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Yayın İşkaliyyetü'l-cem'i ve't-tefrik fi kütübi ma'rifeti's-sahabe(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2023) Elbekri, Hamza; İslami İlimler Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri BölümüHadis ravilerinin aynı isimleri taşıyıp bunların birbirleriyle karıştırılması problemi, hadis rical ilminde tasnifin başlangıcıyla birlikte erken dönemde ortaya çıkmıştır. Öyle ki bazı isnat zincirlerinde hem kendi isimlerinin hem de babalarının isimlerinin veya isimleriyle birlikte nispet ve künye gibi hususların aynı olduğu raviler bulunmaktadır. Bu ravilerin tek bir kişi mi (cem’) veya farklı kişiler mi olduğunun (tefrik) tespitinin nasıl olacağı sorusu hadisçilerin zihinlerini kurcalamaya başlamıştır. Bu sorun hadisçilerin zihinlerini öylesine meşgul etmiştir ki kendileri bu problemin çözümü için hadis ilminde yeni bir disiplin oluşturmuşlardır. Müttefik ve müfterik diye adlandırdıkları bu disiplinde birçok eser kaleme almışlardır. Bu disiplinle bağlantılı olan alanlardan birisi de sahabe literatürüdür. Diğer rical kitaplarında olduğu gibi bahsedilen problem burada da gündeme gelmiştir. Bu çalışma özellikle sahabe bilgisine dair (marifetü’s-sahâbe) eserlerdeki cem ve tefrik problemine mercek tutarak yazarların bu meseleden ne ölçüde haberdar olduklarını ve söz konusu meseleyi uygulamalı ve teorik olarak çözmeye ne kadar ilgi duyduklarını ele alacaktır. Ayrıca bu alanda eser veren yazarların sert veya yumuşak tutumlu yaklaşımlarını anlamlandırmak ve bu meseleyi çözmedeki metotlarını değerlendirmek de araştırmanın inceleyeceği bir diğer husustur. Yapılacak olan değerlendirme İbn Mende ve Ebû Nuaym’la başlayıp İbn Abdilber’le devam edecek, İbnü’l-Esîr ve İbn Hacer’le de son bulacaktır. Araştırmanın amacı, mezkûr problemin tarihini ve sahabe literatürü kitaplarındaki gelişimini göstermek, sahabe literatürü yazarlarının o konudaki yaklaşımlarını belirlemek ve bu problemi çözmedeki yöntemlerini değerlendirmektir. Buna binaen söz konusu problemin çözümünde izlenmesi gereken yöntemin sistemleştirilmesine dair bazı önemli teklifler sunulacaktır.Yayın Link between digital technologies adoption and sustainability performance: Supply chain traceability/resilience or circular economy practices(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Duman Altan, Aylin; Beyca, Ömer Faruk; Zaim, Selim; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüTechnological progress and digitalization have ushered in significant transformations in business strategies. At present, research is scarcely focused on the influence of the adoption of digital technologies (DTs) on establishing comprehensive relationships within the context of a circular economy (CE), and the supply chain (SC) framework to contribute to the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. This study utilizes survey data collected from 235 manufacturing practitioners employed by Turkish manufacturing enterprises to explore a model elucidating the relationship between DTs adoption and sustainability performance (SP) through supply chain traceability (SCT), supply chain resilience (SCR), and circular economy practices (CEPs), based on 10R strategies. Through this linkage, this research accentuates that the exclusive integration of CEPs with digital technology solutions is insufficient for industrial enterprises to attain their long-term sustainability goals. It underscores the necessity of ensuring SCT and/or SCR in this context.Yayın Revisiting post-Islamism a decade after the Arab Spring(University of Belgrade - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, 2024) Affan, Mohammad; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThe Arab Spring uprisings marked a watershed moment in regional politics, significantly impacting Islamist movements in terms of strategies, ideologies, and organizational structures. Accordingly, this paper examines whether these dramatic events strengthened or weakened the post-Islamist evolution of traditional political Islam movements, focusing on the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (E-MB) and the Tunisian Ennahda Movement Party (EMP) as case studies. The proposed hypothesis is that the Arab Spring has variably influenced Islamists. In Egypt, it initially weakened the post-Islamist turn of the E-MB. However, owing to the 2013 coup and subsequent repression, the E-MB was politically excluded and weakened, creating a vacuum that was filled by various forms of less political or non-ideological forms of Islamic activism. The Tunisian Islamists had a different story. The Arab Spring seems to have strengthened their transition to post-Islamism. In its tenth conference, the EMP declared its exit from political Islam, adopting the new concept of Muslim Democracy. Even after the presidential takeover in July 2021, which resulted in the political exclusion of the EMP, the Work and Achievement party that defected from it maintained clear post-Islamist features.Yayın Against the odds: Explaining mainstream Montenegrin parties domination of Bosniak and Albanian minority representation in postcommunist Montenegro(Cambridge University Press, 2024) Lika, Idlir; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThe Bosniak and Albanian minorities in postcommunist Montenegro have supported and been represented by mainstream Montenegrin parties more than by their ethnic parties. This stands in striking contrast to the situation in neighboring Serbia and North Macedonia where the Bosniak and Albanian