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    Beyond the empirical and ethical divide: İbn Khaldun's multiplex philosophy of politics and education
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Özalkan, Seda; Şentürk, Recep; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    Why is there a tension between the empirical and the ethical approaches in political and educational theory? This tension is often traced back to David Hume’s demarcation between “is” and “ought” claims. This distinction was further solidified by the principles of logical positivism, which made a clear separation between facts and values, thereby further distancing empirical from normative modes of inquiry. This philosophical stance has contributed to an indecision in the field of political theory over the last century, oscillating between empirical-positive and ethicalnormative approaches, or in other words, descriptive and prescriptive perspectives, as scholars have struggled to balance these two frameworks. There was a division of labor: empirical political theorists focused on the empirical “is” of politics, while normative political theorists concerned themselves with the ethical “ought” of politics. Empirical approaches to political theory are concerned with discovering the causal laws that explain why society is the way it is. Normative approach to political theory, on the other hand, is concerned with ethical considerations, values, and prescriptions about how societies ought to be organized and governed…
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    The new warring states era: Reviving of Legalism in China
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Tanrıkut, Mevlan; Ringmar, Erik Ivar; Ringmar, Erik; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    Given China's rapid development and its emergence as a major competitor to the West, it has become increasingly important for researchers to comprehend China comprehensively, encompassing its philosophy, culture, history, and politics. However, it has become commonplace for many academics and politicians to approach their understanding of China primarily through the lens of Confucian philosophy (Lin Yutang: 1934) and predict China's future development trajectory through a progressive perspective. Numerous studies claimed that China would become democratic with its economic prosperity. Yet, with China's growing economic strength and Xi Jinping's ascent to power, China has openly rejected the adoption of Western values and instead posited that it possesses alternative values and systems. Despite China being second in GDP and first in the middle-class number, it is still not democratic and Xi Jinping’s autocratic style is at odds with the benevolent ruling method advocated by Confucius. It seems that academic stereotypes that apply historically progressive approaches in China studies and put Confucianism at the center of Chinese political culture need to be revised. To this end, this research tries to answer two specific questions which are why the historical approach is more appropriate for China study and what kind of governing style China trying to implement under the leadership of Xi Jinping. By examining the influence of the Legalist school of thought on the Chinese administrative culture, this study asserts that rather than the modernization approach, the historical approach needs to apply to China studies methodologically and China’s political culture should not always be studied from the Confucian perspective, but the Legalist school of thought also seriously takes into account. Without Legalism, we can only partially understand China’s governance philosophy. As to the second question, this paper claims that present-day China is on the way to reviving the Han Dynasty style governing method under the leadership of Xi Jinping with the national project of “revitalizing the excellent Chinese culture”.
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    İmparatorluğun sonunda müze ve İslam sanatı
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Çakırca, Emine Betül; Cooke, Miriam; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    Bu tez çalışmasında 19. yüzyıl ikinci yarısından 20. yüzyıl ilk çeyreğine uzanan süreçte Osmanlı Müzeciliği ve İslam sanatı koleksiyonlarının oluştuğu süreç ele alınmıştır. İslam sanatının kavramsallaşmasında ve siyasi bir imge haline gelmesinde Osmanlı müzeciliğinin ve eski eser koruma politikalarının rolü değerlendirilmiştir. Tezin tarihsel bağlamı bu dönemde öne çıkan imparatorluklar arası iktidar ve meşruiyet rekabetidir…
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    Yunus Emre and the voice of the ineffable absolute (Hakk)
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Conte, Francesco; Lawrence, Bruce Bennett; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    In this work I seek to analyze the work of Yunus Emre in order to understand its reception, or rather lack of reception, and muted acclaim, in many circles. His poetry needs to be better known in an English-speaking academic context where, unfortunately, interest in the esoteric dimension of Islam, especially in languages which are not Arabic or Persian, is still very limited. On the contrary, what is too often highlighted is the more exoteric aspects that are usually linked to the legal dimension and more closely related to the Arabic language. I tried to find an answer to the following: what is the understanding of language in Yunus Emre? This question arises from the observation that the whole Divan is pervaded by a constant concern regarding the origin and nature of the same poet's words. We can speak of an obstinate self-enquiry with respect to the poetic gesture. Why is there this centrality of the language in Yunus Emre‟s poetic production? What is the main aim of this self-enquiry in his poetry? What are the ethical consequences of Yunus Emre‟s understanding of language? I have discovered that in general esotericism is a dimension that remains on the fringes of academic inquiry. This is true whether it is Islamic, Christian or Jewish esotericism, or even other traditions less studied in academia. Unfortunately, the post-enlightenment rationalist approach to the construction of knowledge has generally marginalized these types of knowledge. For this reason, there is still a need to shed light on other ways of engaging with the koranic revelation. Yunus Emre, with his poetry in vernacular Turkish and his esoteric perspective, in my opinion can and should play a key role in the creation of a counter canon that can complexify such an important historical phenomenon as Islam within world history.
