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  • Yayın
    Firm formation and unemployment in Türkiye
    (2023) Moiz, Muhammad; Genç İleri, Şerife
    Firma oluşumu ile işsizlik arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen çalışmaların çoğu gelişmiş ekonomilere yönelik olup, az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ekonomilere ilişkin literatür sınırlıdır. Bu makale, bu ilişkiyi Türkiye bağlamında bölgesel düzeyde incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Türkiye üzerine yapılan çalışmaların çoğu zaman serisi yaklaşımı kullanılarak ülke düzeyinde yürütülürken, bu çalışma işsizlik ile firma oluşumu arasındaki ilişkiyi NUTS-II ve NUTS-III düzeyinde panel veri yaklaşımı kullanarak analiz etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin NUTS-II ve NUTS-III bölgelerinde işsizliğin ve diğer bazı kontrol değişkenlerinin şirket oluşumu üzerindeki etkilerini analiz ederek 2008 mali kriz sonrası döneme odaklanmaktadır. Sabit etkiler regresyon analizini kullanan bu çalışma, işsizliğin firma oluşumunu ve bunun tersini nasıl etkilediğini göstermeye çalışmaktadır. Analizimizin sonuçları, işsizliğin yeni firma oluşumu üzerinde anlamlı bir pozitif etkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca nüfus yoğunluğu, patentler, lise eğitimi ve yüksek öğrenimin yeni firma oluşumu üzerinde önemli olumlu etkisi vardır. Ancak firma oluşumunun işsizliği etkileyebileceği ters ilişki için anlamlı bir sonuç bulamadık. Çalışma, bölgesel etkileri bularak ve yeni firma oluşumunun bu işgücü piyasası dinamiklerini nasıl etkilediğini incelemek için açık pozisyonlar ve istihdam eşleştirme gibi farklı veri setlerini inceleyerek mevcut literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır.
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    Sustainable fashion consumption: The narrative documented from fast fashion brands and factors influencing consumers’ purchase intentions in Türkiye
    (2024) Shehneh, Mohannad; Kachkar, Omar; Salman, Gülberk Gültekin; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
    This study aims at exploring Turkish consumers’ behaviors toward purchasing green fashion. Amixed-methods approach was used in this study. Six experts from the main brands in the fashion industry inTürkiye were interviewed. A total of 268 questionnaires were collected from Turkish consumers, and theirresponses were analyzed. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) informed the theoretical framework of thisstudy. The main components of the TPB were extended to include perceived consumer effectiveness. Athematic analysis was conducted to analyze and code the interviews. To test the hypotheses, structuralequation modeling (SEM) was conducted. The findings show that the key factors of the TPB, i.e., attitudes(ATTs), subjective norms (SNs), and perceived behavioral control (PBC), as well as perceived consumereffectiveness, significantly impact the intentions of Turkish consumers to purchase sustainable fashion.However, the results highlight some inconsistencies, gaps, and barriers that discourage the purchase intentionsof consumers, including a lack of information, misinformation, greenwashing, green skepticism, a lack of trust,and the high cost of sustainable fashion.
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    A Scoping review of artificial intelligence applications in airports
    (Sigma Xplore, 2024) Amiri, Misagh Haji; Kuşakcı, Ali Osman; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
    This paper aims to synthesize the literature on the application of artificial intelligence for airports. The selected methodology was based on the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR), a recognized framework for systematic reviews. Authors searched the Scopus and Web of Science databases for articles that met the following criteria: (1) publication in peer-reviewed journals, (2) English language, and (3) relevance to airport operations, demonstrated by either (a) the use of airport datasets for showcasing AI applications or (b) the use of airports as case studies. Articles were assessed by two reviewers, and data were extracted on the articles’ keywords, publication year, and origin country. After screening and checking for eligibility, 121 unique articles were examined. Upon assessment, the included articles were categorized into seven main themes. Each category and its specific subtopics were individually discussed within this paper. Results indicate that the most extensively studied category belongs to airport administration and management. Security and air traffic control (ATC) were the second and third most studied categories, respectively. Notably, a significant portion of the articles focused on optimization techniques, scheduling strategies, and developing decision support systems (DSS) tailored to various airport departments. This paper not only highlights current research trends in the field of AI for airports but also identifies gaps in the existing literature. The paper proposes future research directions to enhance the effective implementation of AI technologies within airport environments.
