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    ‘ … Like white light going through a prism’: A metaphorical exploration of multilingual education from teachers’ perspectives
    (Routledge, 2025) Kamali, Jaber; Alpat, Muhammet Furkan; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Various characteristics of multilingual educational settings have been investigated from diverse sources thus far; however, the metaphorical representation of these unique mini-societies has been overlooked and warrants greater attention. Therefore, grounded in a metaphorical standpoint, this study aimed to explore the underlying factors involved in multilingual education by analyzing teachers’ metaphors about it. To collect data, 67 teachers from a university in Türkiye, chosen through snowball sampling, completed a metaphor about multilingual education. Of these, 12 teachers participated in semi-structured interviews to elaborate on the metaphors they generated. Employing systematic metaphor analysis, the metaphors were categorized into six distinctive themes: travel, residence, edibles, art and entertainment, artifact, and career. Then, the thematic analysis of interview data indicated unique features of multilingual classrooms embedded within the provided metaphors and their underlying dimensions. These findings call for educational reforms in multilingual education for teachers, teacher educators, and policymakers by unveiling the unique features of this specific educational context.
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    A sociocultural exploration of Iranian language teachers’corrective feedback: Why and how?
    (Routledge, 2025) Kamali, Jaber; Javahery, Pourya; Zendehbad, Mahsa; Shahraki, Mina; Rasouli, Mohammad; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    This study aims to explore the types and reasons for teachers’corrective feedback (CF) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL)classes from sociocultural perspectives. To do so, 12 Iranian EFLteachers were selected based on convenience sampling, and 18sessions of their classes (one or two from each teacher) wereobserved to ensure that there were at least three CF occurrencesin each teacher’s class. Then, the teachers attended stimulatedrecall interviews in which they answered questions about reasonsfor applying specific CFs in their classes. Different subthemesemerged from the data within the three sociocultural mediators’themes, namely psychological, material and peer mediators. Theresults indicated that teachers use different CFs in their classes forvarious reasons such as scaffolding learning, enhancing noticingand exposure, and fostering learners’ agency. The study ends withsuggestions and implications for teachers and teacher educators.
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    AI ethics as a complex and multifaceted challenge: Decoding educators’ AI ethics alignment through the lens of activity theory
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Alpat, Muhammet Furkan; Bozkurt, Aras; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    This study explores university educators’ perspectives on their alignment with artifcial intelligence (AI) ethics, considering activity theory (AT), which forms the theoretical underpinning of this study. To do so, 37 educators from a higher education institution were selected to write their metaphors about AI ethics alignment, out of which 11 attended semi-structured interviews, in which they answered some questions about their AI ethics alignment and narrated some experiences. The study reveals diverse and often contradictory perspectives on AI ethics, highlighting a general lack of awareness and inconsistent application of ethical principles. Some educators metaphorised AI ethics as fundamental but difcult to understand, while others pointed to the difculties of regulating ethical violations. The fndings highlight the need for targeted professional development on AI ethics, collaborative policy making and a multidisciplinary approach to promote ethical use of AI in higher education. This study also calls for stronger alignment between educators’ personal ethical standards and institutional norms to reduce AI-related risks in educational settings.
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    Exploring the challenges and affordances of integrating ChatGPT into language classrooms from teachers’ points of view: An ecological perspective
    (Kaplan Singapore, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Paknejad, Ali; Poorghorban, Afrooz; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    The present study explored teachers’ perspectives on the challenges and benefits of using ChatGPT in language classrooms, adopting an ecological perspective. To do so, ten Iranian language teachers were selected using convenience sampling and completed narrative frames about the use of ChatGPT in language classrooms. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore their beliefs on the impact of integrating ChatGPT in their classes. Employing deductive thematic analysis, the findings were organized into three different layers of educational ecology: microsystem, mesosystem, and macrosystem. The findings revealed that there are challenges and benefits in different layers of the classroom ecosystem regarding using ChatGPT in language classrooms. Teachers and teacher educators can benefit from the findings of the present study by raising their awareness of the implications of ChatGPT in language classrooms and adapting their practices to integrate this AI tool in their teaching practice.
