Yeni Medya ve İletişim Bölümü Koleksiyonu
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Yayın Technology and human condition after COVID-19(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2020) Babacan, Mehmet Emin; Şeker, Muzaffer; Özer, Ali; Korkut, Cem; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiIn the modern period, the bidirectional relationship between machine and human self can roughly be understood by dividing it into three periods. The first phase of these three periods corresponds to the process that started after the Enlightenment and came to a head as the Industrial Revolution. The second stage of the process was experienced at the 20th century, when modern urban life has been established, nation states emerged and determined political systems, and capitalism was cherished as the end of history. The last stage of this period includes technology such as artificial intelligence, genetics, robotics, bioengineering, and that is related to the existential situation of people, which has changed and will continue to change the character of everything once again through internet technology, in particular...Yayın Stimulation of the collective memory of the 1999 Turkey earthquake through the Turkish media coverage of the 2023 earthquake(Bastas, 2024) Aldamen, Yasmin; Abdul Jaleel, Dilana Thasleem; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiTurkey has been struck by several powerful earthquakes. Since the 1999 earthquake was the most recent and devastating earthquake before the last one happened in February 2023, many of these media channels’ depictions of the 2023 earthquake in Turkey may have been impacted by the collective memory of the 1999 earthquake. Collective memory of disasters and conflicts frequently takes on special significance as a mechanism for society to cope with the catastrophic events they have witnessed. Collective memory aids societies in dealing with the consequences of such events by giving a feeling of continuity as well as a structure for interpreting and comprehending what occurred. The media and social media are important in developing and conveying collective memory. They play an important role in framing events, transmitting details, and providing a forum for public debate. Social media, in addition to traditional media, has emerged as an innovative platform for the construction and diffusion of collective memory. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the Turkish media depicted the collective memory of the 1999 earthquake in the aftermath of the 2023 earthquake. If the collective memory of the 1999 earthquake is invoked in media coverage of the 2023 earthquake, how is it depicted in terms of lessons learned, public response, and influence on Turkish society? The study’s findings indicate that the analysis of Turkish media coverage pertaining to the 2023 earthquake has demonstrated a restricted collective recollection of the 1999 earthquake.Yayın Semih Kaplanoğlu sinemasında görüntü yönetimi ve görsel dilin araladığı anlam katmanları(Hakan Aydın, 2023) Yılmaz, Hasan Ramazan; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiDüşünsel ve estetik yapıları itibariyle değerli bulunan filmler incelendiğinde görüntü yönetiminin özel bir yere sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Film sanatının önemli bileşenlerinden olan sinematografi farklı düşünsel ve estetik yaklaşımlara dayanan filmlerin birbirlerinden ayrıştıkları ve kendi özgün tarzlarını oluşturdukları noktalardan biridir. Görüntü yönetimiyle özgün bir tarz oluşturmayı başaran yönetmenlerden biri de Semih Kaplanoğlu’dur. Kaplanoğlu’nun insanı bu dünyadaki bağlarından koparmadan, manevi tecrübeleriyle kadraja aldığı görüntüye hikâyeden bağımsızlaşan otonom bir yapı kazandırmakta oldukları görülmektedir. Bu çalışma, Kaplanoğlu sinemasında sinematografik uygulamaların nasıl bir üslup oluşturduğunu ve görüntü yönetiminin filmlerde kurulan düşünsel ve manevi yapının oluşumundaki rolünü tespit etmektedir. Yumurta, Süt, Bal ve Buğday filmlerinde beliren temel anlam ve değerler bağlamında seçilen sahne ve sekanslara ait çekimler kare kare analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmektedir. Yumurta’da kompozisyonları kadraj dışına açıp, kadrajdaki negatif alanı kadraj dışındaki ruhsal alana bağlayan, Süt’te karakterin ruhsal durumunu kompozisyonun iki ucu arasındaki sınırı geçip geçmeme yönündeki tercihte saklayan, Bal’da düşük ışıklı kompozisyonlarda karakterin ruhsal gerilimini ortaya koyan Kaplanoğlu, Buğday’da ise manevi olanı renklerden arındırılmış bir hayal düzleminde suretlendirmektedir.Yayın How the media agenda