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    Financial sustainability and microfinance institutions from an emerging market
    (Virtus Interpress, 2018) Burki, Ajab Khan; Sadiq, Aamir; Burki, Hanif Ullah
    The purpose of this paper is to estimate the determinants affecting Financial Sustainability (FS) of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) working in Pakistan. The determinants are based on financing charges, size of loans, the age of the firm, size of Microfinance Institute, and proportion of female borrowers. These variables discern the important contribution to the effective financial sustainability of Microfinance institutions working in Pakistan. Data were collected from 25 Microfinance Institutions of their annual reports from 2008-2015. The multiple regression technique was used to measure financial sustainability with the given determinants. The results of this study show that financing charges, outreach and the proportion of female borrowers significantly explain the financial sustainability of MFIs. These are crucial determinants for alleviating poverty in Pakistan and attaining sound financial sustainability and survivorship of MFIs. This is one of the contributing studies in justifying various determinants affecting the financial sustainability in MFIs of Pakistan. This article is helpful for policymaker and management of MFIs to revitalize their focus to address the weaker parts of their capabilities and resources.
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    Sustainability to financial realities: A comparative study of renewable energy's impact on financial performance
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024) Chlyeh, Dounia; Bayraktar, Erkan; Yılmaz, Mustafa Kemal; Tatoğlu, Ekrem; Zaim, Selim; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
    This study examines the impact of renewable energy (RE) performance on companies' financial performance, primarily focusing on RE-related sustainable development goals (SDGs) and environmental factors. We analyze a sample of 2,737 companies across 47 countries from 2009 to 2018 using panel data analysis. Our results suggest that the effect of RE performance can be understood through three phases: policies adopted, targets established, and actions implemented. Interestingly, RE policies negatively impact profitability due to the substantial costs incurred by companies. Moreover, RE-related SDGs are found to affect companies' financial performance adversely. However, environmental factors demonstrate a positive and significant impact on corporate financial performance, which is observed consistently across developed and emerging countries. Furthermore, RE performance targets and actions have a significant positive impact, specifically in developed countries. This highlights the complex relationship between RE initiatives and financial outcomes, highlighting differential effects across various stages of implementation and geographic contexts.
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    The collection of multidisciplinary waqf studies – I: Debates in waqf management and finance
    (İBER STK Press, 2024) Uysal, Afra; Solmaz Bilici, Meryem; Kaan, Muhammet Talha; Yumuşak, İbrahim Güran; Yılmaz, Osman; Uysal, Afra; Solmaz Bilici, Meryem; Kaan, Muhammet Talha; Hukuk Fakültesi, Hukuk Bölümü
    Foundations (waqf /pl. awqaf) have been used for many purposes and services in almost all societies throughout history. Today, waqf is still an important social institution. However, evolving conditions have created different issues regarding foundations and require reevaluation and examination of awqaf from a contemporary perspective. This is only possible by classifying the issues related to the waqf and analyzing them under specific headings. In this context, this volume, the first one of the Collection of Multidisciplinary Waqf Studies, is dedicated to the debates on waqf management and finance…
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    Arabuluculuğun geleceği II sempozyumu: Bildiri özeti kitabı 24-25 Mayıs 2024
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2024) Yeşilırmak, Ali; Bozkurt Gümrükçüoğlu, Yeliz; Yakacak, Gülnihal Ahter; Kafalı, Ömer Faruk; Güldağı, Abdülmecit; Kol, Hüseyin Yağızhan; Yeşilırmak, Ali; Bozkurt Gümrükçüoğlu, Yeliz; Yakacak, Gülnihal Ahter; Kafalı, Ömer Faruk; Güldağı, Abdülmecit; Kol, Hüseyin Yağızhan; Hukuk Fakültesi, Hukuk Bölümü
