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Yayın Building brand loyalty through digital marketing: Insights from young airline travelers(Busssecon International Academy, 2025) Ali, Fatima; Hacıoğlu, Ümit; Zehir, Melike; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis study explores the influence of digital marketing strategies on brand loyalty among young airline passengers, specifically targeting Millennials and Gen Z individuals aged 18-35 years old. With the increasing reliance on digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine marketing, it is crucial to understand how these strategies impact the customer-brand relationship, brand trust, and ultimately, brand loyalty. The research employs a quantitative approach, gathering data from 230 participants who are frequent users of digital platforms and have recent travel experiences with airlines. The findings reveal that social media marketing has the most significant impact on the customer-brand relationship, followed by email and search engine marketing. Additionally, the study confirms that brand trust acts as a critical mediator between digital marketing activities and brand loyalty. These results highlight the importance of tailored digital marketing strategies for airlines aiming to engage and retain young passengers in a highly competitive industry.Yayın Two sides of the same coin? A comparison between internet-based and paper-based data collection for autism quotient and depression, anxiety and stress scale(Cambridge University Press, 2024) Sönmez, Dilruba; Abidi, Yousr; Jordan, Timothy R.; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThe utilization of internet-based data collection in mental health research has gained popularity for its convenience and affordability. However, concerns often arise regarding the validity and reliability of data collected via the internet. The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is a self-report questionnaire to measure the traits associated with autism spectrum disorder (Baron-Cohen et al. J Autism Dev Disord, 2001; 31 5-17) and the online usage of AQis common and conducted with large numbers of participants across many studies. However, the effect of using internet-based data collection for AQ rather than conventional paper-based procedures is unknown.Yayın Interpersonal emotion regulation strategies and social problem solving skills: How do they interact in the prediction of psychological distress in adolescents?(European Association for Developmental Psychology/ Development trends: Concerns and opportunities, 2021) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Yedidağ, Ecem; Ray Yol, Elçin; Özdemir, Berk; Altan Atalay, Ayşe[No Abstract Available]Yayın The association of numeracy skills with Penn Conditional Exclusion Test performance of 5 to 8 year old Turkish children(European Association for Developmental Psychology/ Development trends: Concerns and opportunities, 2021) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Göksun, Tilbe[No Abstract Available]Yayın Examining the influence of situational factors on reappraisal efficiency among Turkish adult participants: An exploratory study(Serbian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 2024) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Uysal, Burcu; Altan Atalay, Ayşe; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüBackground and Purpose Emotion regulation (ER) encompasses the processes we utilize to influence our emotions. Among ER strategies, cognitive reappraisal (CR) is notably effective, as emotions often stem from appraisals of events. Frequent CR use correlates with positive outcomes like reduced negative emotions, stronger social connections, higher academic achievement, enhanced psychological well-being, and fewer psychopathological symptoms. Despite existing research, gaps remain in characterizing different reappraisal instances based on a theoretical framework and predicting their effectiveness across contexts. The reAppraisal Framework distinguishes between two different reappraisal mechanisms to shift appraisal: reconstrual (changing situation interpretation) and repurposing (changing the goal which the interpretation is compared to). Given that reappraisal is not a unified strategy and its effectiveness varies depending on contextual factors such as controllability of the stressor, this study aimed to examine: a) the role of appraisal dimensions in determining the type of emotion experienced (sadness or anxiety), and b) the effectiveness of reconstrual and repurposing in reducing short-term emotions (sadness and anxiety) depending on perceived control (low/high)…Yayın PTSD among Turkish earthquake survivors: The role of cognitive distortions and religious coping(Serbian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 2024) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Aytemür Mneımneh, İlknur; Akyüz, Elif; Furkan, Muhammed; Uysal, Burcu; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüBackground and Purpose In 2023, two major earthquakes of magnitudes 7.7 and 7.6 struck eleven cities in southern Turkey, affecting 13.5 million people. In addition to their devastating impact, earthquakes are known to have negative effects on people’s psychological health. Among the psychological issues faced by survivors, PTSD is the most common, with over 50% of survivors affected three months post-disaster in the 2023 Turkey earthquake. Chronic PTSD can lead to severe outcomes, such as substance misuse, isolation, cardiovascular issues, and suicidal tendencies. As a result, it is critical to examine the factors influencing PTSD following earthquakes in order to improve survivors’ physical and mental well-being...Yayın Problem orientation and psychological distress among adolescents: Do cognitive emotion regulation strategies mediate their relationship?