minorities vote almost exclusively for their ethnic parties. The Montenegrin case stands out as deviant also when one considers a number of extant explanations, all of which would predict a different outcome. Montenegrin Bosniaks and Albanians constitute two native, sizeable and geographically concentrated minority groups inhabiting a country with an institutional framework and several special electoral arrangements favoring minority parties. Drawing on original data on Bosniak and Albanian legislators elected across 12 parliamentary elections in Montenegro (1990-2023), municipality and country-level parliamentary election results and 12 semi-structured elite interviews, I argue that what explains the deviance in the Montenegrin case is the peculiar nature of Montenegrin identity, specifically the fact that it does not pit the majority against minority, but rather it pits the Montenegrin and Serbian components of the Orthodox majority against each other and in such a context the non-Orthodox minorities become critical political allies of the Montenegrin bloc against the Serbian one.Yayın Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and perceived social support among Iraqi and Syrian immigrant and refugee adolescents in Türkiye(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2024) Bulut, Sefa; Karaman, Hüseyin Buğra; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüThis study aimed to determine the levels of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (ptsd), depression, and perceived social support among immigrant secondary school students residing in Bolu, Türkiye. The refugee children had significantly higher scores for both ptsd and depression, and lower scores for social support. While there were no significant gender differences for the three variables, older students had higher ptsd scores. Immigrant students who had lived in Türkiye for four years or longer had lower depression, higher social support, and social support from a special person. Surprisingly, students whose families had immigrated for educational reasons had higher ptsd scores and lower family social support scores than those that immigrated due to conflicts. A regression analysis, conducted to predict depression via ptsd and social support, showed that the two variables accounted for 25% of the variance in depression scores.Yayın Exploring the effective language teaching components from teachers’ point of view: A community of inquiry perspective(Kaplan Singapore, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Malekpour, Arefeh; Lotfali, Mitra; Javidan, Mehrdad; Rahimi, Amir Hossein; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller OkuluOur research article explores teachers’ perceptions of components of effective language teaching from a community of inquiry (CoI) perspective. 20 teachers completed a narrative frame, 15 of whom participated in a semi-structured interview in which they discussed the factors contributing to effective teaching. The thematic analysis of the data employing the underpinning theoretical framework of the study revealed nine sub-themes in three CoI themes. The sub-themes in the teaching presence theme were classroom dynamic and discourse, classroom and learning management, and evaluation and assessment. The emergence of meaningful learning, critical thinking, and students’ engagement was observed in cognitive presence, and learning environment, sociocultural peculiarities, and positive relationships emerged in social presence. The findings of this study may assist teachers, teacher educators, and policymakers in improving their understanding of effective teaching and its components and planning, designing, and implementing accordingly.Yayın An integrated expert recommender system approach to environmental service priorities in renewable energy(IOP Publishing, 2024) Yüksel, Serhat; Dinçer, Hasan; Hacıoğlu, Ümit; An, Jaehyung; Mikhaylov, Alexey; Karpyn, Zuleima; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThe purpose of this study is to analyze the investment success of renewable energy generation projects design. A novel model has been constructed for this purpose. At the first stage, collaborative filtering methodology is taken into consideration to complete missing evaluations. After that, M-SWARA based on QUSFSs with golden cut is used to compute the weights of these factors. Finally, the components of the service design are ranked by TOPSIS approach. The main contribution of the paper is that a new methodology (M-SWARA) has been created in this study by making improvements to SWARA. With the help of this new model, causal directions between the indicators can also be examined. Similarly, collaborative filtering methodology is taken into consideration to complete missing evaluations. In this process, the decision makers are allowed to leave the questions they wanted blank. This situation is considered as the superiority of the proposed model compared to many previous models in the literature. The findings indicate that cost is the most significant factor for the success of renewable energy investments because it gets the highest weight (.261). The ranking results also demonstrate that product is the most essential component of the service design of renewable energy investments. Therefore, solving the high-cost problem is of vital importance to increase these investments. First, renewable energy companies can reduce costs with more effective financial management. To carry out this process effectively, a finance department