    Arabuluculuk hukukuna ilişkin güncel gelişmelerin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla Hukuk İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü Arabuluculuk Başkanlığı, İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Uyuşmazlık Çözümü Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi ve İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi iş birliğiyle düzenlenen “Arabuluculuğun Geleceği II Sempozyumu”, İbn Haldun Üniversitesi ev sahipliğinde 24-25 Mayıs 2024 tarihinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu sempozyum 14 Kasım 2020 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen "Arabuluculuğun Geleceği Sempozyumu”nun ikincisidir. Arabuluculuk alanındaki tüm güncel gelişmelerin değerlendirildiği on iki oturumda gerçekleştirilen bu sempozyumda, bir yandan mevcut hukuki düzenlemelere, diğer yandan olması gereken hukuk açısından görüş ve önerilere yer verilen toplam 29 tebliğ sunulmuştur. Elinizdeki kitapla, sempozyumda sunulan tebliğlerin özet metinlerine yer verilmektedir.
  • Yayın
    Hz. Peygamber’e yönelik eleştirilerin tarihsel evrimi ve modern çağa yansımaları
    (İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi, 2024) Korhan, Sıbğetullah; Süruri, Ahmet; Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
    Modern çağda Hristiyan apolojetikler ve nübüvvet inkarcıları, İslâm peygamberini eleştirilerinin merkezine yerleştirmişlerdir. Batı dünyası Buda, Zerdüşt ve Konfüçyüs gibi semâvî kabul edilmeyen din kurucularına bile saygılı yaklaşırken Hz. Peygamber’e düşmanlığı esas alan bir yaklaşımı tercih etmiş ve bunun üzerine bir kimlik inşası yoluna gitmişlerdir. Bunun nedeni İslâm’ın tehdit olarak algılanmasıdır. Hristiyan polemistler kendi dindaşlarının İslâm’a yönelmesinin önüne geçmek için Hz. Peygamber’in nübüvvetini tenkit eden bazı argümanlar geliştirmişlerdir. Eleştirilerin kökenleri araştırıldığında birçoğunun 8. yüzyılda Şam Emevî hilafetinde yaşamış kilise babası ve bürokrat Yuhanna ed-Dımaşkî’nin (öl. 749 [?]) kaleme aldığı The Fount of Knowledge adlı eserinin ikinci Bölümünü teşkil eden "On Heresis" başlıklı bir risaleye dayandığı görülmektedir. Genellikle karalama ve nefret söylemi içeren bu eleştiriler zaman içinde tekrar edilerek Hz. Peygamber’e yönelik olumsuz bir algının ortaya çıkmasına sebebiyet vermiş ve İslamofobiyi beslemiştir. Bu çalışmada eleştirilerin tarihsel arka planı ile birlikte bazı yaygın eleştiriler ele alınacak ve kısa bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutulacaktır.
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    A depiction of Rohingya refugees in India’s online news platforms following the shift in the Indian government’s stance in 2017
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024) Aldamen, Yasmin; Jaleel, Dilana Thasleem Abdul
    The media plays a crucial role in framing and representing humanitarian crises, significantly influencing public opinion. The representation of these crises in the media directly impacts the dissemination of information to the global public. One prominent international crisis is the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, which dates back to the 1970s. News about the Rohingya refugees has been a major humanitarian topic on the global stage. The findings of this study reveal that Rohingya refugees are predominantly represented negatively in popular media platforms in India. Negative framing, including dehumanization and misrepresentation, is often employed in political discourse and developments. The portrayal of Rohingya refugees in Indian media frequently resorts to one-dimensional and stereotypical depictions. The frequent occurrence of dehumanization and misrepresentation, identifiable through the use of language and selective reporting practices, indicates a strong alignment of most Indian mainstream media with the government’s position. However, it is noteworthy that some platforms maintain a critical perspective. The portrayal of Rohingya refugees in India’s mainstream news outlet’s online platforms, such as Hindustan Times Online, NDTV Online, The Times of India Online, and India Today Online, reveals a complex landscape with varying narratives and governmental alignments.
