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  • Yayın
    The oeuvre of Peter van der Veer
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) Ahmad, Irfan; Ahmad, Irfan; Ahmad, Irfan; Kang, Jie
    This chapter critically evaluates the corpus of writings by Peter van der Veer, a Dutch anthropologist described by Dipesh Chakrabarty as ‘one of the foremost scholars in comparative studies of religion, nationalism, and urban life in Asia’. Divided into three parts, in part one I dwell on van der Veer’s work from 1985 to 1994, discussing his contributions to the study of Hinduism, orientalism and nationalism. In part two, I analyse his works during the second phase, that is, from 1995 to the present. Though diverse, I have arranged the analysis of these works under the overarching category of comparison. The final brief section identifies the style and mode of van der Veer’s interventions, the sine qua non of which I call, after Nietzsche, ‘theorization with a hammer’. In the conclusion, I highlight themes and questions that van der Veer’s works do not squarely address but that gainfully work as analytical enablers of future research.
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    Introduction: Imagining alternatives to globalization of the Nation form
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) Ahmad, Irfan; Kang, Jie; Ahmad, Irfan
    This chapter makes a set of three interconnected arguments. The first argument, which critically binds the volume together, is that rather than seeing contemporary politics in terms of globalization eroding the nation state or its persistence regardless of globalization, what characterizes the world is the globalization of the nation form. Second, by showing nationalism’s relationship with violence it underlines the need to interrogate the efficacy and morality of the nation state as a form of polis. Third, in dialogue with Arjun Appadurai’s productive criticism of nationalism, it makes the contention that instead of being informed exclusively by the present and the diaspora (as in Appadurai’s writings), imaginings of a postnational world should equally account for the pre- and anti-national forms of thoughts prior to the World War II. To this end, it discusses Muhammad Iqbal (d. 1938), poet-philosopher of undivided India, and Hasan al-Banna (d. 1949), activist-reformer and founder of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The second and third arguments thus outline arenas for future decolonial anthropological and other works on nationalism and culture more generally. With a description of the volume’s manifold theoretical and methodological distinctions, the chapter concludes with an outline of chapters ahead.
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    Muslim bare life in contemporary India
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) Ahmad, Irfan; van der Veer, Peter; Ahmad, Irfan
    Today Hindutva has become hegemonic to the extent that Muslims not only have to fear for their way of life but also for their own bare lives. The election of Narendra Modi as prime minister is a sign of the changes that have occurred from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-led Hindutva campaigns of the 1980s to the firm grip on government by the BJP-RSS today. Analyses of ‘the success of India’s democracy’ (Kohli, The Success of India’s Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001; Banerjee, Why India Votes. New Delhi: Routledge, 2014) never seem to take fully into account the importance of religion and religious divisions. This chapter attempts to address the consequences of the rise to power of Hindu civilizational nationalism.
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    The nation form in the global age: Ethnographic perspectives
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) Ahmad, Irfan; Kang, Jie
    This open access book argues that contrary to dominant approaches that view nationalism as unaffected by globalization or globalization undermining the nation-state, the contemporary world is actually marked by globalization of the nation form. Based on fieldwork in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East and drawing, among others, on Peter van der Veer’s comparative work on religion and nation, it discuss practices of nationalism vis-a-vis migration, rituals of sacrifice and prayer, music, media, e-commerce, Islamophobia, bare life, secularism, literature and atheism. The volume offers new understandings of nationalism in a broader perspective.