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    Collaborative reflection as a means to improve teachers’ reflective skills: A community of practice perspective
    (Routledge, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Javahery, Pourya; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    This study aims at using collaborative reflection to see how itimpacts teachers’ breadth and depth of reflection on teachingpractice. To do so, as a part of an in-house professional develop-ment program of two schools of languages in Iran, eight teachersattended four sessions of collaborative reflection in which theyfocused on teacher talk. In these sessions, they wrote a reflectivenote about a teaching session they had observed for 20 minutes,engaged in a discussion with their peers for an additional 30minutes, and wrote another reflective note after the sessions inanother 20 minutes. Their reflective notes were compared to findpossible differences. To corroborate the data, the teachers all com-pleted narrative frames and attended semi-structured interviews inwhich they discussed any changes in their thoughts and the rea-sons for the changes. The gathered data were analyzed using in-depth thematic analysis, which involved iterative coding and themeidentification to uncover differences in reflective depth and diver-sity. The findings indicated that collaborative reflection significantlyenhanced teachers’ reflective skills, leading to more practical, andmore diverse reflections. This study suggested that incorporatingcollaborative reflection in professional development programs canfoster critical thinking and continuous improvement among lan-guage teachers.
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    Exploring the effective language teaching components from teachers’ point of view: A community of inquiry perspective
    (Kaplan Singapore, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Malekpour, Arefeh; Lotfali, Mitra; Javidan, Mehrdad; Rahimi, Amir Hossein; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Our research article explores teachers’ perceptions of components of effective language teaching from a community of inquiry (CoI) perspective. 20 teachers completed a narrative frame, 15 of whom participated in a semi-structured interview in which they discussed the factors contributing to effective teaching. The thematic analysis of the data employing the underpinning theoretical framework of the study revealed nine sub-themes in three CoI themes. The sub-themes in the teaching presence theme were classroom dynamic and discourse, classroom and learning management, and evaluation and assessment. The emergence of meaningful learning, critical thinking, and students’ engagement was observed in cognitive presence, and learning environment, sociocultural peculiarities, and positive relationships emerged in social presence. The findings of this study may assist teachers, teacher educators, and policymakers in improving their understanding of effective teaching and its components and planning, designing, and implementing accordingly.
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    Transformative learning: Flipped classroom and its impact on writing skill and critical thinking level
    (International Council for Open and Distance Education, 2024) Alpat, Muhammet Furkan; Görgülü, Emrah; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    The study sought to ascertain if critical thinking instruction delivered via the Flipped Classroom may improve students’ EFL writing skills. In addition to determining if the present instructional model influences students’ views of critical thinking and attitudes toward Flipped Learning integration, another goal is to determine whether students’ attitudes about Flipped Learning integration change. Students at the School of Languages at the upper-intermediate level took part in a reading and writing course to enhance their writing abilities. It was an experimental study with two groups consisting of an experimental group and a control group that each got training from the researcher for six weeks, and each group included 15 students. A variety of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools were used for this study, with the California critical thinking level inventory survey used in the first phase of the study, and critical thinking interviews used in the latter stage of the flipping classroom survey. Analyzing students’ responses to the California Critical Thinking Level Inventory found that the experimental group outperformed the control group, indicating a substantial boost in critical thinking abilities in those who took part in the experiment. The findings of the Flipped Classroom questionnaire show that students have a significant influence on the new teaching model in terms of their opinions regarding it.
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    An activity theoretic exploration of the causes of language learners’ misbehavior: Teachers’ belief in focus
    (European Knowledge Development (EUROKD), 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Kotamjani, Sedigheh Shakib; Alpat, Muhammet Furkan; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    This study attempts to explore the teachers’ beliefs on the causes of learners’ misbehavior in language classrooms. To do so, 23 language teachers completed a narrative frame in which they discussed a misbehavior experience they had in the class and why they thought it happened; they, then, attended semi-structured interviews where they discussed their experiences regarding learners’ misbehavior. A thematic analysis was employed and the data was analyzed with an eye on the study’s theoretical underpinning, i.e., Activity Theory (AT). The results indicated that there are different sources of misbehavior on different interconnected components of AT. In the “tool” component, the emergent themes were materials constraints, technological challenges, and hobbies interventions. In the “rules”, some themes such as teaching methodology, socio-cultural norms, and political, and ideological intolerance or disobedience emerged. It was in the “community” component of AT that the data revealed social phenomena, colleagues and authorities, and learners heterogeneity. Finally, in the “division of labor” the emerged themes were overwhelming responsibilities, family issues, and executives’ dereliction. The findings suggest a new look at language learners’ misbehavior and inform teacher education programs in which teachers are trained on this issue to manage learning in their classrooms effectively.