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    The politics of emotions, bio-political border practices and the question of (in)security on the Turkish political territorial borders
    (Routledge, 2024) Aras, Ramazan; Kalmoy, Abdirashid Diriye; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü
    This paper conceptually and analytically delineates the operationand employment of discourses and the political emotions of fearand anxiety in the making, conception, and cartographicimagination of the contours of modern Turkey’s politicalterritorial boundaries. This study posits that the emergence andformation of the Turkish political territorial borders after thetraumatic and violent experience of the cataclysmic shrinking,collapse and disintegration of the Ottoman Empire continue toinfluence discourses, emotions, practices and policies of bordersecurity and policing. Borders and borderlands are not only siteswhere the state performs, exercises and displays its sovereign willand power in protecting national security, dignity, pride andhonor, but also sources and harbingers of fears, anxieties andontological (in)securities. In the context of the highly publicizedimmigration influx of Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis and others intoTurkey, this paper argues that discourses and emotions of fear,anxiety and hate regained new currency and have becomeconsequential in the state’s eliciting of consent from the massesin instituting border walls, fences and harsh border policingpractices and policies on the borderlands and in cities across thecountry.
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    Trait emotional intelligence and individual innovativeness: A study on technoparks
    (Inderscience Publishers, 2024) Kıvrak, Fatma Halide; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
    Emotional intelligence is increasingly acknowledged as a driving force behind innovation. Employees with elevated emotional intelligence exhibit enhanced adaptability in industries focused on innovation, where heightened creativity and proficient collaborative problem-solving skills distinguish them from their counterparts lacking emotional intelligence. This study investigates the impact of employees’ trait emotional intelligence on individual innovativeness within the context of technoparks. The research also explores potential disparities in trait emotional intelligence and innovativeness, considering variables such as gender, marital status, education level, age, and managerial position. Using structural equation modelling, linear regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA, we analysed data collected from 164 employees in Istanbul’s technoparks. The findings highlight that general trait emotional intelligence, particularly its well-being and sociability dimensions, positively related with individual innovation. Additionally, significant differences in trait emotional intelligence were observed across all demographic factors, except marital status. Notably, gender and managerial position emerged as key differentiators for individual innovativeness, revealing higher levels of both emotional intelligence and innovativeness among those with managerial duties.
  • Yayın
    Bankanın mevduat sözleşmesinden doğan hukuki sorumluluğu
    (On İki Levha Yayıncılık, 2024) Solmaz Bilici, Meryem; Hukuk Fakültesi, Hukuk Bölümü
    Klasik bir banka hukuku sözleşmesi olan mevduat sözleşmesini bankanın hukuki sorumluluğu açısından inceleyen bu eser, geleneksel mevduat ilişkisinin yanı sıra mal ve hizmetlerin giderek dijitalleştiği günümüz koşullarını ve mevduat sözleşmesini etkileyen finansal ve teknolojik gelişmeleri göz önüne alarak kaleme alınmıştır. Mevduat sözleşmesinin niteliği ve bu sözleşmeden doğan banka yükümlülükleri, güncel ve mukayeseli yargı içtihatları çerçevesinde somutlaştırılarak okuyucuya sunulmuştur. Böylece çalışma kapsamında, uygulamada sıklıkla karşılaşılan ihlal halleri tespit edilmiş ve güncel gelişmeler ışığında banka ile müşteri arasındaki mevduat ilişkisinde bankanın hukuki sorumluluğunun sınırları çizilmiştir...