consisting of qualified personnel is needed. Thanks to this team, current situations in the financial markets will be better followed and this will play an important role in reducing costs.Yayın Human rights perspectives on climate change and landmine contamination in Azerbaijan(Student Academic Society of Baku State University Law School, 2024) Mustafayeva, Najiba; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThis article discusses the expanding interface between human rights and international climate change law. It underlines the urgent need for a human rights-based approach for the protection of the rights of vulnerable communities residing in disaster-prone areas, and reinstatement of environmental justice. It covers the chronological line of development from an initial lack of human rights inclusion within climate agreements which did not contain any provisions of the named approach. Then, the article discusses two recent historical resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly that recognized the right to a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a basic human right. Focusing on the forthcoming COP29 in Baku, the article discusses the need for immediate action related to anthropogenic interference in view of landmine contamination following the Second Karabakh War. It argues that the inclusion of human rights into climate policies is going to be key factor in both mitigating environmental degradation and offering just solutions. Secondly, the article evaluates the developing landscape of human rights based climate change litigations by citing landmark cases such as Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. It also predicts the probable effect of the upcoming Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice with respect to state responsibility for climate change, emphasizing the need to focus on vulnerable communities, including those affected by war. In conclusion, the article advocates for a holistic approach that integrates human rights, climate justice, and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. It underscores the significance of COP29 as a platform to address these interconnected challenges and calls for robust legal frameworks to protect both human rights and the environment in the face of climate change.Yayın Performance evaluation of sustainable energy alternatives to obtain efficient hybrid energy investments(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2024) Dinçer, Hasan; Yüksel, Serhat; Hacıoğlu, Ümit; Gherghina, Ştefan Cristian; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis study evaluates the synergy of coalition for hybrid renewable energy (RWB) system alternatives. In this context, the alternative sources of hybrid RWB system are examined to illustrate the impact-relation directions among them with multi SWARA based on q-ROFs and golden cut. Next, the performances of renewable alternatives are measured in terms of the synergy of coalition with game theory and Shapley value. It is concluded that solar energy is the most suitable RWB alternative for synergy to increase efficiency in investments. However, biomass does not have a significant influence on providing synergy in energy investments. Therefore, solar energy should be prioritized for hybrid energy investments. Especially with the effect of technological developments, the efficiency of solar energy investments increases significantly. Thus, solar energy investments have become quite suitable for increasing the synergy in hybrid energy projects. Furthermore, necessary research should be conducted to make biomass energy more efficient.Yayın Sustainability to financial realities: A comparative study of renewable energy's impact on financial performance(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024) Chlyeh, Dounia; Bayraktar, Erkan; Yılmaz, Mustafa Kemal; Tatoğlu, Ekrem; Zaim, Selim; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis study examines the impact of renewable energy (RE) performance on companies' financial performance, primarily focusing on RE-related sustainable development goals (SDGs) and environmental factors. We analyze a sample of 2,737 companies across 47 countries from 2009 to 2018 using panel data analysis. Our results suggest that the effect of RE performance can be understood through three phases: policies adopted, targets established, and actions implemented. Interestingly, RE policies negatively impact profitability due to the substantial costs incurred by companies. Moreover, RE-related SDGs are found to affect companies' financial performance adversely. However, environmental factors demonstrate a positive and significant impact on corporate financial performance, which is observed consistently across developed and emerging countries. Furthermore, RE performance targets and actions have a significant positive impact, specifically in developed countries. This highlights the complex relationship between RE initiatives and financial outcomes, highlighting differential effects across various stages of implementation and geographic contexts.Yayın A depiction of Rohingya refugees in India’s online news platforms following the shift in the Indian government’s stance in 2017(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024) Aldamen, Yasmin; Jaleel, Dilana Thasleem AbdulThe media plays a crucial role in framing and representing humanitarian crises, significantly influencing public opinion. The representation of these crises in the media directly impacts the dissemination of