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    Imagining Egypt in postnormal times: The state of war
    (Routledge, 2022) Ezzat, Heba Raouf; Ezzat, Heba
    Accounting for the whole matrix of complex relationships between society and the state in Egypt after the Arab Spring in one go is not easy, nor is offering an analysis of the complexity of civil-military relations in Egyptian history and politics a small task. This chapter will only attempt to highlight in broad brushstrokes the changing nature of the concept of the political in Egypt today in relation to spatiality and to reveal the need for a new paradigm in Middle East studies, as well as an overdue reformation of Egyptian political thought…
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    Dünya değişirken İslam birliği
    (İLEM Yayınları, 2021) Erkilet, Alev; Erkilet, Alev
    İslam birliği ideali 19. yüzyılın sonlarından itibaren Müslüman entelektüellerin ana gündemlerinden birisi olmuştur. Zira 19. yüzyıl boyunca Batı yayılmacılığıyla birlikte Müslüman ülkeler birer birer bağımsızlıklarını kaybetmeye başlamışlardır. Birinci Dünya Savaşı bittiğinde dünyada neredeyse tek bir bağımsız Müslüman ülke kalmamıştır. Bu durum siyasi ve kültürel açıdan çok yaralayıcı neticeleri de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu parçalanmışlık ve kopukluk İslamcılığın en önemli amaçlarından birisinin siyasi veya en azından kültürel bir birlik ideali olmasına yol açmıştır…
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    Exploring effects of macroeconomic variables on financial markets: Evidence from Türkiye
    (Türk Kooperatifçilik Kurumu, 2023) Ahmadzada, Murad; Kaplan, Fikri; Badshah, Waqar
    The entire economy of the nation and businesses both are impacted by macroeconomic factors and these factors are the main drivers of financial markets over the world. Türkiye has faced significant economic and political challenges that have affected its financial markets for a long time. After global financial crisis, Türkiye’s financial markets experienced ups and downs that brought risks for investors. This paper aims to examine the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the stock exchange index for the case of Türkiye using monthly data the period between January 2010 and December 2015. Unit root tests (Augmented Dickey-Fuller, Phillips Perron) and OLS model were applied to investigate whether macroeconomic factors such as GDP, Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, M2, and global factors such as Crude Oil Prices, Gold Prices have an impact on ISE 100 Index, or not. The empirical findings show that Exchange Rate, M2, GDP, Gold prices, and Oil prices significantly affected the ISE 100 Index. As the results indicate, there is no evidence that the inflation rate contributes to the ISE 100 Index.
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    Kavga kavramları, dini aşırılık ve şiddet: Hindu milliyetçiliği ve Hint demokrasisi üzerine düşünceler
    (15 Temmuz Derneği, 2023) Ahmad, Irfan; Ahmad, Irfan
    atışma/kavga kavramları ve bu kavramların milliyetçilik ve demokrasi ile ilişkisi akademik araştırmaların merkezinde yeterince yer almamaktadır. Oysa milliyetçilik, demokratik olmayan ülkelerde olduğu kadar demokratik ülkelerde de yaygın olan çatışma/kavga kavramlarının hem gereği hem de sonucu olmuştur ve olmaya devam edecektir. Bu makalede, milliyetçilik kavramı ile ayrı düşünülemeyecek çatışma/ kavga kavramları Hindistan örneği üzerinden incelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, Hindu/Hint milliyetçiliğinin merkezinde İslam’ın ve Müslümanların olduğu gösterilmektedir. Bu çerçevede, çatışma/kavga kavramının ne olduğu kısaca tartışılmakta ve Avrupa siyasetinde etkin olan “Eurabia” kavramına kısaca değinerektir. Ardından, Hindistan’da İslam’ı ve Müslümanları hedef alan çatışma/kavga kavramlarının işleyişini göstermek için İslam ve Müslümanlarla ilgili çatışma/kavga kavramlarının nasıl işlediği gösterilmektedir. Bu amaçla dört çatışma/kavga kavramına odaklanılmıştır: Aşk-Cihadı/Korona-Cihadı, Sahte-laiklik ve Yatıştırma, Hindu Taliban ve İnek İnfazcısı...
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    Recognizing Hindu orientalism
    (Routledge, 2023) Ahmad, Irfan; Ahmad, Irfan
    This essay proposes Hindu Orientalism as a central category of analysis across disciplines. It begins by demonstrating how the claim to decolonize India is in fact (re/neo)colonial in many ways as it recasts Western Orientalism in the catalogue of Hindu Orientalism to shape India as well as the world. To this end, it critically engages with Hallaq’s (2018) Restating Orientalism. The first part of the essay identifies three important theses in Hallaq’s text. In part two, it examines the third thesis to mark its comparative contraction, namely, the non-treatment of Sheldon Pollock’s contention about an indigenous form of Orientalism in the premodern Sanskrit culture. Contra Hallaq, the essay, then, proceeds to propose what it calls Hindu Orientalism–a practice analogous to Hallaq’s description of Israeli Orientalism. It takes the cases of Dalits, tribes and Muslims to illustrate the working of Hindu Orientalism. An important aim of the essay is to stress that contemporary Indian religious-cultural politics is predicated on a deep, long knowledge-power configuration the significance of which is not recognized yet. It concludes by highlighting the role of anthropology in de-colonizing knowledge–a concern important to Hallaq as well as to Said both of whom, however, often viewed anthropology unfavourably.
