Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Koleksiyonu
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Yayın Border disputes and terrorism in Africa(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2025) Özdemir, Ahmet Yusuf; Yıldırım Çınar, Huriye; Güçyetmez, Ferdi; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü[No Abstract Available]Yayın Migration, mobility, and war: A transnational analysis of diaspora volunteering in civil conflicts(Routledge, 2025) Özdemir, Ahmet Yusuf; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThis article argues for a shift in the paradigm when analysingtransnational war volunteering, commonly known as foreign fight-ing. Instead of overemphasizing the roles of criminal and securityaspects or individual motivational factors, this new analyticalapproach will transform the debate from actor to action. This articleintroduces the theoretical discussion of transnationalism withincivil wars and ethnic conflicts. By comparatively analysing conflictsin Kosovo (1999), Karabakh (1988–1994), and Abkhazia (1992–-1993), this article answers the questions of how transnational dia-spora volunteers mobilize, travel, and adapt to the war zones. Thepaper concludes that communities in the diaspora use sendingvolunteers as a tool to show solidarity with their relatives in thehomeland. Diaspora’s already established interest and connectionswith the motherland in the pre-conflict stage before the crisisturned into a fully-fledged war is an essential element in the rapid-ity of the mobilization process. Even if the means of reaching theconflict zones are not without challenges, they still try multiplemethods of travel such as air, sea, and road. Finally, this solidarityhas its complications, often ignored, such as linguistic, dialectical,and cultural differences.Yayın History of international relations: A non-European perspective(Open Book Publishers, 2019) Ringmar, Erik Ivar; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüExisting textbooks on international relations treat history in a cursory fashion and perpetuate a Euro-centric perspective. This textbook pioneers a new approach by historicizing the material traditionally taught in International Relations courses, and by explicitly focusing on non-European cases, debates and issues. The volume is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the international systems that traditionally existed in Europe, East Asia, pre-Columbian Central and South America, Africa and Polynesia. The second part discusses the ways in which these international systems were brought into contact with each other through the agency of Mongols in Central Asia, Arabs in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, Indic and Sinic societies in South East Asia, and the Europeans through their travels and colonial expansion. The concluding section concerns contemporary issues: the processes of decolonization, neo-colonialism and globalization - and their consequences on contemporary society. History of International Relations provides a unique textbook for undergraduate and graduate students of international relations, and anybody interested in international relations theory, history, and contemporary politics.Yayın Profiling VoMa: Assessing the threat of an Armenian paramilitary group to the gegion(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2025) Uyar, Sümeyye; Yıldırım, Mustafa; Sarı, Yaşar; Bekir, Chountagi; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThis paper undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the paramilitary entity known as VoMa in Armenia, emerging as a novel threat and presenting challenges to regional stability. Despite its lack of scholarly attention, the group’s potential regional implications for Azerbaijan and Türkiye necessitate focused examination. This research aims to shed light on VoMa’s inter-group relations, foreign supporters and reported military activities to discern potential ramifications for regional security. Commencing with a comprehensive examination of VoMa’s inter-group relations and external supporters, the study explores the latent threat posed by the group, which could significantly shape its trajectory and impact…Yayın Navigating humanitarian inaction: Shifts in international discourse on Gaza and Ukraine(Sakarya University, 2024) Uyar, Sümeyye; Yıldırım, Mustafa; Turan, Yıldırım; Kadıoğlu, İ. Aytaç; Özdemirci-Cinal, A. Selcan; Yalçın, Mustafa Onur; Yıldırım, Bilal; Rakipoğlu, Mehmet; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThis study empirically investigates how states rhetorically engage with international norms of civilian protection to mask selective humanitarian interventions in the UN General Assembly, as seen in the cases of Ukraine and Gaza. We show the selective nature of humanitarian intervention through a comparative analysis of international responses to two major ongoing crises: the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Drawing on Robert Putnam's two-level game theory, the study examines how political leaders navigate the tension between international obligations—imposed by global norms and institutions such as the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)—and the domestic costs of taking concrete actions, such as civilian evacuations or military interventions. It argues that when states are unwilling to bear these costs, they seek a balance between maintaining a passive stance toward humanitarian crises and appearing actively engaged in civilian protection. To achieve this, states strategically shift international discourse toward more diplomatically manageable topics, such as humanitarian aid or peace talks, in order to obscure their reluctance to undertake more substantive measures. To empirically assess this phenomenon, the study conducts a qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting records from both crises. By identifying recurring themes—such as humanitarian aid, civilian evacuations, condemnations