information to the global public. One prominent international crisis is the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, which dates back to the 1970s. News about the Rohingya refugees has been a major humanitarian topic on the global stage. The findings of this study reveal that Rohingya refugees are predominantly represented negatively in popular media platforms in India. Negative framing, including dehumanization and misrepresentation, is often employed in political discourse and developments. The portrayal of Rohingya refugees in Indian media frequently resorts to one-dimensional and stereotypical depictions. The frequent occurrence of dehumanization and misrepresentation, identifiable through the use of language and selective reporting practices, indicates a strong alignment of most Indian mainstream media with the government’s position. However, it is noteworthy that some platforms maintain a critical perspective. The portrayal of Rohingya refugees in India’s mainstream news outlet’s online platforms, such as Hindustan Times Online, NDTV Online, The Times of India Online, and India Today Online, reveals a complex landscape with varying narratives and governmental alignments.Yayın The politics of emotions, bio-political border practices and the question of (in)security on the Turkish political territorial borders(Routledge, 2024) Aras, Ramazan; Kalmoy, Abdirashid Diriye; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyoloji BölümüThis paper conceptually and analytically delineates the operationand employment of discourses and the political emotions of fearand anxiety in the making, conception, and cartographicimagination of the contours of modern Turkey’s politicalterritorial boundaries. This study posits that the emergence andformation of the Turkish political territorial borders after thetraumatic and violent experience of the cataclysmic shrinking,collapse and disintegration of the Ottoman Empire continue toinfluence discourses, emotions, practices and policies of bordersecurity and policing. Borders and borderlands are not only siteswhere the state performs, exercises and displays its sovereign willand power in protecting national security, dignity, pride andhonor, but also sources and harbingers of fears, anxieties andontological (in)securities. In the context of the highly publicizedimmigration influx of Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis and others intoTurkey, this paper argues that discourses and emotions of fear,anxiety and hate regained new currency and have becomeconsequential in the state’s eliciting of consent from the massesin instituting border walls, fences and harsh border policingpractices and policies on the borderlands and in cities across thecountry.Yayın Trait emotional intelligence and individual innovativeness: A study on technoparks(Inderscience Publishers, 2024) Kıvrak, Fatma Halide; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüEmotional intelligence is increasingly acknowledged as a driving force behind innovation. Employees with elevated emotional intelligence exhibit enhanced adaptability in industries focused on innovation, where heightened creativity and proficient collaborative problem-solving skills distinguish them from their counterparts lacking emotional intelligence. This study investigates the impact of employees’ trait emotional intelligence on individual innovativeness within the context of technoparks. The research also explores potential disparities in trait emotional intelligence and innovativeness, considering variables such as gender, marital status, education level, age, and managerial position. Using structural equation modelling, linear regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA, we analysed data collected from 164 employees in Istanbul’s technoparks. The findings highlight that general trait emotional intelligence, particularly its well-being and sociability dimensions, positively related with individual innovation. Additionally, significant differences in trait emotional intelligence were observed across all demographic factors, except marital status. Notably, gender and managerial position emerged as key differentiators for individual innovativeness, revealing higher levels of both emotional intelligence and innovativeness among those with managerial duties.Yayın Transformative learning: Flipped classroom and its impact on writing skill and critical thinking level(International Council for Open and Distance Education, 2024) Alpat, Muhammet Furkan; Görgülü, Emrah; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller OkuluThe study sought to ascertain if critical thinking instruction delivered via the Flipped Classroom may improve students’ EFL writing skills. In addition to determining if the present instructional model influences students’ views of critical thinking and attitudes toward Flipped Learning integration, another goal is to determine whether students’ attitudes about Flipped Learning integration change. Students at the School of Languages at the upper-intermediate level took part in a reading and writing course to enhance their writing abilities. It was an experimental study with two groups consisting of an experimental group and a control group that each got training from the researcher for six weeks, and each group included 15 students. A variety of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools were used for this study, with the California critical thinking level inventory survey used in the first phase of the study, and critical