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    Impact of modernization on Pashtun culture and the role of Sen's capability approach
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2022) Tahirkheli, Najam Shafat; Ringmar, Erik Ivar; Ringmar, Erik
    There have been suggestions from the literature that contemporary forces are straining the cultural harmony of Pashtuns in Pakistan, in addition to there being a need for a more holistic approach to development in the region. Therefore, this thesis attempts to answer two valuable questions: first, how is modernization impacting Pashtun culture, and second, is Amartya Sen's freedom-centered Capability Approach able to identify and resolve the challenges of modernization within the Pashtun context? Nobel Laureate economist Amartya Sen's Capability Approach—which sees human freedom as the centerpiece of development rather than the mere increase in material wealth--is a breakthrough in development studies. Due to the flexible applicability of Sen's approach, this thesis attempts to innovate from his ideas by evaluating the cultural "capabilities" of Pashtuns. Likewise, this work also critiques Sen's approach and philosophical assumptions; it concludes that his own normative worldview misses the deeper challenges of modernization. Field research was personally conducted in Pakistan for the purpose of this study--revealing primary knowledge of Pashtun culture and local perceptions. The results of this study suggest that certain cultural features of Pashtuns—their social village complex (Hujra) and traditional legal execution institution (Jirga) are facing challenges in modernity while their dynamic moral worldview system (Pakhtunwali) is at risk of losing its original significance. There are three reasons for this: urbanization, bureaucratization, and technology. This thesis utilized a mixed-method approach which consisted of both qualitative discourse, and opinion-based quantitative survey data. Yet the survey size was not large enough to make a conclusive claim—rather wishing that further studies may be inspired by this work. It is hoped that this research will benefit area and development studies in Pakistan, as well as inspire a much-needed application of Sen's Capability Approach within the context of preserving traditional cultures.
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    Muḥammad b. Yūsuf al-Sanūsī's theological legacy: Tracing the dissemination of creedal knowledge through the commentaries and glosses on al-Sanūsī's work in Medieval & pre-modern Maghrib (15-17th ce)
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2022) El Houbba, Zakaria; Lawrence, Bruce Bennett; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    This study aims to trace the scholars and works in the Maghrib (from the ninth/fifteenth to the eleventh/seventeenth century) that comprise the theological legacy of Muḥammad b. Yūsuf al-Sanūsī (Tlemcen 839/1436 - 895/1490) and, by convention, ends with the direct students of Abū Ḥasan al-Yūsī (Fes, 1040/1630- 1102/1691). The study of the dissemination of al-Sanūsī's theological works is a quest for the development and understanding of creedal literacy among non-elites which seems to mark the theological debates in the 15- 17th Century Maghrib. Rather than a philosophical study of theological concepts, we attempt to look at al-Sanūsī's theological legacy within the Maghrib as the expression, development and consolidation of a new mode of religious instruction, one which is manifested primarily in Islamic creedal, theological and legal literary works. Keywords: Horizontal learning, Islamic theology, taqlīd, pre-modern societies, descriptive network analysis.