  • Yayın
    Unveiling the impact of government size on labor markets in ECOWAS
    (Yaz Yayınları, 2024) Saidy, Salim; Genç İleri, Şerife
    Several economic crises, particularly in emerging nations, have exerted detrimental consequences on various facets of those nations’ growth. Considering these crises, policymakers and researchers have been more interested in this discourse, pushing for government intervention to control economic conditions. This is because even though the long-term economic development is endogenous, government policy impacts it positively or negatively. By stabilizing and influencing economic circumstances, the government may make sure that economic growth is sustainable and beneficial to society. Policy makers in many countries often utilize fiscal policy as a means to address market failures and mitigate their adverse effects. In a broader sense, fiscal policy is implemented to manage expenditure levels, regulate taxation, and make effective resource allocations. In essence, fiscal policy operates as a way through which a state governs the economy (Anayochukwu, 2012). As Falade and Folorunso (2015) underlined, budgetary policy can be utilized to stimulate the economy via influencing expenditure and taxes. Diminishing unemployment rates and fostering economic growth are the key objectives of fiscal policy…
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    A re-classification of al-Ījī’s Akhlāq al-Adudiyya into a model of Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV)
    (Michigan Publishing, 2024) Keshavarzi, Hooman; Yanık, Medaim; Keçeci, Esra; Cinisli, Muhammed Furkan; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü
    While psychologists have only recently become extensively interested in character development and virtue acquisition, such an interest has existed for centuries among Muslim scholars. Islamic scholars have created many typologies and classifications of the virtues building upon the tradition they inherited from the ancient Greeks. Among the most notable works in this genre is the treatise most famously known as al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah, written by the 14th century scholar Ad ․ud al-Dīn al-Ījī (d. 756 AH/1355 CE), which provided a comprehensive yet concise manual of the Islamic virtues that synthesized the previous work of Islamic philosophers situated within Islamic scripture. This paper provides a revised classification of the Islamic virtues by adjusting al-Ījī’s classification of virtues in his al-akhlāq al-ad ․udiyyah.This revised classification of virtues, referred to as Traditional Islamic Virtues (TIV), adopts the four cardinal virtues of wisdom, temperance, valor, and justice, with the addition of spirituality as an independent chief virtue with accompanying sub-virtues. TIV provides an aggregation of many of the sub-virtues enlisted by al-Ījī due to the degree of overlap between them. TIV also makes minor linguistic revisions and adds a few new sub-virtues. The definitions of each of the TIV sub-virtues are constructed by drawing upon numerous sources in the Islamic tradition while still relying mostly on al-Ījī’s classification.The process of aggregation and revision has produced five cardinal TIV virtues with 31 sub-virtues. This paper further demonstrates that a review and integration of the Islamic tradition into mainstream psychological discourses can greatly enrich the holistic practice of clinical and community psychology.
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    Contemporary scholarship on classical Islamic psychology a scoping review
    (Michigan Publishing, 2024) Elzamzamy, Khalid; Bader, Rasha K.; Bircan, Fikriye Bilge
    The Islamic classical scholarly tradition is replete with literature on a wide range of psychological themes. In recent decades, there has been a surge in the study and re-evaluation of this classical literature considering modern psychology. The purpose of this review is to typologize and examine the prevalent themes and approaches in this contemporary body of scholarship engaging with classical Islamic psychological literature, and to highlight gaps and limitations. This literature review utilized a flexible search strategy through various national and regional databases using a wide range of keywords. The study included a total of 132 works in three languages: Arabic, English, and Turkish. The identified works were screened for inclusion based on their relevance to psychology and their focus on classical Islamic works. These works were organized according to a thematic typology developed by the authors into three categories: broad overviews, theory-oriented works, and application-oriented works. The review indicated a significant diversified interest in classical literature in relation to modern approaches to psychology. However, contemporary scholarship included a notable “championing” attitude towards classical literature with less prevalence of empirical explorations and practical applications. Certain classical scholars and treatises received significantly more attention than others in recent decades. The paper concludes by offering future directions for research in this domain.