contributes to cultivating symbolic annihilation and gender-based stigmatization frames for Syrian refugee women(International Sociological Association, 2023) Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThe Syrian refugee crisis has been ongoing since 2011, with millions of people being forced to flee their homes due to the devastating war. This has resulted in one of the largest humanitarian crises of our time, with many refugees seeking a better life and safety in other countries. The issue of the Syrian refugee crisis has been a widely debated topic in media and politics, but the focus on the representation of Syrian refugee women in various media outlets is a concerning issue. Syrian refugee women have suffered from several social challenges in the host countries, including negative portrayals, stereotyping, and frames in the media. Not only do these negative portrayals perpetuate stereotypes, but they also marginalize an already vulnerable group, overlook the unique challenges and contributions of Syrian refugee women in the host communities, and contribute to the symbolic annihilation of Syrian refugee women. The media play a role in informing the public about what and how to think about a particular issue through the way or frame in which it is presented. This media framing process plays a significant role in presenting populist governments, symbolic elites, and a media agenda that aims to cultivate public opinion with certain ideas and impressions. Based on the theoretical understanding of media framing theory, this study presents how Syrian refugee women see their image represented in the media. A quantitative approach was used to collect the data by conducting focus group discussions with a number of Syrian refugees. The findings showed that there was a common insight among the participants that Syrian refugee women are framed negatively in a collective representation of humiliation and dehumanization. The participants see that the media representations of Syrian refugee women have often been reductive and stigmatizing in certain frames. Furthermore, their image in the media is not normalized or presented in a positive way that shows that every woman has an individual story. However, they see that the Syrian refugee woman's image is stigmatized in certain frames related to gender-based issues. Thus, this stigmatization is cultivated by repeated negative frames, mainly victimization and demonization ones.Yayın Bir İstiklal Savaşı filmi (Zafer Yollarında) anlatısının geleneksel sinema historiyografisinde inşası ve tarihî hakikatler(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2023) Odabaşı, İsmail Arda; Odabaşı, İsmail Arda; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiUlusal bayramlarda televizyonlarda, Kurtuluş Savaşı belgesellerinde, internet ortamının değişik mecralarında İstiklal Savaşı içerikli sinema görüntülerine sık sık rastlanır. Milli Mücadele ve Cumhuriyet‟in ilanı (1919-1923) sürecinde çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlarca İstiklal Savaşı içerikli kurmaca olmayan (belge/aktüel/mizansen) filmler alındığı iyi bilinen bir olgudur. Ancak, üzerlerine ayrıntılı bilimsel çalışmalar yapılmadığı gibi, bu filmlerin tam bir envanteri dahi henüz çıkarılabilmiş değildir. Söz konusu filmler hakkında bildiklerimiz bugün hâlâ çok sınırlıdır. Dahası, Türkiye‟de 1940‟larda başlayan sinema tarihi literatüründe bu konu gayet karmaşık bir görünüm de arz etmektedir. Çok sınırlı kalmış olan bu literatüre, kısacık olmasına rağmen belirsizlikler, tutarsızlıklar ve hatalar hâkimdir. Söz konusu filmlerin en tanınmışlarından biri Zafer Yollarında ismini taşır ve okumakta olduğunuz makalenin odağında da bu sinema filmi bulunmaktadır. Makalenin biri sinema tarihine diğeri sinema tarih yazımına ilişkin iki temel amacı mevcuttur: Birincisi, yaklaşık seksen senedir hakkında neredeyse hiçbir yeni şey söylenemeyen Zafer Yollarında filmini birincil kaynakların ışığında aydınlatmak ve hakkındaki anlatıyı, içerdiği yanlışlardan arındırarak yeniden kurmak. İkincisi, Zafer Yollarında‟ya ilişkin historiyografinin 1940‟lardan günümüze izini sürerek sinema tarihi içinde spesifik bir anlatının inşa sürecinin bir anlamda anatomisini çıkarmak. Bu mikro takip ve analiz, Osmanlı/Türk erken dönem sinemasını konu edinen tarihyazımının genel (makro) bir manzarasını vermek bakımından bir model işlevi de görecektir.Yayın How university students evaluate the role of social media in political polarization: Perspectives of a sample of Turkish undergraduate and graduate students(MDPI, 2023) Wazzan, Ahmad; Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThis study aimed to find out if there is a relationship between social media and political polarization in Türkiye from the perspective of Turkish students. To reach this aim, the needed data were collected through qualitative and quantitative approaches. A total of 303 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The sample consisted of university Turkish students across undergraduate, masters, and PhD levels in Türkiye aged between 18 and 50+. As well, an online focus group discussion with six Turkish students from different universities and education levels was conducted to gain a more in-depth understanding of the study’s problem. The results of the study showed that the perspectives of the Turkish students were that social media had a weak-to-moderate effect on political polarization in Türkiye. Furthermore, the results indicated that the studied sample of the Turkish students does not rely on social media platforms to obtain political news, and most of them do not follow political leaders on social media. Moreover, communication platforms did not encourage many Turkish students to express themselves, which is an indication that social media algorithms have contributed to a medium degree in creating filter bubbles through the content they suggest to users. Results have also shown that Turkish students are afraid that their posts and comments are being censored.Yayın Refugee journalist phenomenon as a consequence of migration and refugee crises: The role of social media in transferring refugees role from has been affected to has affected(Redfame, 2023) Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesi; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThis study examines the impact of using social media by Syrian refugees, focusing on the shift from receiving messages to sharing content and news related to the Syrian crisis. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the findings indicate that social media has become a more accessible and affordable medium of communication for Syrian refugees, both during and after seeking refuge. The study highlights the transformation of Syrian citizens from citizens who are not allowed to use the internet and social media to "refugee journalists" by being affected by social media. Social media use among Syrian activists or Syrian refugee journalists has contributed to the emergence of the "refugee journalist" phenomenon, which helps convey opinions, voices, and suffering to the world. However, the findings also highlight the negative effects of the "refugee journalist" phenomenon on Syrian refugees, citizens, and activists. The findings also indicate the potential moral violations and lack of integrity and reliability standards in the publishing of activists' stories, leading to distortion of facts and misleading audiences.Yayın Positive Determinism of Twitter usage development in crisis communication: Rescue and relief efforts after the 6 February 2023 earthquake in Turkiye as a case study(MDPI, 2023) Aldamen, Yasmin; Hacimic, Edna; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThis study examined the impact of Twitter usage development in crisis communication in Türkiye during the 6 February 2023 by showing the development of its use during the 1999 Izmit and 2000 Izmir earthquakes. As well as its usage in the 48 h following the 2023 earthquake. It found that Twitter’s positive determinism has evolved over time from gathering information to actively supporting victims’ rescue. Twitter was crucial for finding casualties and providing onthe-ground updates during critical moments, confirming the media’s surveillance function. During the first 48 h of the 2023 earthquake, Twitter significantly affected the rescue and relief activities, enabling individuals trapped beneath the debris to contact, seek, and receive assistance. Twitter’s importance has increased in political communication by opinion leaders and government authorities, and President Erdo ?gan’s engagement via Twitter was critical in expressing solidarity and coordinating rescue and relief efforts. This study concluded that Twitter has become an indispensable tool for obtaining and disseminating information, as well as aiding and identifying individuals in need. It was widely used by official accounts, informational accounts, and citizens, and effectively aiding rescue and relief efforts, especially in the first 48 h after the disaster.Yayın The image and perception of Turkish/Türkiye via social media: Balkan students(Eğitim Yayınevi, 2023) Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Sağlam, Murat; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Onar, Sinem; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiSocial media has a growing influence on societies, and its audiences are affected by the content and sharing behavior on these platforms. As a result, the masses can hold positive or negative perceptions of one another. In this context, Türkiye and Turks are also perceived in various ways by the masses living in the Balkans region. The Turks, who have had a presence in this region for centuries and have lived alongside the indigenous people, have left a lasting impact on Balkan societies. These impacts can be seen in the social media content that continues to shape perceptions today. When Türkiye and Turks are mentioned, thousands of positive or negative content are shared in the Balkans. Although some of this content may positively impact the image of Türkiye and Turks, some may contribute to a negative perception. This study focuses on the image and perception of Türkiye and Turks shaped by social media. Through a qualitative research study conducted with students from the Balkans studying in Turkey, three themes were identified: Perception of Turkish Identity, Turkish Culture Perceptions, and Other Factors that Impact the Turkish/Türkiye Image on Social Media.Yayın II. Meşrutiyet dönemi çocuk dergilerinde sinema ve Osmanlı'da çocuk seyirciler(Semire Ruken Öztürk, 2022) Odabaşı, İsmail Arda; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesi; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiOsmanlı çocuklarının sinema ile ilişkileri ve Osmanlı toplumunda çocuk sinema seyircisi hakkında bildiklerimiz hayli sınırlıdır. Okumakta olduğunuz makale, modernleşme süreci içinde toplumsal konumu dönüşmekte olan Osmanlı çocuklarının sinema ile ilişkilerini ve çocuk seyirci olgusunu irdelemektedir. Bu bağlamda makalenin birinci amacı ve aynı zamanda birinci bölümünün odağı, II. Meşrutiyet (1908-1918) yıllarında İstanbul’da çıkan Osmanlı Türkçesi çocuk dergilerinde sinemanın ne şekilde işlendiğini ortaya koymaktır. Sinema-çocuk ilişkisini ve çocuk seyirciyi şekillendiren faktörlerden biri olan çocuk yayınlarından elde edilen bilgiler ve bulgular makalenin ikinci amacına hizmet edecektir. Çalışmanın doğrudan çocuk seyirciye odaklanan ikinci bölümünde evvela çocuk seyircinin kitleselleşme sürecinin tanıkları ve kanıtları üzerinde durulmuş, ardından, çocuk seyirci kitlesinden somut/bireysel örneklere odaklanılmıştır. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun son yıllarında çocuk dergileri çocukların sinemaya gitmelerini çoğu kez teşvik etmişlerdir. Sinemayı çağdaşlıkla, teknoloji ve bilimle özdeşleştirerek ona olumlu bir anlam yüklemekten başka, sayfalarına sinema salonlarının ve sinematik eşyalar satan mağazaların reklamlarını da almışlardır. Üstelik sinema bileti, sinema cihazı gibi promosyon ödülleri dağıtarak ve düzenledikleri etkinliklerde film gösterimlerine yer vererek, küçük okurlarına sinemayı doğrudan deneyimleme fırsatı sunmuşlardır. Çoğu resimli olan ve dolayısıyla okundukları kadar ve belki de okunduklarından çok seyredilen çocuk dergileri, matbu görsel seyri üzerinden çocukları film seyrine, yani sinema seyircisi olmaya hazırlarlar. II. Meşrutiyet yıllarında sinemaya yönelik rağbet giderek artarken, çocuk seyircinin kitleselleşmesini besleyen önemli faktörlerden birinin de çocuk dergileri olduğu anlaşılır. Çocuk dergilerinde sinema içeriklerinin çoğalması, sinematik promosyonlara ve reklamlara rastlanması, bu kitleselleşmenin karinelerinden biridir. Dergiler söz konusu süreci hem yansıtmış hem beslemişlerdir. Bir başka olgu da Osmanlı toplumunda milliyetçiliğin yükselişine paralel olarak çocuk dergilerinin sinematik içeriklerine milliyetçiliğin sızmaya başlamasıdır.Yayın Mülteci krizi sırasında dijital iletişim aracı olarak sosyal medya kullanımı: Türkiye'deki Suriyeli mülteciler üzerinden bir araştırma(Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2023) Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiKriz iletişimi, yıkıcı bir olay sırasında insanların ve grupların birbirleriy- le iletişim kurabilecekleri stratejik bir yaklaşımdır. Bir kriz meydana geldiğinde proaktif, hızlı ve ayrıntılı iletişim kritik önem taşmaktadır. Kriz iletişimi, bir meydan okuma veya tehditle karşı karşıya kalan bir bireyi veya grubu korumak ve savunmakla ilgilidir (Barrera, 2014). Kriz terimi, "yönetimin dikkatle ilgilenmesini gerektiren ciddi olaylar için ayrılmalıdır" (Coombs ve Holladay, 2010). Kriz yönetimi, "krizlerle mücadele etmek ve verilen fiili zararları azaltmak için tasarlanmış bir dizi faktör" olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Etkili kriz yönetimi, kriz sonucunda