret ve yabancı düşmanlığı, bölgedeki şiddet ve ötekileştirme sarmalını da derinden etkiliyor. Her ne kadar Avrupa’da göçmen karşıtlığı, aşırı sağ hareketler bağlamında ele alınsa da son dönemde dikkat çeken başka bir husus söz konusu: Göçmen ailelerden gelen Avrupalı siyasetçilerin göçmen karşıtı politikaları desteklemesi ve bizatihi uygulaması. Bu durum kendi içinde bir dikotomi içeriyor gibi gözükse de aslında arka planda sosyolojik ve siyasi açıdan birçok karmaşık ilişkiyi de beraberinde getiriyor. Bu durum özellikle etnik çeşitliliğin yüksek olduğu İngiltere gibi ülkelerde karşımıza çıkarak alışılagelmiş kalıpların yıkıldığı neo-liberal bir dönemde ırksal önyargının ve ayrımcılığın mevcut olmadığı bir dönemi işaret eden ırk-sonrası (post-racial) kavramını da gündemimize dahil ediyor.Yayın Şikago’da bir Filistin diasporası: Küçük Filistin’e bir bakış(İLKE Vakfı Toplumsal Düşünce ve Araştırmalar Merkezi (TODAM), 2023) Yeşil, Yunus; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyoloji BölümüDünya, 7 Ekim’den beri Hamas’ın direnişini ve işgal devletinin barbarca “var olma” hakkını koruması gerektiğini konuşuyor. En nihayetinde hikâye 7 Ekim’de başlamış değil. 150-200 yıllık bir Siyonizm geçmişi, Osmanlı’nın Filistin’deki son dönemleri, İngiliz mandası, Nakba, Arap-İsrail savaşları derken 2 asırdır süren bir süreçten bahsediyoruz. 1948’de büyük felaketle birlikte artık resmî olarak yer edinmiş bu zulüm, her gün Filistinlileri “dehumanize” ederek insanlık onurunu yok saymakta ve yerleşimci sömürgecilik yoluyla zeytin ve limonun yurdunu Filistinsizleştirmektedir. Batı Şeria, Ramallah, Nablus ve Gazze gibi birkaç şehir hattına sıkışmış 5 milyondan fazla Filistinliye ek olarak, bu zulümden dolayı yurtlarından ayrılmak durumunda kalan milyonlarca Filistinlinin dünyanın dört bir köşesine dağılmıştır. Lübnan’ın Şatilla mülteci kampını ya da Amman’ın meskûn sokaklarını veyahut Şikago’nun bir banliyösünü yurt edinen yüzbinlerce Filistinlinin varlığı şüphesiz ki bize bu sürecin en acı örneklerini sunmaktadır. Bu noktada Filistin diasporalarının sınırlarını ve işgal devleti tarafından yurtlarından kovulan Filistinlilerin ilmek ilmek göç ettikleri toprakları yurt edinme çabalarını görmek bu süreci daha iyi anlamamızı sağlayacaktır.Yayın Multidimensional meaning in life: Turkish validation of the 3DM using a bifactor model(Cyprus Mental Health Institute, 2024) Subaşı, Mustafa; Bulut, Sefa; Karaman, Hakan; Osin, Evgeny N.; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüRecent research highlights the importance of multidimensional measurement in assessing meaning in life. The Three Dimensional Meaning in Life Scale (3DM) is a self-report measure based on a tripartite framework including significance, coherence, and purpose. The present study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the 3DM. The first-order confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the Turkish version replicated the original three-factor structure of the 3DM. The model showed a good fit to the present data. The bifactor model of the 3DM supported a multidimensional structure of meaning in life, and measurement invariance indices demonstrated consistent psychometric properties across gender groups. The 3DM subscales had good reliability, with strong item-total correlations ranging from .47 to .76. They had significant positive associations with meaning in life and well-being indicators. The results provided evidence for the structural and convergent validity of the 3DM. Overall, the Turkish 3DM is a valid and reliable measure.Yayın A further look at perception of personalities in typefaces: Evidence from Turkish(SAGE Publications, 2025) Sheen, Mercedes; Yekani, Hajar Aman Key; Morgül, Ebru; Jordan, Timothy R.; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüPrevious research conducted in English indicates that the visual appearances of different typefaces are perceived as possessing distinct characteristics, what we call “print personality” (e.g., masculine, feminine, serious, fun) to the extent that the typeface used conveys information to the reader beyond that which is expressed linguistically by the word. Recent work has found that these attributions of “print personality” also extend to typefaces written in Arabic, but one language that is distinct from both languages is Turkish. Turkish is written in a version of the Latinate alphabet containing 29 letters which include unique diacritics and is a genderless language which requires no gender associations for nouns, pronouns, or adjectives. Given that many print personalities appear to be strongly associated with gender (masculine, feminine, elegance, confidence), it remains to be determined if the association of print personalities extends to Turkish typefaces, and the pattern of any such