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    An ecological inquiry into transnational English language teachers’ emotional vulnerability and agency
    (Routledge, 2024) Nazari, Mostafa; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    In this study, we propose an ecological model of teacheragency and emotional vulnerability that draws on epistemological rootsof these two constructs to capture historico-personal, socio-organizational,and prospective levels of teacher professionalism. We then ontologicallyapply the model to exploring transnational language teachers’ agency andemotional vulnerability in the context of Turkey. Framing the study withina narrative inquiry methodology, we collected data from open-ended ques-tionnaires, narrative frames, and semi-structured interviews. Data analysesrevealed that the teachers’ personal emotions, embodied agencies, andvulnerabilities were profoundly shaped by individual histories, contextualdiscourses, and sociocultural particularities. The findings unpack noveldimensions of teachers’ agency and emotional vulnerability, attesting totheir interconnection, especially within the context of transnationalism. Weconclude the study with implications for teacher educators to reduce thepressure on transnational teachers and render their agencies as rooted ineffective professional growth, rather than being defined by excessive vul-nerabilities that in turn restrict teacher agencies.
  • Yayın
    Examining the interplay of teacher emotional intelligence and feedback responsiveness in post-observation conferences: Voices from Iran
    (Springer Nature, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Javahery, Pourya; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    This study attempted to investigate the impact of teachers’ Emotional Intelligence (EI) on how they respond to post-observation feedback. To do so, 11 Iranian EFL teachers were selected and divided into two groups of high and low EI based on their EI test results. Based on their observed classes, post-observation conferences were held between the teacher and the observer. A thorough thematic analysis of the data unveiled three pre dominant themes: (1) maintaining positive moods and coping with stressful situations, (2) accepting negative feedback and justifying one’s performance, and (3) accepting negative feedback and becoming defensive. The findings of the study suggested that there were obvious differences in the way the teachers reacted to feedback from their observers. High EI teachers remained more confident after the negative feedback, were willing to listen to the observer, were active listeners, were open to criticism, and reflected on their performance. Low EI teachers, however, became agitated, failed to control their stress, tried to justify their performance, did not tend to accept the negative feedback, became defensive, responded immediately, and used discourse boosters frequently after the nega tive feedback. The study urges updated teacher education programs informed by teachers’ EI, particularly in providing feedback on their performance.
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    A cross-cultural investigation of effective language pedagogy in teachers’ personal practical knowledge narratives: A cultural-ecological perspective
    (Routledge, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    The current case study probes two international language teachers’ perspectives on the role culture plays in their perception of an effective language pedagogy through their personal practical knowledge narratives from a cultural ecological standpoint. To do this, two language teachers from two different cultural backgrounds (Iran and Japan) were asked to write a narrative about an effective class they had taught and how culture had influenced it. These narratives were read carefully and became the basis of three 60-minute semi-structured narrative interviews. Both narratives and interview data were analysed using a thematic analysis based in a cultural ecological perspective. The study contributes to the literature on culturally informed education by recognising culture as a distinctive factor affecting learning in different layers of the cultural ecology and can inform a culture-specific, nativized teacher education programme.
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    An ecological inquiry into the identity formation of a novice TESOL research mentor: Critical autoethnographic narratives in focus
    (SAGE Publications, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    This study reports on the identity formation of the author as a novice research mentor of an independent research course for TESOL teachers over six months (from the course design to the first research submission). The data is collected from four critical autoethnographic narratives written by the author before, during, and after this period. The narratives were analysed thematically with an eye on the theoretical underpinning of the study, i.e. ecological perspective, in three ecological layers namely micro-, meso-, and macrosystem. The results revealed that the author’s identity construction was influenced by different factors such as ‘autonomy in mentoring’, ‘mediating mentorship’, or ‘academic recognition’ in three levels of educational ecology. The results of this study can motivate research mentors and teacher educators, specifically novice ones, to find some similarities with the ideas discussed in this research and to record their lived experiences as a tool for reflection.