(Sage Publications, 2022) Söğüt Kahramanlar, Meryem; Yedidağ, Ecem; Ray Yol, Elcin; Özdemir, Ahmet Berk; Altan Atalay, AyşeAdolescence is a critical period for the development of attitudes and skills crucial in determining vulnerability for psychological distress. The current study aimed to focus on the association of problem orientation and cognitive emotion regulation strategies with psychological distress and demonstrate the mediator roles of adaptive and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies in the association of problem orientation with psychological distress. Data were collected from 335 adolescents (167 female) aged 14-to-18 years (M= 14.7, SD= .95) via measures of problem orientation, cognitive emotion regulation, and psychological distress. The results revealed that maladaptive emotion regulation strategies (self-blame and other-blame) mediated the association of negative problem orientation with psychological distress. The findings emphasize the crucial roles of blaming-focused strategies in this relationship.Yayın A qualitative analysis of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) experiences for trauma(The Center for Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 2024) Zorlu, Ayşe Selin; Uysal, Burcu; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü[No Abstract Available]Yayın International response to humanitarian crisis: A study of Rohingya issue(İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık, 2020) Masood, Syed Muhammad Usman; Uddin, Muhammad Salah[No Abstract Available]Yayın Syrian refugees: Integration and challenges in Turkey(İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık, 2020) Moiz, Muhammad; Masood, Syed Muhammad Usman[No Abstract Available]Yayın Issues faced by Palestinian refugees in Jordan(İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık, 2020) Uddin, Muhammad Salah; Masood, Syed Muhammad Usman[No Abstract Available]Yayın Recent migrations to Uganda: Challenges and steps towards integration(İdeal Kültür Yayıncılık, 2020) Moiz, Muhammad[No Abstract Available]Yayın Industry 4.0 technologies revolutionizing the civil aviation sector: E-services technology adoption in aviation industry(Bussecon, 2025) Awe, Ya Neneh; Hacıoğlu, Ümit; Zehir, Melike; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüIndustry 4.0 technologies have optimized efficiency and effectiveness through the manufacture of sophisticated products and services, which result in enhancement of operations, improvement in safety, time, and cost-saving, and have revolutionized operations in almost all industries and have tremendously transformed the aviation sector. This study aims to examine the passenger travel experience with the implementation of e-services before, during, and after trips, from ticket bookings, self-check-in, smart boarding, in-flight services to baggage tracking after flight. Furthermore, the study seeks to identify the modern technologies with which air passengers are familiar or actively use, and to analyze the factors that influence their acceptance of these e-services. A research model was developed based on the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and modified to suit the objectives of this study. The study objectives were achieved through a survey, a self-administered online questionnaire from 253 air passengers was obtained, and data was analyzed using SPSS 25 software. The results reveal that performance expectancy, price-value, hedonic motivations, perceived benefits and habit have a positive significant influence on behavioral intention, while social influence, perceived challenges, facilitating conditions and effort expectancy were not supported. The results of the study give insights into how different passengers, different age groups, different geographical locations, and different technological maturity perceive such implementations. This will provide policymakers ideas on how to better manage and enhance e-services.Yayın The impact of market place persona based neuromarketing on brand identity and consumer attitude on SDG's(Editora Alumni In, 2024) Pasaribu, Popy Novita; Kemora, Haura; Eosina, Puspa; Marlina, Asti; Himawan, Erry NugrohoObjective: The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of persona-based neuromarketing on brand identity and consumer attitude in the digital marketplace, with the aim of understanding how neuromarketing principles can enhance consumer engagement and marketing effectiveness. Theoretical Framework: This topic is underpinned by several key concepts and theories. Häusel's Limbic Map, consumer behavior theories, and digital marketing frameworks provide a solid basis for understanding the context of the investigation. Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises a quantitative approach using structural equation modelling with SmartPLS. Participants included 440 respondents, who were surveyed via Google Forms. The study analyzed variables such as Persona, User Interaction, Information Quality, Ease of Use, Visual Design, Entertainment Value, Customization, and Website Domain. Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed that consumer perceptions of marketplace personas significantly impact their attitudes, with mediator variables playing a crucial role. The marketplace itself acts as a confounding variable, influencing the relationship between brand persona and consumer engagement. In the discussion, these results are contextualized in light of the theoretical framework, highlighting the importance of aligning branding strategies with target audience motivations. Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied in the field of digital marketing. These implications could encompass e-commerce strategy development, brand management, and consumer engagement tactics. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by applying innovative neuromarketing techniques to the digital marketplace context, offering new insights into consumer behavior. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by its potential to enhance consumer loyalty and brand equity, aligning with SDG 8 and SDG 9.Yayın COVID-19 and the Okun’s law: The case of Ghana¹(Cogent OA, 2025) Abdul Malik, Amaama; Khan, Asad ul Islam; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İktisat BölümüThe Covid 19 pandemic was a strong shock that plummeted into the entire interconnected economic activities of the world. As a result of the lockdown associated with the pandemic, the economies of the world were affected through restrictions like lockdown leading to the reduction of economic indicators like Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and increase in Unemployment. This paper set out to look at the relationship between the GDP and unemployment in Ghana in the periods prior and during the covid pandemic. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model was used on data from 1991 to 2021. The result shows the nonexistence of the Okun’s law in Ghana in each of these periods. We conclude by advising policy makers to implement policies that directly generate more jobs like improvement in the agriculture sector through training and financial support to enable increased employment to match the increase in economic growth.Yayın Assessing the impact of seasonal changes on advertising revenues in the age of digitalization and sustainability: A print-visual media business example(Busssecon International Academy, 2024) Camci, Aykut; Aksoy, Tamer; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüThis study mainly aimed to investigate the impact of seasonal changes on media advertising revenues (AR) in R environment through a visual-print media company example. So, the study primarily aimed to examine whether visual, print and internet ARs were affected by seasonal change. The study also aimed to indicate the trends of visual/ print/ and internet ARs over time in the light of seasonality. Furthermore, it was also aimed to make AR estimates for the next year with the best performing methods covering ARIMA and ETS. Methodologically, R programming language and its libraries were used together with ARIMA and ETS time series models. The data set consisted of a monthly ARs series consisting of 180 rows covering the period between January/2007-December/2021 and having a sufficient number of observations for the application of the models. Data were analyzed with R and next year’s forecasts were done with ARIMA and ETS. The study revealed that all AR types were affected by seasonal changes in the specified period and included seasonality, i.e. specially in the summer months. Additionally, it was observed that AR types have different trends despite containing seasonality. The study found that visual ARs denoted a slight downward trend including seasonality during the period. It was also indicated that print ARs reflected a very rapid and drastic downward trend covering seasonality. The study also revealed that internet ARs showed a very rapid and sharp upward trend compared to the other two AR types despite having seasonality. Furthermore, taking into account the calculated error metrics, it was found that the ARIMA model showed the best estimation performance in both i.e. visual and internet ARs. On the other hand, the ETS model indicated the best estimation performance in print ARs. Accordingly, estimations of the visual/print and internet ARs for the next year were made with the best performing methods. It was pointed out that estimated ARs included seasonality in the summer months and revealed similar results to the previous trends based on historical data.Yayın Evaluation of maintenance strategies using Pythagorean fuzzy sets: A novel model for time-constrained processes(Taylor & Francis, 2025) Sancar, Semih; Kuşakcı, Ali Osman; Ayvaz, Berk; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüConsidering the large investment cost as well as expectations such as increased awareness ofoccupational safety and quality, choosing the appropriate maintenance strategy emerges as acritical decision. Time-constrained production processes, which demand defect-free produc-tion within a limited timeframe, intensify the significance of this selection problem. In suchproduction processes, the product is generally short-lived, so stocking is not possible.Therefore, halting operations incurs significant costs. In this study, we aim to choose themost appropriate maintenance planning strategy