insanların aldığı zarar miktarını büyük ölçüde azaltma ve hatta bir olayın krize dönüşmesini önleme potansiyeline sahiptir...Yayın Understanding social media dependency, and uses and gratifications as a communication system in the migration era: Syrian refugees in host countries as a case study(MDPI, 2023) Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesi; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThrough the theoretical frameworks of the media system dependency model and uses and gratifications theory, this study examined the uses of social media by Syrian refugees in Jordan and Turkey. A mixed-methods approach was used to increase the credibility and validity of the study’s findings by combining a qualitative method with quantitative data. The findings show that there were some factors that affected the Syrian refugees’ use of social media before seeking refuge in Jordan and Turkey, which were mainly its ban due to the regime’s censorship and a bad Internet connection due to the bad infrastructure. The absence of these two factors led to an increase in their social media dependency after seeking refuge. There are variances in which social media sites Syrian refugees use the most and why. The majority relied on Facebook for various reasons, and this dependency had varying repercussions on individuals. Furthermore, many immigrants were acquainted with new platforms, implying that refugees became social-media-literate and participated in the updates of the new platforms, even if such sites were not well known to the general public. The Syrian refugees’ dependency on social media varies from person to person due to differences in personal goals, social status, locations, living characteristics, and easy access to the Internet. Furthermore, this dependency on social media has different effects on them according to the media system dependency model. The refugees become increasingly dependent on social media to satisfy their needs and, because of that, social media dependency will become more important in their lives and will increase its influence and effects on them. Furthermore, the study found that the Syrian refugees depended on social media for various gratifications, such as educational, work, and business; information access; cultural and social aspects; connecting with networks and families; establishing friendships; learning new skills; self-expression; making business; and finding work, in addition to reaching routes and contacting smugglers to help them leave the country.Yayın Geleceği şekillendiren oyunlar bağlamında metaverse ve dijital okuryazarlık(Kriter, 2023) Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiGiderek gelişen dünyamız her gün yeni bir teknoloji ile bizleri tanıştırmakta ve bu yeni teknolojilerin bazıları hayatımızı kolaylaştırıcı etki ederken bazıları ise geleceği ilişkin kaygıları artırabilmektedir. Bu durum her ne kadar hayatın olağan akışında normal olarak görünse de bireylerin bu tür yeniliklere karşı her açıdan hazırlıklı olması, adapte olması ve gerekli birtakım önlemlerin alınması bakımından dikkatlerim yoğunlaştırması önemlidir. Metaverse kavramı, diğer dijitalleşme ekseninde gelişen yeniliklere paralel olarak bazı birtakım “yeni teknoloji” olarak adlandırılan ancak mevcut olanakların iyileştirilmesi veya olgunlaştırılması ile hayatımıza girmiş bir kavramdır. îlk metaverse benzeri işler, 1990’ların sonu 2000’lerin başı itibariyle gerçekleştirilmiş ancak dönem, bugünkü kadar teknolojinin olgunlaşmadığı bir dönem olduğundan beklenen sıçramayı gerçekleştirememiştir...Yayın Yeni medyanın toplumsal yansımaları(Kriter, 2023) Gelir Atabey, Ayçin; Çakır, Cihan; İşbilen, Damla; Keba Ekinci, Deniz; Erdemsoy, Emine; Ekinci, M. Hamdi; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Köseliören, Mihrali; Sağlam, Murat; İnan, Nevzat; Salman, Semih; Bekar, Serhat; Yazıcı, Tülay; Akyol, Zöhre; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Demirel, Gökhan; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiYeni medya, hayatımızın her alanında etkisini gösteren ve değiştiren bir olgu haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde insanlar, haberlerini, bilgilerini ve iletişimlerini yeni medya araçları aracılığıyla alıp vermektedirler. Bu araçlar, çok çeşitli işlevleri yerine getirerek kullanıcılarına hız, çeşitlilik, çok seslilik, derinlik, yeni katmanlar, kolaylıklar ve çeşitli seviyelerde iletişim imkanları sunmaktadır. Ancak bu avantajların yanı sıra, yeni medya araçları beraberinde çeşitli sorunları da getirmektedir. Özellikle sosyal medya platformları, kişisel bilgilerin paylaşımı, zorbalık, nefret söylemi ve