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    The Wall: The making and nnmaking of the Turkish-Syrian border
    (Springer International Publishing, 2020) Aras, Ramazan; Aras, Ramazan
    Through an anthropological analysis, this book uncovers life stories and testimonies that relate the processes of separation as a result of the constructed political borders of nation states newly founded on the inherited territories of the Ottoman Empire. As it recounts ruptured social, cultural, political, religious, and economic structures and autochthonous bonds, this work not only critically analyzes the making of the Turkish-Syrian border through an exploration of statist discourse, state practices and the state’s diverse apparatuses, but further analyzes the “unmaking” border practices of local subjects in the light of local Kurdish people’s counter perceptions, discourses, family histories, narratives, and daily practices—each of which can be interpreted as a practice of local defiance, resilience, and adaptation in everyday life. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
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    Reinterpreting the tension between dīn and dunyā: The Naqshbandī Ṭarīqah as experienced and shaped by its Mujaddidī and Khālidī Shaykhs
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2022) Noorata, Metin; Küçükural, Önder; Küçükural, Önder
    In his article “Did Premodern Muslims Distinguish the Religious and Secular?,” Rushain Abbasi convincingly demonstrates how pre-modern Muslim thinkers had made an array of meaningful distinctions between dīn (‘religion’) and dunyā (‘the world’) approximating the religious-secular dyad. This paper explores a fourth typology, a latent opposing attitude toward the dīn-dunyā binary, by expanding Abbasi’s analytical trajectory to include both a discursive and pragmatic framework – the former involving scrutiny of the content and substance of rationally thought-out arguments, the latter demanding a closer look at how ideas have informed and shaped practical forms of reasoning and their application in the real world. Therefore, beyond the conceptual and epistemological signification of the dīn-dunyā binary in Islamic thought as surveyed by Abbasi, an attempt will be made to show how Muslims have also reasoned in both theoretical and practical terms to bridge the tension between the two spheres. The overarching objective is to consider how the dīn-dunyā binary fares in the Islamic mystical tradition through a case study analysis of five prominent Naqshbandī shaykhs: Aḥmad Sirhindī, Khālid al-Shahrazūrī, Aḥmad Gümüşhānevī, Zahid Kotku, and Mahmud Esad Coşan. The dialectical method developed by Shmuel Eisenstadt, which supposes a basic tension between the transcendental and mundane orders, will be applied to examine how each individual shaykh experienced, interpreted, and bridged the opposition between dīn and dunyā in both their doctrinal teachings and life-practices. The study aims to show how the shaykhs applied certain ethico-mystical principles like khalwat dar anjuman (‘solitude within society’) in a way that saw them engaging in a constant and concerted effort at bridging the unbridgeable in their worldly and other-worldly pursuits.
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    A preliminary discussion on the notion of nationalism in Weber’s thought: Max Weber and his cogitation of nationalism
    (İlmi Etüdler Derneği, 2022) Özay, Mehmet; Saifuddin, Muhammad
    Nationalism is known as the product of the continuation of the Enlightenment in Western Europe. Although this ideology has an established place in studies on political science and has been a subject studied by political scientists, discussing whether the founding fathers of sociology had deliberated or not on this would be interesting. Max Weber seems to have developed an interest in the concept of nationalism after getting his professorship in economics. Once nationalism became a mainstream phenomenon among the world communities at the end of 20th century, Weber’s approach evoked interest among social scientists. This paper pays attention to Weber’s discussion of this notion in the context of German nationalism mostly based on the socio-political changes he witnessed. The basic question is what was Weber’s idea about nationalism and its place in his sociological and economic views? This paper tries to answer this question by comparatively going through sources. This preliminary work intends to review the ideas of Weber’s nationalism by engaging in the existing literature which is believed to be meaningful. This article limitedly addresses the reconstruction of Weber’s concept of nationality based on the availability of relevant data by revealing the academic discussion.