of aggressors, and calls for ceasefire—the paper demonstrates how states reframe discussions toward less contentious areas when they seek to avoid action. In contrast, the study also highlights how international discourse becomes more policy-oriented and proactive when states are willing to take concrete measures.Yayın Türkiye’s UN peacekeeping contributions as instruments of foreign policy amidst global transformations(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2024) Uyar, Sümeyye; Sezgin, Firuze Simay; Yurdusev, A. Nuri; Doğrul, Mürsel; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüHow do states strategically engage with United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Operations (PKOs) to achieve their foreign policy goals? This study explores Türkiye’s strategic engagement with UN PKOs in the context of its evolving foreign policy priorities. We argue that Türkiye employs multilateral relationships of UN PKO personnel contributions as strategic tools to achieve specific foreign policy goals. By compiling data from 2002 to 2018, we analyze how Türkiye’s participation in PKOs aligns with its broader foreign policy objectives under the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government. The research employs logistic and negative binomial regression analyses to examine the relationship between Türkiye’s peacekeeping contributions and its foreign policy alignment. Findings reveal a nuanced interplay, indicating that Türkiye’s decision to contribute to PKOs is influenced by the collective actions of multiple countries aligning with its foreign policy objectives. Additionally, temporal variations highlight Türkiye’s changing diplomacy, with peacekeeping commitments reflecting shifts in its policy orientations. The study underscores the significance of multilateral partnerships and foreign policy alignment in shaping Türkiye’s engagement with UN PKOs, offering insights into the complex dynamics of international diplomacy and the role of emerging powers in global peace and security efforts.Yayın Uluslararası Avrasya konferansı 2024: Bildiri özetleri kitabı(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2025) Sarı, Yaşar; Sarı, Yaşar; Bekir, Chountagi; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüAvrasya kavramı farklı toplumlar, farklı zamanlar, farklı açılardan farklı anlamları ifade etmektedir. Bildiri özetleri kitabında, Avrasya coğrafyasının farklı ülkelerinden gelen alanında uzman akademisyenlerden ve genç bilim insanlarından oluşan konferans katılımcıları Avrasya coğrafyası ile ilgili farklı konuları (güvenlik, dış politika, iç politika, ekonomi, eğitim, ticaret, bölgesel örgütlenmeler, bölgeselcilik, geleneksel ve güncel problem alanları, çevre, enerji gibi) farklı ülkelerin (Türkiye, Rusya, Birleşik Krallık, İran, Polonya, Kazakistan, Özbekistan, Azerbaycan, Kırgızistan, Tacikistan, Macaristan gibi) perspektifinden değerlendirdiler, analiz ettiler ve tartıştılar.Yayın Strategic autonomy in Turkish foreign policy: Defense or offense?(Taylor & Francis, 2024) Aslan, Ali; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüAlthough the study of secondary state behavior has increasing schol-arly attention, existing studies suffer from a serious defect: privilegingdefensive over offensive behaviors. This is mainly due to the problemsof status-quo-bias and anarchy-centrism engulfing the discipline ofInternational Relations. This leads scholars either to ignore offensivestate behaviors or treat them as aberration. This could be corrected ifthe struggle for autonomy is taken as the primary motive behindstate behaviors. Defensive and offensive state behaviors, then, can begiven equal treatment. Defensive state behaviors aim to maintainwhereas offensive state behaviors seek to expand autonomy.Secondary states may display risky offensive behaviors to expandtheir autonomy. I shall examine this argument against the empiricalevidence provided by Turkish foreign policy after 2016. I argue thatthe policy of strategic autonomy determines Turkish foreign policyand in the context of this policy Turkey follows a leash-slipping strat-egy to expand its autonomy.Yayın Revisiting post-Islamism a decade after the Arab Spring(University of Belgrade - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, 2024) Affan, Mohammad; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThe Arab Spring uprisings marked a watershed moment in regional politics, significantly impacting Islamist movements in terms of strategies, ideologies, and organizational structures. Accordingly, this paper examines whether these dramatic events strengthened or weakened the post-Islamist evolution of traditional political Islam movements, focusing on the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (E-MB) and the Tunisian Ennahda Movement Party (EMP) as case studies. The proposed hypothesis is that the Arab Spring has variably influenced Islamists. In Egypt, it initially weakened the post-Islamist turn of the E-MB. However, owing to the 2013 coup and subsequent repression, the E-MB was politically excluded and weakened, creating a vacuum that was filled by various forms of less political or non-ideological forms of Islamic activism. The Tunisian Islamists had a different story. The Arab Spring seems to have strengthened their transition to post-Islamism. In its tenth conference, the EMP declared its exit from political Islam, adopting the new concept of Muslim Democracy. Even after the presidential takeover in July 2021, which resulted in the political exclusion of the EMP, the Work and Achievement party that defected from it maintained clear post-Islamist features.Yayın Against the odds: Explaining mainstream Montenegrin parties domination of Bosniak and Albanian minority representation in postcommunist Montenegro(Cambridge University Press, 2024) Lika, Idlir; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThe Bosniak and Albanian minorities in postcommunist Montenegro have supported and been represented by