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    Improvement or degeneration of fiqh? A critical study of the Majalla
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Naeem, Danish; Açıkgenç, Alparslan; Açıkgenç, Alparslan; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    This thesis critically engages with the concept of fiqh and its manifestation in the form of the Majalla. Problems are occasioned when human predicaments are expressed in textual form. Does fiqh fare better in this than law as conceptualized in the West? Does a fiqh paradigm change for the worse when a fiqh text is taken as a code? The Majalla presents an interesting case which is at a critical juncture in history. In the beginning, I critically investigate how fiqh compares with the Western legal paradigm in its conceptual and philosophical underpinnings. I then address the most pertinent question of whether the historical circumstances surrounding the Majalla represent a paradigm shift or a break in the fiqh tradition, arguing that while the former is unwarranted the latter seems to be. In Chapter 4, I survey some of the historical debates that surrounded the making of the Majalla, which provides a more nuanced picture of its substance and form. In Chapter 5, I address the concept of codification and investigate the imperatives motivating that phenomenon. I conclude that the same text, if posited in circumstances where modern understandings of codification are prevalent would presumably manifest a degeneration of fiqh as the imperatives that inhere in a fiqh paradigm are different. Chapters 6-7 address a deeper philosophical comparison of fiqh and law, where I address the notion of a 'gap' and demonstrate how it occurs at two occasions in the fiqh paradigm which affirms the character of fiqh as rooted in discovery rather than performativity. Thereafter, I further explore these notions concluding that legislating a fiqh text like the Majalla confuses the fiqh paradigm by imposing a configuration of roles that is not suited to that paradigm.
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    What if? Science fiction Hollywood films as a cultural artifact: A showcase of Western worldview
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Klein, Lorraine; Haliloğlu, Nagihan; Haliloğlu, Nagihan; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    In a « disenchanted » West, to use Max Weber words, a predictable world, where modern science, secularism, impersonal market economy and bureaucracy reign supreme, science fiction as a field of speculation, prediction, warnings or as a lab of the future is undeniably popular in cinemas this last two decades. As cultural artifacts, they offer ready to be used reading grids to make sense of a society that becomes more complicated with each passing day. As Walter Lippmann (1997) argued that cinema has "authority over the imagination" and since "The films of a nation reflect its mentality", as perfectly stated by Kracauer (1947), I analyzed how Science Fiction Hollywood films, considered as a cultural artifact, act as a showcase of western worldview, shaping our understanding and expectations of both present and future ? In front of recurrent themes, such as « natural » disasters, wars, dehumanization and social fractures, I chose and examined through discourse and film analyses seventy science-fiction Hollywood films and did six case studies : Avatar, Interstellar, Inception, Jurassic World, Black Panther and Hunger Games. Through a symptomatic interpretation, I systematically analyzed patterns and elements, (codes in Roland Barthes' words), whose frequency is revealing of their cultural relevancy. Science fiction films are as much a product of the society as a producer of discourse within the society, showcasing the Western world, both feeding on and feeding its fears, hopes, visions of the future and featuring archetypes of threats and heroes. I thus analyzed the films through three main axes, guiding my quantitative and qualitative analysis, loosely mimicking Joseph Campbell's hero's journey : the novum, the threat and the savior.