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    Turkish laicism in Indonesia’s newspapers (1920-1940) and its influence on Indonesian secularists and Muslims thoughts
    (State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel, 2021) Machmudi, Yon; Supratman, Frial Ramadhan; Özay, Mehmet
    The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923 after the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne were ratified by the Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kamal. This establishment has marked the beginning of a new era in the political, social, economic, and cultural lives of Turks. The main concern for Turkish statesmen was laicism. The policy has a significant effect on the global world, especially for the Dutch Indies. The purpose of this article is to provide a critical analysis of the roles of Indonesian-language newspapers in informing Dutch Indies citizens about Turkey's secularization process and how newspapers served as the primary medium for disseminating information about Turkey. Through newspapers, Muslims from Nusantara (the archipelago) expressed their views on the Turks‟ secularisation efforts. This study employed a historical method using contemporary Indonesian-language newspapers from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. The news of Turkey‟s secularisation had a significant impact on the thoughts of Indonesian secularists and Muslims in laying the nation‟s foundation in the 1940s.
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    Tayland: Kadim Siam’dan modern toplum ve sorunlu demokrasi’ye
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları (APAM), 2021) Özay, Mehmet
    Tayland adı, popüler kültür bağlamında Puket Adası, Budist tapmakları vb. ile akla gelirken hiç kuşku yok ki, monarşiye eklemlenmiş Bangkok siyasi çevreleri ve ordunun iktidar mücadelesi bağlamında bitmek bilmeyen darbeler ve müdahaleleri, yolsuzluklar, Amerikan işbirlikçiliği ve Patani sorunu ile de dikkatleri çekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, ülkedeki başat insan stokuna atıfla adlandırırsak Tay toplumu, belki de yukarıdaki ifadeyle tezat teşkil edecek şekilde Budizmin kök saldığı ve insani ilişkilerde ‘mülayim’ bir eğilimin sergilendiği insan grubu olarak da bilinmektedir. Aslında bu bir tezat değil, siyasi elit ile halk ayrışmasının bir sonucudur. Ancak hiç kuşku yok ki, Güneydoğu Asya’nın son otuz-kırk yılında uluslararası sistemin desteğiyle ortaya çıkan kalkınmacı kapitalist devlet projesinin bir sonucu olarak yerel/milli değerler içinde, bir dizi çatışmanın ve dolayısıyla önemli bir değişimin yaşandığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu anlamda, toplumsal ilişkilerin bireysel temelden kurumsal düzene doğru değiştiği ileri sürülebilir (Neher 2000: 64)...
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    Reception of climate activist messages by low-carbon transition actors: Argument evasion in the carbon offsetting debate
    (Routledge, 2021) Üzelgün, Mehmet Ali; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Küçükural, Önder; Küçükural, Önder
    How do adherents to hegemonic discourses construe and respond to radical arguments by activists? To address the question, we examined how adherents to hegemonic climate change discourses react to a climate activist’s arguments. In interviews conducted with corporate actors of low-carbon transitions, we used a video excerpt to elicit critical reactions to an activist’s argumentation on carbon offsetting. We used the critical reactions as an index of interviewees’ reception of the activist’s case and pragma-dialectical theory to analyze them. We found that interviewees advanced four types of criticism concerning individual agency, awareness-raising, neutralization, and financial instruments. We discuss their inter-relations and how interviewees construed the activist’s argumentation in ways that evaded his more antagonistic claims.
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    Toplumsal cinsiyet kavramı üzerine akademik mülakat
    (Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği, 2020) Keskin Aksay, Nursem
    Nursem Keskin Aksay, İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü’nde Dr. Öğretim Üyesi ve Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı olarak görev yapmaktadır. Sosyal Teori, Kültürel-Sosyal Antropoloji, Niteliksel Araştırma Metotları, Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Alan ve Mekan Etnografisi üzerine lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora dersleri vermektedir. Nursem Keskin Aksay, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyoloji ve Felsefe bölümlerini onur derecesi ile tamamladı ve Koç Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Programı, Tarih ve Toplumda Karşılaştırmalı Çalışmalar dalında tam burs kazandı. Koç Üniversitesi’nde Sosyoloji, Antropoloji ve Tarih derslerinde öğretim ve araştırma görevlisi olarak çalıştı ve “Moral Guardianism at the Intersection of the Household and the Workplace: Women Factory Workers in Denizli” başlıklı yüksek lisans tezini tamamladı. Nursem Keskin Aksay, “The Discursive Emergence of ‘Islamic Bourgeoisie’ and Middle Class Veiled Muslim Women in Istanbul” başlıklı teziyle, Berlin Yüksek Okulu Müslüman Kültürleri ve Toplulukları, Freie Universitat Siyaset ve Sosyal Bilimler Bölümü’nden doktora derecesini en yüksek dereceyle aldı. Beş yıl boyunca DFG (Alman Araştırma Vakfı) doktora araştırma ödeneği ile ödüllendirildi Doktora araştırması sırasında Freie Üniversitesi, Humboldt Üniversitesi ve Avrupa Üniversitesi Viadrina’da toplumsal cinsiyet, sınıf, İslam antropolojisi, şehir antropolojisi ve sekülerizm üzerine dersler verdi. 2016-2017 yılı Güz döneminde Humbolth Universitesi Avrupa Etnolojisi programında öğretim görevlisi olarak ders verdi. 2015 ve 2016 yıllarında Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sömürge Sonrası Çalışmalar Araştırma Merkezi’nde (PAMER) Araştırma Görevlisi olarak araştırma projelerinin koordinasyonu için çalıştı. Koordinasyonunu yürüttüğü araştırma merkezi, yayınlanan makaleler ve sergilerle “Gündelik Hayatta Sömürge Sonrası İzler” ve “Türkiye ve Avrupa Ülkeleri-Vatandaşlık Kavramları” ile “Mülteci Algısı” araştırma projelerini tamamladı.