for time-constrained processes. Given thatthe process of selecting a maintenance strategy is ambiguous and lacks conclusive assess-ments, it involves numerous hazy criteria. Thus, this study presents a framework that includesthe Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP-CRITIC-Entropy combined weighting method hybridized withPythagorean Fuzzy WASPAS. The model evaluates the maintenance options of Türkiye’s largestprinting company, which operates under time-constrained processes, in a real-world case studyproving the merit of the proposed methodology.Yayın Medeniyet ve cemiyet harmanı: İslâm şehirleri (7-19. yüzyıl)(Yasemin Özcan, 2021) Özkan, Merve NurŞehirlerin, yeni medeniyetlere kapı açmasıyla öznel; medeniyet ve cemiyetler tarafından şekillenmesi ile nesnel olmak üzere iki yönü olmuştur. Şehirler medeniyetleri, medeniyetler de şehirleri etkilemiştir. Medeniyet ve cemiyetin harmanlandığı şehirlerden olan İslâm şehirleri, doğasında olan farklı kültürlerle etkileşerek zengin bir çeşitliliğe sahip olmasına karşın, İslâm Medeniyetinin özünü kaybetmemesi ile ortak unsurlara sahip olmuştur. Bu sebeple cemiyet, İslâm Medeniyeti ve İslâm şehirleri üçlüsünün birbirinden ayrı değil, bütüncül bir bakış açısı ile değerlendirilmesi önemli bir konu olmuştur. Yapılan bu çalışmada, bir disiplin olarak şehirlerin incelendiği literatür, şehirlerin rolleri, şehirlerin kendi kimliği ile okunmasının önemi, İslâmî öz ve değerler ışığında 7-19. yüzyıl aralığındaki İslâm Medeniyeti ve cemiyet harmanı İslâm şehirleri ele alınmıştır.Yayın The evolution of foreign direct investment in Iran: Determinants and economic impact(Karabük Üniversitesi, 2024) Amiri, Misagh HajiThis paper examines the historical context and contemporary research on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Iran, a topic with limited prior research. The study aims to fill this gap by highlighting FDI critical significance for the country's economic development. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of FDI in Iran, tracing key milestones and shifts in investment patterns over time, particularly in response to changing political, economic, and social landscapes. Additionally, it reviews existing literature on the determinants and effects of FDI in the Iranian economy, focusing on crucial factors such as political stability, regulatory frameworks, and market potential. The study reveals how fluctuations in FDI can be attributed to both internal dynamics, such as government policies and economic conditions, and external influences, including international relations and global market trends. By synthesizing previous research, this paper aims to illuminate the complexities surrounding FDI in Iran, offering insights into its impact on economic growth, job creation, and technological advancement. Furthermore, the findings underscore strategic policy implications for enhancing investment attractiveness, advocating for reforms that promote a more favorable investment climate. Ultimately, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of FDI's role in shaping Iran's economic trajectory and its implications for the broader Middle Eastern region.Yayın Youth violence and aggression interventions in Türkiye: A protocol for systematic review(Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2024) Uysal, Burcu; Muftareviç, Sümeyye; Kavla, Büşra; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüUnderstanding and working violence and aggression in adolescents and young adults is critical for nurturing societal well-being and fostering developmental growth. This planned systematic review aims to reveal the accumulation of practical application examples to raise awareness in this field. It will systematically examine the interventions, educational tactics, and programs designed to decrease the prevalence of violence and aggression among adolescents and young adults in Turkey. This current study aims to clarify whether the current state of the research will be suitable for a systematic review. Despite the considerable impact of aggressive behavior on social relationships and cognitive development, research on this topic in Turkey is suggested to be limited. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and a thorough search was conducted in databases including DergiPark, ERIC, Web of Science, and Scopus, employing terms such as ‘violence,’ ‘aggression,’ and ‘Turkish adolescent’. This approach has surfaced a significant yet underexplored corpus of relevant literature, suggesting a more substantial research foundation than previously acknowledged. Our initial query retrieved 4786 studies, of which 621 were redundant entries identified via Rayyan, spanning from 1995 to 2024. The planned review will seek to provide a compre- hensive analysis of these interventions, offering insights that could inform policymakers, educators, and practitioners. While limitations exist, as with any literature review, the preliminary findings anticipate guiding evidence-based approaches and participating in the international conversation on culturally attuned preventive strategies. The initial data presents a landscape that underscores the importance for researchers to conduct a thorough literature review, given the substantial body of work already existing in this field. Thoroughly examining the existing literature can be crucial for informing new research as well as designing interventions and prevention measures.