associations. Accordingly, sixteen different typefaces were presented to fluent native Turkish readers who rated each typeface according to 22 different personality characteristics. The results indicate that, although Turkish participants readily assigned personality characteristics to different typefaces, gendered associations across different typefaces were far weaker than previously found. Implications for the generality of the existence of typeface personalities across different languages, and the effect this may have on perception of genderless languages, are discussed.Yayın Preventive factors and resilience in intergenerational trauma transmission: A systematic review(John Wiley & Sons, 2024) Bircan, Fikriye Bilge; Uysal, Burcu; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü[No Abstract Available]Yayın Rethinking psycho-ontology in the context of Ilm an-Nafs (the study of self by Muslim scholars) and clinical applications(American Psychological Association, 2024) Toprak, Taha Burak; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüWhile modern psychotherapies are generally effective, they often face challenges, especially in addressing the more profound aspects of human experience. Ilm an-Nafs, as a discipline rooted in the Islamic intellectual tradition, encompasses various interpretations that offer a multidimensional perspective by integrating scientific, philosophical, and theological insights. This article focuses on my specific interpretation of Ilm an-Nafs, from which we have developed the 3K model (drive/power model), the 3N model (consciousness model), the 4T model (cognitive model), and the Nafs (self) model. In order to explore their potential advantages, these models will be compared with psychoanalytic concepts and cognitive behavioral therapy. The methodology includes a comparative analysis of these models, highlighting how the Ilm an-Nafs models provide a more holistic understanding of human psychology. Findings from six previous studies, comprising four single-case studies, one case series, and one randomized controlled trial group study, showed significant symptom reduction among patients. These patients found the Ilm an-Nafs models to be more explanatory and holistic than modern psychotherapies. They reported that these models helped them distinguish between psychopathology and spirituality and offered a sense of security by integrating religious and scientific perspectives. The Ilm an-Nafs models offer a richer psycho-ontological framework that not only aligns more closely with the values and beliefs of Muslim patients but also provides inspiring insights that can expand the definition of the human being in modern psychology. This approach opens new avenues for religiously sensitive therapeutic interventions and suggests promising new directions for integrating Ilm an-Nafs with contemporary psychology. Future research may further explore this integration, potentially leading to more holistic therapies that better serve diverse populations.Yayın Cross-cultural applicability of the Inventory of Problems–29 (IOP–29): A pre-registered German replication of Akca, Tepedelen, et al. (2023)(Routledge, 2025) Höpfner, Henrike; Uysal, Burcu; Stemmler, Mark; Akca, Ali Y. E.; Giromini, Luciano; Uysal, Burcu; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüAssessing the credibility of psychological problems in forensic evaluations is crucial. The Inventory of Problems–29 (IOP–29) is becoming a valuable symptom validity test (SVT) worldwide and has been validated in over 15 languages. This study evaluates the German IOP–29 and fills a gap by replicating a study of Akca, Tepedelen, et al. We analysed 384 IOP–29 protocols from 128 German-speaking adults (range = 18–87 years) under three conditions: honest, random and feigned responses (post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD; depression; schizophrenia). Statistical analyses showed that the False Disorder Probability Score (FDS) effectively discriminated between honest and feigned responses (Hedges g = 3.90), with a sensitivity of .91 and a specificity of .95 at an FDS cut-off value of ≥.50. A new index for detecting careless or random responses also showed promising results. This study confirms the utility of the IOP–29 in the German-speaking population and supports its cross-cultural applicability.Yayın A re-classification of al-Ījī’s Akhlāq al-Adudiyya into a model of Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV)(Michigan Publishing, 2024) Keshavarzi, Hooman; Yanık, Medaim; Keçeci, Esra; Cinisli, Muhammed Furkan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüWhile psychologists have only recently become extensively interested in character development and virtue acquisition, such an interest has existed for centuries among Muslim scholars. Islamic