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    The contested grounds of human rights in Islam and the West: A comparative study
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2022) Vlug, Jeroen; Şentürk, Recep; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    In this thesis we explore the problem of the contested grounds of human rights in Islam and the West. While we live in an era in which human rights are at the center of our global moral discussions, human rights have been challenged for their bias in Eurocentric ethics and anthropologies. At the same time human rights were secularized in the twentieth century and divorced from their historical theological underpinnings, without being supplanted by any viable philosophical alternative. This has left modern human rights philosophically ungrounded and in need of a theory of justification. The current "crisis of human rights" has instigated new scholarship on the philosophical grounds of human rights, especially in Christian and Jewish ethics. The Islamic legal tradition is notably absent from this debate. Research on Islam and human rights almost exclusively focuses on a "narrative of conflict" and lacks a sustained engagement with classical Islamic law (fiqh) and legal philosophy (uṣūl al-fiqh). Both Orientalists and human rights lawyers have claimed Islam has no conception of human rights and is merely a "duty-based system". This thesis moves beyond the reductionism of legal Orientalism and approaches Islamic law discursively as a legal-philosophical tradition that can make worthwhile contributions to contemporary philosophical debates. Through the frameworks of comparative legal studies and conceptual history (Begriffsgeschichte), this thesis traces premodern human rights discourses in medieval and early modern Islam and the West. In doing so, we explore how human rights were conceptualized, justified and grounded, and how they may speak to our current moral concerns today.
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    Anti-Muslim racism in Finland: Finnish female Muslim converts' experiences on racialization and misrecognition
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2023) Hyökki, Linda; Küçükural, Önder; Küçükural, Önder; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    This thesis explores the experiences of Finnish female Muslim converts on antiMuslim racism, racialization, and misrecognition. The research is rooted in the criticism of the current status quo regarding race relations in Finnish society. The study will thus explore how whiteness as a phenotype and as a socially constructed racial category has been part of the Finnish identity construction throughout history. The experiences of Finnish female Muslim converts on anti-Muslim racism are to be seen as a continuum of the historical "ethnoculturalization" of the Sámi and the Roma and the racism they have faced. The study also considers the Tatar Muslim minority's position in Finnish society, comparing their status as "Finnishized" Muslims to the other Muslim communities, who are by anti-Muslim racist terms defined as racial and cultural Others. The study will also analyze gendered forms of anti-Muslim racism, focusing on the Orientalist stereotype of an "oppressed Muslim woman." The interviews conducted for this thesis will also explore the concept of agency in the converts' narratives of their conversion stories and the Du Boisian doubleconsciousness to analyze how the stereotype is reflected in the female converts' identities as Muslim women in public. Keywords: Anti-Muslim Racism; conversion; misrecognition; racialization; Finnish Muslims; female Muslims.
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    İslam medeniyetinde bir sembol olarak cami: Günümüzdeki camiler etrafında dini, siyasi ve estetik tartışmalar
    (2019) Doruk Keskin, Hümeyra; Şentürk, Recep
    İslam medeniyetinde bir sembol olarak cami: Günümüzdeki camiler etrafında dini, siyasi ve estetik tartışmalar isimli bu çalışma; İslam mimari ve toplumsal tarihi açısından taşıdığı önemin yanında küreselleşen dünya ve değişen algılarla bugün tartışmalı bir şekilde ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde ele alınan camileri incelemektedir. İslam medeniyetinin bir sembolü olarak caminin anlamı nasıl bir değişim göstermiştir? Bu bağlamda günümüzdeki camiler etrafında dini, siyasi ve estetik tartışmalar nelerdir? Sorusu irdelenmektir. İslam medeniyetinde merkezi bir öneme sahip olan cami, hem estetik hem de sosyal önemi açısından klasik ve güncel örnekler ile incelenmekte, medeniyetin değişim ve dönüşüm süreci bu güçlü sembol üzerinden okunmaya çalışılmaktadır. Yakın tarihte İstanbul'da inşa edilmiş; Şakirin Camii, Ataşehir Mimar Sinan Camii, Çamlıca Camii bu çalışmanı ana örneklerini oluştururken toplumsal tartışmalara konu olmuş farklı örnekler olan Köln Merkez Camii ve Roxbury Camii ve Kocatepe Camii de incelenen camiler arasında yer almıştır.