  • Yayın
    Anthropology with students from different disciplines
    (Routledge, 2021) Keskin Aksay, Nursem
    [No Abstract Available]
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    Biyofıkıh metodolojisi: Kanıta dayalı tıp ve delile dayalı fıkıh matrisi
    (İSAR Yayınları, 2021) Şentürk, Recep; Şentürk, Recep
    Tıp ve ahlak arasında çağlar boyu devam eden kaçınılmaz bir ilişki vardır. Hipokrat yemini bunun en müşahhas ifadesidir.1 Ahlaktan tamamen kopuk ve normatif değerlerden büsbütün soyutlanmış bir tıp anlayışını hiç kimse ne tarihte ne de bugün savunmaktadır.2 Ancak bu ilişki nasıl kurulacaktır? Müslümanlar, Batılılaşma öncesi dönemde olduğu gibi, tıp ve ahlak ilişkisini kendi medeniyet, din ve kültürleri ışığında, kendilerine has bir yaklaşım ve metotla mı sürdüreceklerdir? Yoksa Batı’da materyalist bir yaklaşımla ve metotla oluşturulan biyoetik anlayışının sunduğu tıp ve ahlak ilişkisini mi benimseyeceklerdir? Aslında bu iki yaklaşım aynı sorulara farklı paradigmalar kullanarak cevap aramaktadır. Vardıkları sonuçlar da her zaman birbirinin zıddı veya tamamen farklı olmamaktadır. Evrensel bazı değerleri biyoetik alanındaki tüm paradigmalar paylaşırken, göreceli değerler konusunda birbirinden ayrılmaktadırlar. Kısaca önümüzde iki seçenek bulunmaktadır: 1) Müslümanlar olarak zaten var olan birikimimizi kullanarak kendi biyoetik anlayışımızı inşa veya ihya etmek, 2) Şu anda dünyada yaygın olan materyalist biyoetik anlayışını benimsemek. Her iki yaklaşımın da avantaj ve dezavantajları olduğu iddia edilebilir. Bu yazı –tüm zorluklarının farkında olarak– birinci yaklaşımı savunmaktadır. Aşağıda şu soruya cevap arayacağız: Müslümanlar olarak kendi biyoetik anlayışımızı nasıl yeniden ihya edebiliriz? Bunun için nasıl bir yönteme ihtiyacımız vardır? Önümüzdeki zorluklar nelerdir?...
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    [Book Review]: "Research Handbook on Islamic Law and Society"
    (TRT World Research Centre, 2021) Şentürk, Recep; Şentürk, Recep
    Islamic law continues to draw interest all over the world, both East and West, particularly as Muslims spread all over the world outside their traditional homelands. Parallel to this, we observe a growing interest in Islamic legal studies around the world. New centres and departments are opened to serve the interest of wellestablished universities. There has also been a significant increase in the number of publications in the form of journals, books and articles about the Islamic legal perspective on newly emerging issues. Nadirsyah Hosen’s edited volume, Research Handbook on Islamic Law and Society, reflects his persistent interest in shedding fresh light from an Islamic perspective on the latest legal issues...
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    İnsanı, toplumu ve tarihi anlamak: Batı merkezli değişim ve ilerleme tezlerinden İslami yaklaşımlara doğru
    (Bilge Adam, 2020) Erkilet, Alev; Erkilet, Alev
    [No Abstract Available]