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    Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi Esad Efendi Koleksiyonu’nda bulunan Farsça münşeât mecmuaları
    (Istanbul University Press, 2024) Keshani Çalışır, Nergis; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Osmanlı Devleti’nde resmî tarih yazıcılığı (vaḳʿanüvîslik) görevini yürüten, Türkçe ilk resmî gazete Taḳvîm-i Veḳâyiʿnin nâzırlığını yapan ve 1835-1836 yıllarında bir yılı aşkın bir süre İran’da elçi olarak bulunan Sahaflar Şeyhizâde Esad Efendi’nin (ö. 1848) tarihî ve edebî eser ağırlıklı kitap koleksiyonu, birçok açıdan incelenmeyi gerektirir. Esad Efendi’nin 4000 cilt civarı yazma eser bulunan koleksiyonunda güzel yazı (inşâ) sanatının önemli örneklerini içeren 193 münşeât mecmuası yer alırken bunlardan 33’ü Farsça münşeâtlardan oluşmaktadır. Özellikle Selçuklu, Osmanlı ve Safevî tarihinde önemli roller oynamış pek çok isme ait mektubun yer aldığı bu mecmuaları, talimî (didaktik) ve özel/resmî mektupları içeren münşeâtlar şeklinde iki kategoriye ayırmak mümkündür. Bu çalışmada inşâ sanatına ve münşeât mecmualarına dair genel bir girişin ardından Esad Efendi Koleksiyonu’nda yer alan ve üzerinde detaylı bir inceleme yapılmamış olan 22 Farsça münşeât mecmuası fizikî özellikleri ve muhtevaları açısıdan değerlendirilip ilim âlemine tanıtılmaya çalışılacaktır.
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    Applying Galperin model to teacher professional development: A qualitative case study of a peer coaching program
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Javahery, Pourya; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    The present study is an attempt to apply Galperin spiral model to implement and analyze a peer coaching program. To do so, six teachers (three coaches and three protégés), who attended a 3-month peer coaching program in which protégés received help from their more experienced peers (coaches), completed narrative frames about the program and participated in individual semistructured interviews. After the transcription of the interviews, the thematic analysis was conducted on the gathered data. The results of the study revealed that although there are evidential obstacles to doing the program including inter alia, cultural schema, teacher financial well-being and discontinuity of it, the employed model could provide additional aid and critical look for implementing peer coaching programs in educational contexts. Teachers and teacher educators can benefit from the findings by applying the proposed model in peer coaching programs.
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    Revisiting an anti-Machiavellian model for teacher education: A critical perspective
    (SAGE Publications, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Kamali, Jaber
    This study examines a borrowed concept from politics, that is, Machiavellian, in second language teacher education (SLTE), develops an anti-model to it, and explores teacher educators’ viewpoints about the developed model with an eye on critical aspects of teacher education, that is, Anti-Machiavellian. To do so, the literature on Machiavellian thoughts was studied thoroughly based on which a model was proposed and interview questions were constructed. Then, five Iranian expert teacher educators were selected based on non-random convenient sampling to attend individual extensive semi-structured interviews in which they discussed their opinions about the principles of Anti-Machiavellian SLTE. Adopting a thematic analysis, the data revealed that Anti-Machiavellian SLTE associates closely with critical teacher education where teacher education is context-specific, responsive to learners, dialogically engaging, reflective, and practical. The results of the in-depth interviews also indicated that Anti-Machiavellian SLTE is compatible with critical teacher education which, albeit widely advertised, is hard to practice.
  • Yayın
    Transnational language teachers emotional vulnerability and professional identity construction: An ecological perspective
    (Routledge, 2023) Kamali, Jaber; Nazari, Mostafa; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Despite the recent growth of attention to language teachers’emotionalvulnerability, little research has explored emotional vulnerability andidentity construction among transnational teachers. Drawing on anecological theoretical lens, we explored the emotional vulnerability andprofessional identity construction of transnational language teachersworking in the context of Turkey. Data were collected from open-endedquestionnaires, narrative frames, and semi-structured interviews. Dataanalysis revealed that across the three classroom (micro), institutional(meso), and sociocultural (macro) ecologies, the transnational teachersexperienced contextually-invoked emotional conflicts that positionedtheir identities in a vulnerable state. Most notably, we found thattransnational teachers need to become contextually adaptable to thethree ecologies in order to develop professional coping strategies thatsafeguard them against the chronicle stressors of their profession andcontext. We situate such adaptability within implications calling forholding preparatory courses that facilitate transnational teachers’transition to the new setting with the hope of positively contributing totheir effective professional identity construction.