mainstream Montenegrin parties more than by their ethnic parties. This stands in striking contrast to the situation in neighboring Serbia and North Macedonia where the Bosniak and Albanian minorities vote almost exclusively for their ethnic parties. The Montenegrin case stands out as deviant also when one considers a number of extant explanations, all of which would predict a different outcome. Montenegrin Bosniaks and Albanians constitute two native, sizeable and geographically concentrated minority groups inhabiting a country with an institutional framework and several special electoral arrangements favoring minority parties. Drawing on original data on Bosniak and Albanian legislators elected across 12 parliamentary elections in Montenegro (1990-2023), municipality and country-level parliamentary election results and 12 semi-structured elite interviews, I argue that what explains the deviance in the Montenegrin case is the peculiar nature of Montenegrin identity, specifically the fact that it does not pit the majority against minority, but rather it pits the Montenegrin and Serbian components of the Orthodox majority against each other and in such a context the non-Orthodox minorities become critical political allies of the Montenegrin bloc against the Serbian one.Yayın Human rights perspectives on climate change and landmine contamination in Azerbaijan(Student Academic Society of Baku State University Law School, 2024) Mustafayeva, Najiba; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThis article discusses the expanding interface between human rights and international climate change law. It underlines the urgent need for a human rights-based approach for the protection of the rights of vulnerable communities residing in disaster-prone areas, and reinstatement of environmental justice. It covers the chronological line of development from an initial lack of human rights inclusion within climate agreements which did not contain any provisions of the named approach. Then, the article discusses two recent historical resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly that recognized the right to a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a basic human right. Focusing on the forthcoming COP29 in Baku, the article discusses the need for immediate action related to anthropogenic interference in view of landmine contamination following the Second Karabakh War. It argues that the inclusion of human rights into climate policies is going to be key factor in both mitigating environmental degradation and offering just solutions. Secondly, the article evaluates the developing landscape of human rights based climate change litigations by citing landmark cases such as Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. It also predicts the probable effect of the upcoming Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice with respect to state responsibility for climate change, emphasizing the need to focus on vulnerable communities, including those affected by war. In conclusion, the article advocates for a holistic approach that integrates human rights, climate justice, and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. It underscores the significance of COP29 as a platform to address these interconnected challenges and calls for robust legal frameworks to protect both human rights and the environment in the face of climate change.Yayın Regional reactions to the Arab Uprisings: Evidence from the Balkans(TRT World Research Centre, 2024) Lika, Idlir; Aktürk, Şener; Cherkaoui, Tarek; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThe Balkans provide an interesting empirical setting to observe variation in the reaction of regional countries to the Arab Uprisings and to probe the causes behind the variation. As a sub-region within the broader Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), a geographical space that for almost five decades was under authoritarian/totalitarian one-party communist regimes and that only relatively recently transitioned to democracy, Balkan countries should normally be expected to show at least rhetorical support for the revolutionary changes in the Arab world since 2011 and for the democratic aspirations of the Arab people. Indeed, as noted by Mikulova and Berti (2013, p. 4), the Arab Uprisings “opened the door to a vital new target region for Central and Eastern European democracy support.” Moreover, given that all Balkan countries, with the notable exception of Serbia and its client entity within the Bosnian Federation, are firmly Western-oriented [1], one again should have expected Balkan elites to follow the foreign policy line of Brussels and Washington that initially embraced and supported the popular demonstrations and calls for regime change in the Arab world. Yet, the governments in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia largely ignored the Arab Uprisings and did not articulate an official public stance towards them...Yayın Dünya savunma sanayii trendleri(Türkiye Araştırmaları Vakfı Yayınları, 2024) Alptekin, Hüseyin; Lika, Idlir; Aslan, Halil Kürşad; Dağdelen, Merve Dilek; Şahin, Merve; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüDünyada savunma sanayinin gelişimi son yıllarda ivme kazanmış, ortaya çıkan yeni koşullar, yeni talepler ve yeni trendler birbirini takip etmiştir. Yapay zeka temelli teknolojiden robotik ve siber güvenlik çalışmalarına değin genişleyen bir yelpazede hızla gelişen teknoloji, savunma teknolojilerine de entegre edilmektedir. Bu teknolojik dönüşümle paralel ve hatta onu da etkileyen bir dönüşüm ise dünya jeopolitiğinde yaşanmakta, yeni jeopolitik fay hatları oluşabilmekte, Türkiye’nin de yakın çevresinde ortaya çıkan yeni güvenlik tehditlerine karşı yeni tedbirler geliştirmek gerekmektedir. Bu yeni güvenlik koşullarına adapte olabilmek ve güvenlik ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilmek amacındaki ülkeler savunma bütçelerini artırmakta, yeni ve etkin savunma sanayi ürünlerine uygun maliyetle