özel hayatın ihlali gibi güvenlik sorunlarını da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, sosyal medya üzerinden yayılan yanlış bilgiler, manipülasyon ve sahte haberler, hakikatin Önemsizleşmesi gibi sorunları da ortaya çıkarmaktadır...Yayın The role of print and electronic media in the defense of human rights: A Jordanian perspective(Deanship of Academic Research at the University of Jordan, 2017) Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesi; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThe doctrine of human rights has gained increasing attention and respectability around the world. Electronic and print media can also play their roles by highlighting the violations of human rights, raising awareness, and influencing legislations and resolutions. This study is an attempt at throwing light on this role of media in the context of Jordan. The researcher selected a random sample of (1243) people, 18 years of age and above, of the (5.1) million people, the total population of Jordan according to the general census carried out by Population and Housing Census at the Department of Statistics (DoS) in October 2004. Findings showed significant differences in the role of print and electronic media. The role of electronic media was found to be better than that of print media. Jordanian media can improve its performance by having greater freedom and by focusing on the uses and gratification of recipients. The study found out that; it is very important to train journalists and increase their awareness more about the laws of human rights which leads to enhance the role of media in addressing human rights issues, and there is a need to increase dedication to human rights issues individually and collectively. In addition to, encourage more studies and field researches on the role of media in the defense of in human rights in Jordan.Yayın Kurumsal iletişim bakışıyla kobi ölçekli aile işletmelerinde endüstri 4.0(Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2023) Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesiİnsanlık, tarih boyunca sosyal ve ekonomik hayat üzerinde etkisi olan birçok dönüşüm yaşamıştır. Avcı toplumundan tarım toplumuna geçişte bir arada yaşamaya ve üretmeye başlayan insan; 18. yüzyılın sonlarında, su ve buhar gücünü kullanarak sanayi toplumuna geçiş ile birinci endüstri dönemini, 19. yüzyılın sonlarında, elektriği üretimde kullanarak seri üretim ile ikinci endüstri dönemini ve 20. yüzyılın ortalarında, elektroniği ve bilgisayarlar üretime entegre ederek üçüncü endüstri dönemini deneyimlemiştir. Bugün gelinen nokta yeni bir kavşaktır. İnternet üzerinden sürekli bağlı olma durumu, akıllı teknolojiler ve otomasyon ile endüstrilerin, toplumsal yapı ve süreçlerin hızlı dönüşümünü ifade eden dördüncü endüstri dönemi;fourth industrial revolution (dördüncü endüstri devrimi) ya da industry 4.0 (endüstri 4.0) olarak, 2015 yılında Klaus Schwab’ın bir çalışması ile gündeme gelmiş ve 2016 Dünya Ekonomik Forumunda tema olmuştur...Yayın Data security awareness within the scope of digital public relations practices and privacy(Literatürk Academia, 2022) Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiPublic relations (PR) practices vary in parallel with the devel- opments in cornmunication technologies and the progress of web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies and are increasingly acquiring a digital form. Such circumstances bring PR practices to digital platforms, which are currently digital public relations. The concept of digi- tal public relations; effectuates the strategic relationship manage- ment goals based on favorable between the organization and its target audiences via digital platforms. Hence, conveying the PR career to the extended reality (XR) -most probably the metaverse- has evolved additionally. On the contrary, the digitalization of everything-things drives ali business processes computer-based and refines them in data/info security...Yayın Digital literacy in increasing data security: An evaluation from the communicator's perspective(Literatürk Academia, 2022) Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiMany communication means persistence in changing both ırı- dividual and corporate lives. From the communication perspec- tive, utilizing these tools is vitalregarding the tools' diversity and users. However, this diversification in information communica- tion technologies likewise creates tremendous data production. These data, produced in massive quantities, are circulated in the internet universe uncontrollably, driving info and data security- sensitive. When considered from a communicative