scholars have created many typologies and classifications of the virtues building upon the tradition they inherited from the ancient Greeks. Among the most notable works in this genre is the treatise most famously known as al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah, written by the 14th century scholar Ad ․ud al-Dīn al-Ījī (d. 756 AH/1355 CE), which provided a comprehensive yet concise manual of the Islamic virtues that synthesized the previous work of Islamic philosophers situated within Islamic scripture. This paper provides a revised classification of the Islamic virtues by adjusting al-Ījī’s classification of virtues in his al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah.This revised classification of virtues, referred to as Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV), adopts the four cardinal virtues of wisdom, temperance, valor, and justice, with the addition of spirituality as an independent chief virtue with accompanying sub-virtues. TIV provides an aggregation of many of the sub-virtues enlisted by al-Ījī due to the degree of overlap between them. TIV also makes minor linguistic revisions and adds a few new sub-virtues. The definitions of each of the TIV sub-virtues are constructed by drawing upon numerous sources in the Islamic tradition while still relying mostly on al-Ījī’s classification.The process of aggregation and revision has produced five cardinal TIV virtues with 31 sub-virtues. This paper further demonstrates that a review and integration of the Islamic tradition into mainstream psychological discourses can greatly enrich the holistic practice of clinical and community psychology.Yayın Case report: Recovery from sexual assault: A religion-adapted cognitive behavioral therapy for a woman sexual assault survivor(Elsevier Masson s.r.l., 2024) Işık, Hatice Rumeysa; Toprak, Taha Burak; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüLong-term prevalence estimates for PTSD among female victims of sexual assault vary from 54.8 % (Oosterbaan et al., 2019) to 70 % (Bownes et al., 1991) and 87 % (Mgoqi-Mbalo et al., 2017), according to studies. Even sexual assault-related PTSD is significantly more prevalent than PTSD unrelated to sexual assault (Oosterbaan et al., 2019). Furthermore, Temple et al. (2007) found that rape, particularly by a current partner, is a significant risk factor for PTSD, stress, and dissociation. A significantly higher prevalence of PTSD as well as sexual problems and eating and mood disorders has been observed in raped women (Faravelli et al., 2004; Mgoqi-Mbalo et al., 2017; O'Loughlin & Brotto, 2020; Steketee & Foa, 1987). These findings underline the need to provide treatment for victims (Chivers-Wilson, 2006; Cowan et al., 2020). Existing research indicates that there is a need for a greater number of studies examining psychosocial interventions for victims of sexual assault; however, the prevailing body of evidence supports the effectiveness of interventions utilizing video and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques (Lomax & Meyrick, 2022). However, trauma-related disorders may vary by culture, as may their therapies (Schnyder et al., 2016)…Yayın Effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention infused with psychodrama to enhance group processes and alleviate burnout among public institution call center employees: A pilot study(Muhammed Zincirli, 2024) Uysal, Burcu; Özkul, Seyhan; Bayraktar, Ayşenur; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThis quasi-experimental study examines the effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention program consisting of psychoeducation sessions and group exercises based on psychodrama warm-up activities resulting from the needs of public sector call center agents in the workplace. Forty municipality call center employees from two municipalities (intervention and control groups) completed pre- and post-test measures before and after the intervention program. Within the scope of the study in sociodemographic form, the Brief Psychological Resilience Scale (BPRS), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS), Organization-Based Self-Esteem Scale (OBSES), Group Cohesion Scale (GCS), and Group Atmosphere Scale (GAS) were used. A follow-up session and follow-up test for the intervention group took place one month after the completion of the intervention sessions. The intervention group showed significant pre-to-post-test short-term effects on psychological resilience and pre-to-follow-up long-term effects on group atmosphere scores. However, there was no significant change in burnout, well-being, or organization-based self-esteem scores. Moreover, no significant difference was noted in the control group from pre- to post-test, except for the decrease in the group atmosphere scores.