  • Yayın
    [Book Review]: "İki Dünya Arasında: İstanbul’da Dindar Üniversite Gençliği. Özlem Avcı. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, Kasım 2020. 296 sayfa. ISBN 978-900-43-4441-9"
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2024) Demir, Nesibe
    İlk baskısı 2012 yılında olan kitap Özlem Avcı’nın doktora tez çalışmasının kitaplaşmış halidir. 2010 yılında savunulan tezle içeriğin ve alt başlıkların genel olarak aynı olduğu gözlenmekle birlikte tezde “Bir Özneleşme Örneği Olarak İstanbul’da Dindar Üniversite Gençliği” başlığında değişikliğe gidildiği görülür. Kitabın ikinci baskıya yazdığı önsözünde yazar AKP’nin neoliberal politikalar ile İslam’ı iç içe geçirmesini ve zamanında ayrımcılığa uğradığı halde diğer yaşam tarzlarına müdahale eden tavrını eleştirir. Erdoğan’ın 2012’deki “dindar nesil istiyorum” sözlerine yer veren Avcı iktidar karşısında “kendi öznelliğini” kurmaya çalışan bir kitle olarak gençliğe odaklanmaktadır. Önsözde bu dönemdeki dindar üniversite gençliğinin sadece AKP’li olmak ve onun savunucusu olan bir kitle şeklinde ele alındığı ve “ruhunu kaybetmekte olan bir gençlik” şeklinde değerlendirildiği görülür. “Yeni nesil” bu dindar gençlik ona göre gösterişe dayanan biçimsel bir dindarlık ortaya koymaktadır ve bunda da hükümetin “dindar nesil yetiştirme” söylemi oldukça etkilidir. Aradan geçen on bir yıl sonra bireysel gözleme dayanarak yapılan bu çıkarımın genelleyici olduğunu ve saha çalışmalarıyla gençlerin deneyimlerinin ortaya konulması gerektiğini düşünüyorum…
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    Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’in hayatı ve şiirlerinde kolektif ve dirençli umudun inşası
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2024) Demir, Nesibe
    Duygulara merak ve ilgi son yıllarda hem antropolojik hem de sosyolojik olarak artmış olsa da Türkiye’de bu alanda yapılan çalışmalar oldukça sınırlıdır. Özellikle duyguların İslam ile ilişkisi neredeyse yok sayılmaktadır. Bu anlamda bu makale, özellikle Büyük Doğu düşüncesi ve dergisi ile Türkiye’deki İslami/İslamcı hareketin en etkili isimlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen şair Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’e odaklanmaktadır. Çalışma Kısakürek’in hayatındaki düşünsel ve duygusal değişimi, bu değişimin onun İslam anlayışı ile olan ilişkisini, seçilen bazı meşhur şiirlerinin ayrıntılı analizini ve dönemindeki İslami harekete katkısını umut üzerinden analiz eder. Kısakürek’in hayatındaki değişim birçok duygunun analizine imkân verse de bu çalışma umut ve umudun itici gücü olan sevgi ile sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada onun hayatını anlattığı O ve Ben otobiyografisi ile tüm şiirlerini topladığı Çile eserine odaklanılmıştır. Kısakürek’in hayatının ve şiirlerinin analizi, hocası Abdülhakim Arvasi ile tanışması sonucu, onun sevgisiyle gelen İslami bir amaç ve sorumluluğa sahip olmanın kolektif ve dirençli bir umut inşa ettiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Makale Türkiye’deki İslami hareketlerde Necip Fazıl’ın inşa ettiği bu umudun büyük rolünün olduğunu iddia etmektedir.