point of view, digital literacy emerges from applying basic security steps for the privacy and protection of this data digital literacy guides in using these media tools and shows how to use these tools more safely. Therefore, accurate reading and proper use of digital media tools emerge as essential elements in data security, communication process continuity, and cybercrime prevention. This chapter aims to reveal these concepts, relations, and concerns about how communicative activities shall be overseen by assembling se- curer data usage from the digital literacy perspective...Yayın Digital transformation: Corporate communication in the context of industry 4.0(Kriter Yayınevi, 2023) Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; Karanfiloğlu, Mehmet; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThroughout history, people have been captivated by the idea of the future. Many cultures have contemplated what lies ahead, offering various explanations. Predictıng the future has been a pleasure for many, with seers, magicians, and oracles offering their insights. While some of theır predictions have proven accurate, humanity has often been caught off guard by unexpected outcomes. Despite this, the allure of the future remains, with its mysterious and unknown elements piquing our curiosity. For those aware oftheir mortality, the desire to make the most of their limited time adds to this curiosity. As a result, the quest to anticipate and understand the future has been a shared fascination for centuries, with various methods used to gain insight…Yayın Xenophobia and hate speech towards refugees on social media: Reinforcing causes, negative effects, defense and response mechanisms against that speech(MDPI, 2023) Aldamen, Yasmin; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesi; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiThis study aims to recognize the possible role of social media in forming xenophobia and hate speech against Syrian refugees and to understand the reinforcing causes and negative effects of that speech on the refugees, as well as the refugees’ response mechanisms against that speech. A mixed approach was used in this study. In addition to a questionnaire tool that was used to collect data, focus group discussions were conducted to support the obtained data. The study used a statistically representative sample of Syrian refugees who live in Turkey and Jordan. The participants see the negative representation of their image via social media as leading to hatred towards them. The findings showed that there are some causes that reinforce xenophobic speech, such as otherization and demonization of refugees, by the negative representation and spreading of fake news on social media, which are published continuously. Moreover, gatekeepers have a role in promoting negative representation by approving xenophobic speech transmission without filtering or ethical control. The results also showed that the negative representation containing hate speech contributes to more negative effects on the refugees, such as psychological effects, as a sense of hatred towards refugees is created in the host country, and the effect of changing the feelings of the public from empathy to compassion fatigue concluding to hatred towards those refugees. Furthermore, the results showed that the Syrian refugees follow different defense mechanisms against xenophobia and hate speech against them published and circulated through social media platforms. The participants were divided into two main categories; the first one is those who prefer replying, not being silent, and defending the refugees, and the second category is those who prefer keeping silent. The first category of refugees stated that they do not accept keeping silent and they prefer to reply using logical, emotional, or defensive and offensive ways to bad comments against Syrian refugees in general. While the second category claimed that either they do not have time to reply or they sometimes agree that it was only a reaction to the behavior of some individual refugees. Some of them explained that they are afraid of being subjected to more bad comments and negative reactions against them. When they encounter aggressive comments and see that such views represent the majority, they prefer to keep silent to avoid being attacked. This is understood within the framework of the spiral of silence theory, where refugees hide their opinions, views, and preferences when they think that they fall within a minority group. They fear social isolation through social media.
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