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    A comparative study of the effectiveness of online and conventional instructions on learners productive skills development
    (Australian International Academic Centre, 2023) Pouriran, Yassamin; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    In the current millennium, the integration of instructional technologies has become mandatory, especially when the focus of instruction is only on fluency and correct learning. English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers believe that students can achieve an adequate level of fluency and accuracy only if they speak and write English with less difficulty and more spontaneity. For this purpose, instructors ceaselessly seek versatile ways and approaches to enrich the teaching of four language skills (mainly the productive ones). Online sources provide both students and instructors with various ranges of software applications and platforms to actively involve in different class activities. This study aims to pinpoint the effectiveness of both online and conventional teaching on learners’ productive skills and to examine which mode of instruction leads to constructive output of EFL learners. Furthermore, this article considers teachers’ attitudes and learners’ perceptions on the use of online instruction in EFL classrooms. This research uses a qualitative approach by means of an interview and a questionnaire designated to 15 EFL teachers and 400 learners in a private university in Turkey. The results of this study reveal that both teachers and learners prefer having Hybrid instruction (the combination of both online and faceto-face models) in teaching and learning productive skills, so the findings of this research can assist EFL teachers, material designers and policy makers to include Hybrid education in their curricula.
  • Yayın
    Teachers’ classroom interactional competence: Scale development and validation
    (European Knowledge Development (EUROKD), 2023) Tajeddin, Zia; Kamali, Jaber; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Interactional competence has recently gained considerable attention in language education. As an aspect of this competence, classroom interactional competence has been in the limelight since Walsh’s (2006) delineation of this concept. However, there is no survey tool to measure teachers’ classroom interactional competence. To bridge this gap, the present study describes the development and validation of a teachers’ classroom interactional competence (TCIC) scale. An outline of the relevant literature related to classroom interactional competence is provided, along with the process of scale development and validation. An exploratory factor analysis of the data from a large sample of language teachers (N = 564) resulted in a 46-item scale that constituted nine factors, namely visual organizers, sociocultural interaction, questioning, interactional patterns, repair, language modification, turn taking, managerial interaction, and rhetorical script. The implications of the scale for the measurement and, in turn, the enhancement of teachers’ classroom interactional competence are discussed.
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    Metamorphosis of a teacher educator: A journey towards a more critical self
    (Kaplan Higher Education Academy, 2023) Kamali, Jaber; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Critical teacher education emerged as a response to the liberal, hegemonic, and power-oriented world that affected teacher education as well. Albeit widely discussed, moving towards becoming this type of teacher educator is neither easy nor fast. This autoethnographic narrative study describes my journey as a teacher educator from a non-critical, product-oriented, passive teacher educator to a more critical, process- oriented, active teacher educator who learns, questions, relearns, and unlearns. The data are gathered from different sources of my personal portfolio, including training diaries, field notes, memories, feedback, and observation. The findings of the study reveal the underlying factors that shape our thoughts, beliefs, and practices and how we can gain voice and agency and transform into critical teacher educators.
  • Yayın
    Teachers' personality types and their attitude toward receiving and employing postobservation feedback
    (Wiley, 2023) Kamali, Jaber; Kamali, Jaber; Javahery, Pourya; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Classroom observation has been long considered a power-ful tool for evaluating and monitoring teachers' perform-ance and progress. Teachers can benefit from the feedbackduring the postobservation conference but giving feedbackis not a simple skill and needs knowledge and training.Research on tackling postobservation problems remainsemerging and the aim of this study is to explore the rolethat a teacher's personality type–based on DiSC personal-ity test?might play in postobservation conferences andreaction to receiving feedback from the supervisor. Togather data, 20 nonnative EFL teachers were asked to takethe DiSC personality test to have their personality typesidentified, then they were observed three times, and eachtime they received feedback on their classroom manage-ment techniques. Results indicate that teachers withdifferent personality types act differently during thepostobservation conferences. While D and i styles areactive and tend to employ feedback moderately andstrongly in their classes, S and C styles are mostly passivewith the tendency of employing feedback moderately andweakly. The findings contribute to a better understandingof the role of personality types in teachers' tolerance ofcriticism and their tendency to apply the received feedbackin their future classes.