  • Yayın
    An analysis and translation of Said Halim Pasha's "İslam'da teşkilat-i siyassiye"
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2021) Simpkins, Thomas; Işık, Vahdettin; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    Despite being one of the Ottoman Empire’s last grand viziers and a prominent Islamist intellectual, Said Halim Pasha has long been an underrated figure. I will provide a critical translation of Said Halim Pasha’s essay Islam’da Teşkilat-ı Siyasiyye, based on the French original, while taking note of the existing Ottoman and English translations. I will then move to an analysis of the text, where inspired by the Cambridge School of intellectual history, I will attempt to answer the question “What did Said Halim Pasha intend to do with “Islam’da Teşkilat-ı Siyasiyye” and how can we understand his intention within the context of preceding and contemporary discourses?” Despite usually being understood as a “traditionalist,” I will argue that Said Halim Pasha should largely be understood within a late Ottoman attempt to create an Islamic modernity, that is an alternative or negotiated “modernity.” Specifically within the context of a growing positivism which posited a contradiction between science and religion, Said Halim Pasha intended to create what he saw as scientific grounds for the Sharia’s sovereignty to form the basis for a representative and modern Islamic state.
  • Yayın
    The construction of a theory of civilization through the works of al-Māwardī
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2021) Zatari, Fadi; Tahsin Görgün; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    The bulk of this dissertation on the 11th-century Muslim scholar Abū al-Ḥasan al-Māwardī (974 - 1058) focuses mainly on his book “Adab al-Dunyā wa-al-Dīn.” Most studies on al-Māwardī have concentrated on either his political or legal contributions while less attention has been given to al-Māwardī’s other works. This dissertation aims primarily to cover this gap through an attempt to construct a theory of civilization. In such an attempt, the thesis will utilize his works to reach a new model that answers significant questions, namely those of how we comprehend civilization in contemporary times. The study proposes a profound and comprehensive outline of al-Māwardī’s thoughts on how civilization is formed. It consists of two parts, each containing three chapters. The first part, entitled “Essential Foundations of al-Māwardī’s Theory of Civilization,” includes three major concepts: reason, ʿilm (system of knowledge), and religion. These three notions are analyzed in relation to civilization's construction. My main argument is that civilization cannot be established without a central role for these concepts. The second part, entitled “Implementation Aspects of al-Māwardī’s Theory of Civilization,” consists of three chapters. The first considers the structures of the social world and the individual’s role in society. Al-Māwardī insists that people’s well-being and welfare depends on individual discipline and collective structures. The second chapter focuses essentially on personal discipline. My argument is that civilization cannot be established without personal discipline. The last chapter is on informal institutional theory; my central argument is that al-Māwardī aims to develop informal institutions to maintain social stability…
  • Yayın
    Veiling and face veiling debates (1908-1925)
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2021) Eralp, Tuğba Ece; Berktay, Halil; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    In this thesis, the debates regarding, modernity and gender concerning women’s clothing which, have their roots in the twentieth century are explored, these debates continues to play a role today. Following the case of charsaf and face veiling, how different modernization perspectives are reflected in the arguments of Late Ottoman male intellectuals is one of the topic of thesis. Questions such as how different the Late Ottoman masculinities manifested themselves in the modernization perspectives specific to the veiling and face veiling issue are also discussed.
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    The effect of geopolitical location on operational cost and fleet management
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021) Zeybel, Serhan; Kaplan, Ahmet
    The airline industry is one of the industries where there is most impact of costs on profitability. Fleet management and location selection are important in terms of operational costs in the airline industry, which is affected by economic and competitive conditions due to its nature. Airline companies that make a successful fleet management and location selection can reduce their operational costs and use their fleet in the most optimum way. In this study, the effect of location selection on airline fleet management and operational costs was examined. In this context, flight scenarios were prepared from 8 centers, 10 different hubs and 5 different aircraft. These scenarios prepared were evaluated with TOPSIS, one of the multi-criteria decision making methods. In the multi-criteria decision-making method, the alternatives are evaluated according to the criteria determined. In the study, alternatives are flights, and the criteria are operational cost items...