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    Approaches to qualitative research: A narrative literature review
    (International Network for the Advancement of Medicine, Psychology and Public Health, 2024) Usman, Ali Cissey; al-Hendawi, Maha; Bulut, Sefa; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Introduction: Qualitative research, distinct from its quantitative counterpart, delves into the complexities of human behavior, lifestyles, and social interactions through the interpretation and contextualization of participants' spoken words and experiences. Methods: This comprehensive review study aims to elucidate the key qualitative research methods, including grounded theory, case studies, conversation analysis, ethnography, and phenomenology, each with unique origins, philosophical foundations, and practical applications. Results: By systematically reviewing the literature, this article evaluated the strengths and limitations of these methods, highlighting their pivotal role in addressing intricate real-world problems across various disciplines such as social sciences, healthcare, education, and cultural studies. Through detailed analysis, our study underscored the significance of qualitative research in providing profound insights into human experiences, enhancing our understanding of complex social phenomena, and informing more empathetic and effective interventions. Discussion: Our findings advocate for integrating qualitative approaches to enrich the depth and breadth of research, ultimately contributing to more comprehensive and impactful solutions in diverse fields. Take-home message: This article highlights how qualitative research methods such as grounded theory, case studies, and ethnography offer essential insights into human behavior and social phenomena. These methods enable deep exploration of complex issues, enhancing research validity and impact across disciplines.
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    Dimensions responsible for overall satisfaction among university students: A case study of Ibn Haldun University
    (Tomsk State University, 2024) Nazir, Thseen; Nawab, Tabish; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Educational institutions around the world are always trying to impart the highest quality of education, and they are continuously improving their quality and standards. This practice enables them to attract much more capable students as well as academics. As the student is at the center of the learning process, his/her satisfaction is also at the center of the quality and standards of an educational institution. This study aims to find and assess the most important dimensions responsible for the overall satisfaction of Ibn Haldun’s students. For this, a sample of 180 students from different departments, programs (undergraduate, graduate and language), gender (Male – 41.28% and Female – 58.72%), nationalities (Turkish – 71% and Foreigners – 29%), etc. were surveyed. Students were questioned about their satisfaction levels on different dimensions like academic, accommodations, facilities and services, extracurricular, economic and financial, social and cultural via their expectations before joining Ibn Haldun University. In-depth descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression model with General to Specific methodology has been used to find and evaluate the key dimensions contributing to overall satisfaction. The study found overall satisfaction to be independent of gender and nationality. Also, graduate students were found to be more satisfied than undergraduates, while the number of semesters spent at Ibn Haldun University was found to be positively and highly correlated with overall satisfaction. Furthermore, economic and financial benefits granted to students by the university, academic features and the facilities and services dimen- sions are the key determinants of overall satisfaction of the students. The study concludes that the students’ satisfaction can be further improved by enhancing the above-mentioned features and a special attention may be given to social and cultural integration of students, accommo- dation facilities provided to the students and extracurricular activities.
  • Yayın
    Comparing product advertising videos: User comments on traditional celebrities vs. Youtubers
    (İdeal Kent Yayınları, 2024) Kıvrak, Fatma Halide; Kıvrak, Ali; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim Fakültesi
    Businesses are modifying their strategies to respond to the constantly changing media environment. In the past, marketing teams relied on traditional celebrities to promote brands and boost sales. Recently, social media celebrities such as Instagrammers, Tiktokers, youtubers, and influencers have emerged as popular options for marketing communication due to their significant attention and preference. Despite considerable research on traditional and social media influencer endorsements, there remains a gap in understanding how social media users perceive and interact with these endorsements. This study investigates the differences in topic, sentiment, and pragmatics of user comments on Youtube advertisement videos showcasing traditional celebrities and youtubers. We examined user comments on eight advertisement videos using content analysis, with half featuring traditional celebrities and the other half featuring youtubers. The findings indicate that including traditional celebrities in videos leads to increased user focus on brand features, along with greater expressions of admiration and positive sentiment. Furthermore, traditional celebrities are more effective than influencers in fostering favourable and reliable brand awareness. Possible explanations for these results are considered, and their theoretical and practical implications are derived.