thinking interviews used in the latter stage of the flipping classroom survey. Analyzing students’ responses to the California Critical Thinking Level Inventory found that the experimental group outperformed the control group, indicating a substantial boost in critical thinking abilities in those who took part in the experiment. The findings of the Flipped Classroom questionnaire show that students have a significant influence on the new teaching model in terms of their opinions regarding it.Yayın An activity theoretic exploration of the causes of language learners’ misbehavior: Teachers’ belief in focus(European Knowledge Development (EUROKD), 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Kotamjani, Sedigheh Shakib; Alpat, Muhammet Furkan; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller OkuluThis study attempts to explore the teachers’ beliefs on the causes of learners’ misbehavior in language classrooms. To do so, 23 language teachers completed a narrative frame in which they discussed a misbehavior experience they had in the class and why they thought it happened; they, then, attended semi-structured interviews where they discussed their experiences regarding learners’ misbehavior. A thematic analysis was employed and the data was analyzed with an eye on the study’s theoretical underpinning, i.e., Activity Theory (AT). The results indicated that there are different sources of misbehavior on different interconnected components of AT. In the “tool” component, the emergent themes were materials constraints, technological challenges, and hobbies interventions. In the “rules”, some themes such as teaching methodology, socio-cultural norms, and political, and ideological intolerance or disobedience emerged. It was in the “community” component of AT that the data revealed social phenomena, colleagues and authorities, and learners heterogeneity. Finally, in the “division of labor” the emerged themes were overwhelming responsibilities, family issues, and executives’ dereliction. The findings suggest a new look at language learners’ misbehavior and inform teacher education programs in which teachers are trained on this issue to manage learning in their classrooms effectively.Yayın Holistic evaluation of energy transition technology investments using an integrated recommender system and artificial intelligence-based fuzzy decision-making approach(Elsevier, 2024) Dinçer, Hasan; Pamucar, Dragan; Yüksel, Serhat; Deveci, Muhammet; Eti, Serkan; Hacıoğlu, Ümit; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThe most essential criteria should be determined in the selection of the suitable energy transition technologies due to budget deficit problem. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the most important criteria in energy transition technology selection. Therefore, a new study is needed to determine the most prominent issues in the correct selection of energy transition technologies. The purpose of this study is to identify the most appropriate energy transition technology alternative. Within this framework, a novel artificial intelligence (AI)-based fuzzy decision-making model has been presented. In the first part, the experts are prioritized by the help of AI methodology. In the next section, missing evaluations of energy transition technology investments are estimated via expert recommender system. Thirdly, the weights of the criteria for energy transition technology selection are computed by quantum picture fuzzy rough sets (QPFR) M-Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA). At the final stage, selected energy transition technology alternatives are ranked via QPFR-Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR). The main contribution of this study is the integration of AI technique to the proposed model. Similar to this issue, using M-SWARA methodology in the process of criteria weighting increases the quality of the findings. This methodology helps to consider the impact relation map of the criteria. The findings demonstrate that the most important factor is cost-effectiveness of energy transition. Similarly, it is also found that the local ecosystem is the second most significant issue. On the other side, the ranking results denote that compact renewable systems for small scale production is the most optimal solution of energy transition technology alternatives.Yayın A re-classification of al-Ījī’s Akhlāq al-Adudiyya into a model of Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV)(Michigan Publishing, 2024) Keshavarzi, Hooman; Yanık, Medaim; Keçeci, Esra; Cinisli, Muhammed Furkan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüWhile psychologists have only recently become extensively interested in character development and virtue acquisition, such an interest has existed for centuries among Muslim scholars. Islamic scholars have created many typologies and classifications of the virtues building upon the tradition they inherited from the ancient Greeks. Among the most notable works in this genre is the treatise most famously known as al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah, written by the 14th century scholar Ad ․ud al-Dīn al-Ījī (d. 756 AH/1355 CE), which provided a comprehensive yet concise manual of the Islamic virtues that synthesized the previous work of Islamic philosophers situated within Islamic scripture. This paper provides a revised classification of the Islamic virtues by adjusting al-Ījī’s classification of virtues in his al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah.This