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    Calls to prayer and sounds of birds: The production of space and place-making practices in Erenköy-Konya
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2021) Acar, Melike Sıla; Keskin Aksay, Nursem; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    “There shall be heard only calls to prayer and sounds of birds.” This is how Tahir Büyükkörükçü, one of its founders, describes Erenköy. This phrase tells the story of the Erenköy neighbourhood of Konya in a very meaningful way. Erenköy was built in 1969 when a group of people came together with the idea of living Islam better under the leadership of Tahir Büyükkörükçü. Single-storey houses designed by their users, lush and wide gardens, garden walls exceeding two meters, numerous entrances, cedar pines along the street and several things belonging to the neighbourhood bear traces of fifty years ago. This thesis sets out by examining the social solidarity and process that brought the residents of Erenköy together and questions their basic motivation to build a living space. It examines architectural structures, interior designs, gardens and objects as the embodied forms of this motivation. In addition, it focuses on those who built them, the feelings, dreams, disappointments, conflicts, discourses and practices. It draws attention to the founding role of feelings e.g. love, responsibility, voluntariness, negotiation and comfort. By opposing the argument that space consists only of physical structures, it deciphers the indirect but powerful relationship of space with faith. Therefore, in addition to space theories, it appeals to affect theory, new ontology, Islamic sciences and Sufism. While examining the whole process, it does not remove Erenköy context from current discussions, also analyzes strategies and tactics, current life practices, the role of capital, spatial transformation, and the latest trends. In sum, this thesis tells the process of a grape field in 1969 becoming one of the most elegant districts of Konya today. Although it was established years ago, it argues that the production and the construction of space in Erenköy continues.
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    Seeking certitude: Iktisāb and Ilhām in imam al-Ghazālī's theory of knowledge
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, 2021) Arif, Sheeba; Şentürk, Recep; Medeniyetler İttifakı Enstitüsü, Medeniyet Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
    This thesis explores the two paths to ‘ilm (knowledge) in Imam al-Ghazālī’s theory of knowledge—iktisāb (acquisition) and ilhām (inspiration). In Imam al-Ghazālī’s thought, these two paths relate to the two domains of knowledge—‘ilm al-ẓāhir (exoteric knowledge) and ‘ilm albāṭin (esoteric knowledge) respectively. ‘Ilm al-ẓāhir of the sharī’ah (Revelation) and of Reality is acquired through iktisāb of the senses and the reason, while ‘ilm al-bāṭin is attained through divinely granted ilhām. Imam al-Ghazālī designates ‘ilm al-ẓāhir as the primary domain of the sharʿī sciences, while ‘ilm al-bāṭin is the domain of ‘ilm al-mukāshafah (the science of unveiling) more commonly referred to as taṣawwuf. A primary focus of this thesis is to apply Imam alGhazālī’s terminology and explore the methods of iktisāb of knowledge employed in the sharʿī sciences, which we have classified as three distinct epistemic paths: the historical-empirical path of ḥadīth, the rational path of kalām, and the joint historical-empirical and rational path of fiqh. This thesis also explores the nature and means of ilhām in Imam al-Ghazālī’s formulation of ‘ilm al-mukāshafah which we classify as the fourth major epistemic path in Islamic thought. This thesis argues ultimately that while Imam al-Ghazālī identifies and esteems two separate paths to knowledge—iktisāb and ilhām—which relate to the two forms of knowledge—‘ilm al-ẓāhir and ‘ilm al-bāṭin—it is knowledge of the bāṭin, granted through divine gifts of mukāshafah directly unto the heart-soul of Man which constitutes the highest forms of all knowledge and certitude possible for Man—ḥaqq al-yaqīn. Such yaqīn corresponds to the mushāhadah of tawḥīd and, we argue, represents a state of true ineffability in Imam al-Ghazālī’s thought.