revised classification of virtues, referred to as Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV), adopts the four cardinal virtues of wisdom, temperance, valor, and justice, with the addition of spirituality as an independent chief virtue with accompanying sub-virtues. TIV provides an aggregation of many of the sub-virtues enlisted by al-Ījī due to the degree of overlap between them. TIV also makes minor linguistic revisions and adds a few new sub-virtues. The definitions of each of the TIV sub-virtues are constructed by drawing upon numerous sources in the Islamic tradition while still relying mostly on al-Ījī’s classification.The process of aggregation and revision has produced five cardinal TIV virtues with 31 sub-virtues. This paper further demonstrates that a review and integration of the Islamic tradition into mainstream psychological discourses can greatly enrich the holistic practice of clinical and community psychology.Yayın Contemporary scholarship on classical Islamic psychology a scoping review(Michigan Publishing, 2024) Elzamzamy, Khalid; Bader, Rasha K.; Bircan, Fikriye BilgeThe Islamic classical scholarly tradition is replete with literature on a wide range of psychological themes. In recent decades, there has been a surge in the study and re-evaluation of this classical literature considering modern psychology. The purpose of this review is to typologize and examine the prevalent themes and approaches in this contemporary body of scholarship engaging with classical Islamic psychological literature, and to highlight gaps and limitations. This literature review utilized a flexible search strategy through various national and regional databases using a wide range of keywords. The study included a total of 132 works in three languages: Arabic, English, and Turkish. The identified works were screened for inclusion based on their relevance to psychology and their focus on classical Islamic works. These works were organized according to a thematic typology developed by the authors into three categories: broad overviews, theory-oriented works, and application-oriented works. The review indicated a significant diversified interest in classical literature in relation to modern approaches to psychology. However, contemporary scholarship included a notable “championing” attitude towards classical literature with less prevalence of empirical explorations and practical applications. Certain classical scholars and treatises received significantly more attention than others in recent decades. The paper concludes by offering future directions for research in this domain.Yayın An ecological inquiry into transnational English language teachers’ emotional vulnerability and agency(Routledge, 2024) Nazari, Mostafa; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller OkuluIn this study, we propose an ecological model of teacheragency and emotional vulnerability that draws on epistemological rootsof these two constructs to capture historico-personal, socio-organizational,and prospective levels of teacher professionalism. We then ontologicallyapply the model to exploring transnational language teachers’ agency andemotional vulnerability in the context of Turkey. Framing the study withina narrative inquiry methodology, we collected data from open-ended ques-tionnaires, narrative frames, and semi-structured interviews. Data analysesrevealed that the teachers’ personal emotions, embodied agencies, andvulnerabilities were profoundly shaped by individual histories, contextualdiscourses, and sociocultural particularities. The findings unpack noveldimensions of teachers’ agency and emotional vulnerability, attesting totheir interconnection, especially within the context of transnationalism. Weconclude the study with implications for teacher educators to reduce thepressure on transnational teachers and render their agencies as rooted ineffective professional growth, rather than being defined by excessive vul-nerabilities that in turn restrict teacher agencies.Yayın Case report: Recovery from sexual assault: A religion-adapted cognitive behavioral therapy for a woman sexual assault survivor(Elsevier Masson s.r.l., 2024) Işık, Hatice Rumeysa; Toprak, Taha Burak; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüLong-term prevalence estimates for PTSD among female victims of sexual assault vary from 54.8 % (Oosterbaan et al., 2019) to 70 % (Bownes et al., 1991) and 87 % (Mgoqi-Mbalo et al., 2017), according to studies. Even sexual assault-related PTSD is significantly more prevalent than PTSD unrelated to sexual assault (Oosterbaan et al., 2019). Furthermore, Temple et al. (2007) found that rape, particularly by a current partner, is a significant risk factor for PTSD, stress, and dissociation. A significantly higher prevalence of PTSD as well as sexual problems and eating and mood disorders has been observed in raped women (Faravelli et al., 2004; Mgoqi-Mbalo et al., 2017; O'Loughlin & Brotto, 2020; Steketee & Foa, 1987). These findings underline the need to provide treatment for victims (Chivers-Wilson, 2006; Cowan et al., 2020). Existing research indicates that there is a need for a greater number of studies examining psychosocial interventions for victims of sexual assault; however, the prevailing body of evidence supports the effectiveness of interventions utilizing video and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques (Lomax & Meyrick, 2022). However, trauma-related disorders may vary by culture, as may their therapies (Schnyder et al., 2016)…