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    Ideology and discourse in cinema: The war of images between Algeria and France
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021) Ferdjani, Roumaissa; Öcal, Hakkı
    Cinema, history, and politics have a dynamic relation; they are related and intertwined fields. The documentary film, in particular, is an essential historical tool for documenting the political events of countries. For instance, Algeria relied on documentary films to support the popular liberation revolution. Therefore it used cinema to represent the cause and condemn French colonialism by documenting its repression and crimes committed against a people calling for self-determination and independence. The National Liberation Front used Algerian cinema as counterpropaganda against French propaganda films. Algerian films, in turn, refuted the French allegations and decreased their credibility, which undermined its foreign policy and its image in front of the world. These two countries' films remained a witness to the intensity of the conflict and the ferocity of war between the two parties, each side trying to prove its positions and ideologies through cinema. This thesis is based on "Qualitative analysis Research" to examine and analyze the Ideology and discourse in cinema by discussing the crucial historical period in French and Algerian history. The years between 1954-1962 have witnessed brutal events, known as "The Algerian liberation war" or "The Algerian revolution," that remained for decades as a war without a name, unrecognized by the French authorities...
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    Urban spaces and contentious action in the Syrian cities
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021) Shamy, Lina; Ezzat, Heba Raouf
    Despite the great momentum of the Syrian revolutions, big cities in Syria like Damascus and Aleppo- unlike the situation in Tunisia or Egypt- appeared to be pushed aside from the revolutionary scene. Despite the fact that the uprising in Syria was inspired by the events in the broader Arab world, the revolutionary action differed in its tactics of mobilization and in its spatial nature right from the beginning. The big blanket thrown by the term "Arab spring" at the beginning, led to overlooking or downplaying many factors. However, it is because of this framing many themes and features were contrasted and compared for analysis or theory building, such as state structures, or armies' structures even sometimes overlooking the urban divergence. In the literature on Syria, the ongoing upheaval and the militarized complexities has seized the most attention. Less attention has been given to the onset of the revolution, particularly to the social fabric in relation to the urban fabric and the logics of action of the different urban settings that varied internally and also in comparison to the broader Arab spring scene. By mapping space, forces and contention in the four main cities in Syria (Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Hama), this study examines the social networks of the different settings and their place mainly in relation to other settings in order to interpret the logics of action at the onset of the revolution of the different urban settings in the Syrian cities. Keywords: Urban settings, Contentious action, Mobilization; Space, Networks.
  • Yayın
    A critical consideration of nationalism, in conjunction with Islamism, in the case of Mehmet Akif Ersoy
    (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021) Adanır, Ayşegül; Berktay, Halil
    This thesis analyzes the forms of nationalism ideology and its relation with religion on the ground of the Islamism ideology in the last century of the Ottoman Empire. After the Second Constitutional Monarchy Ottoman Empire experienced a social and religious awakening after the loss of the territorial lands. The effects of the imperial decline are obviously seen among Turkish intellectuals and writers during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. As a result of the destructive effects of the war, ideological developments emerged among Ottoman Muslims in the wake of the salvation of the Ottoman Empire. Mehmet Akif Ersoy as a so-called national anthem writer considered a prominent name in the defense of national struggle mostly narrated within his epic vision and patriotic sense of his poems. In order to describe the situation of this era, the thesis focuses on the conceptualization of nation and Islam in the sense of national anthem writer Mehmet Akif Ersoy. However, Akif’s consideration of nationalism observed changes in parallel to the socio-political experiences, his concept of nationalism and religion that meet in a synthesis needs explanations and clarifications around the debates of nationalism in the early years of the Turkish Republic. This thesis also suggests that Mehmet Akif as a name that has come to the fore with its national and religious identity should be questioned for his role in raising national awareness.