sahip olmak istemektedir. Savunma sanayi ürünlerinin etkinliği ve maliyetinin yanı sıra tedarik sıkıntısı yaşanmaması, yedek parça temini, onarım, modernizasyon ve yazılım desteği, mühimmat temini ve transfer edilen savunma sanayii ürünlerinin ülkelerin mevcut savunma altyapılarına entegre edilebilmesi öne çıkan diğer kriterler olmaktadır...Yayın [Book Review]: "Varieties of Nationalism: Communities, Narratives, Identities"(Routledge, 2024) Lika, Idlir; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüIn this short but intriguing and much-needed book, Harris Mylonas and MayaTudor provide a guide and framework for how to conduct rigorous comparativeand cumulative research into the various consequences of nationalism throughtime and across countries. Noting that the nationalism scholarship lacks foremostthe conceptual clarity that characterizes other fields of comparative study likedemocratization (rather surprisingly given nationalism’s enduring relevancearound the world), the authors systematically break down the concept of nation-alism into the five most significant dimensions identified in the literature – “eliteand popular fragmentation of national communities; ascriptiveness and thicknessof national narratives; and salience of national identities” (11) – and review someof the influential works in the literature that causally link each of these dimen-sions with a diverse range of outcomes such as regime type, refugee policies,state capacity, political stability and others. They conclude by encouraging scho-lars to explicitly situate their research puzzle along one of the five identifieddimensions of nationalism (62) and to define and operationalize that dimen-sion(s) “in a clear, consistent manner” (14). Only in this way, the authorscontend, can meaningful comparative and cumulative knowledge in the nation-alism scholarship be built…Yayın Moving bodies: Embodied minds and the world that we made(Cambridge University Press, 2023) Ringmar, Erik Ivar; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüIncreasingly, we have come to live in our heads, leaving our bodies behind. The consequences have been as far-reaching as they have been devastating. This book employs several case studies – kings performing in ballets, sea captains dancing with natives, nationalists engaged in gymnastics exer cises – to explain what has been lost. These curious movements, we will discover, were ways to be, to think, to know, to imagine, and to will. They highlight the limits of historical explanations focusing on cultural factors and question currently fashionable “cultural” and “post-modern” perspec tives. Returning to our bodies and their movements enables us not only to explain historical actions in a new way, but also to understand ourselves better.Yayın The right to practice your religion: European legislation and the origin of religious beliefs(Brill, 2024) Ringmar, Erik Ivar; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüEuropean human rights legislation makes a distinction between “beliefs” and “manifestations” of beliefs. Beliefs are regarded as inviolable whereas manifestations, such as various religious practices, can be restricted by law. This article criticizes this distinction and argues that practices are necessary for religious beliefs. We participate in a religious practice, not since we believe, but we believe since we participate in a religious practice. European human rights legislation must be rewritten with this consideration in mind.Yayın [Book Review]: "First Nationalism then Identity: On Bosnian Muslims and Their Bosniak Identity"(SETA Foundation for Political, Economic, and Social Research, 2023) Lika, Idlir; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüIn First Nationalism then Identity: On Bosnian Muslims and Their Bosniak Identity, Mirsad Kriještorac undertakes an ambitious exploratory study to test the relationship between two key social science concepts, nationalism, and identity, focusing specifically on how a population’s exposure to elite-driven nationalist projects affects the likelihood of a strong ascription of the elite-desired national identity. Kriještorac is primarily concerned with determining the direction of interaction between nationalism and identity (p. 146) and for that he examines in depth the case of Bosnian Muslims…Yayın Re-negotiating alevi identity: Values, emotions and contending visions on the future(SETA Publications, 2023) Köse, Talha; Köse, Talha; Yartaşı, Mindy; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüThis book is a product of three major research endeavors. The main source of the rich body of personal life stories and broader collective narratives is my doctoral field research. During my doctoral research, I had a chance to do extensive field observations and field visits to various cities in Türkiye. The repertoire of personal narratives of Alevi citizens was collected in Istanbul, Ankara, and Malatya during my field research (2006-2008). The verbatim transcript of personal and collective stories I collected during my doctoral field research constituted more than 2,000 pages. Those narratives and my field notes were critical for understanding the various dynamics of Alevi identity and politics.Yayın Is a new opening possible in Turkiye-EU relations?(SETA Foundation, 2023) Köse, Talha; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüTurkiye's positive relations with the European Union (EU) in the early 2000s and its enthusiasm for the membership process started to weaken after 2006-2008. The downward spiral in Turkish-EU relations intensified after the failed July 15 coup attempt in Turkiye. Despite the joint strategic interests in many regional issues, including the Black Sea, the MENA Region, the Balkans, security in the Eastern Mediterranean, hydrocarbon projects, the fight against irregular migration, creating the middle corridor with Asia, European energy security, and counter-terror measures, parties can hardly find opportunities to cooperate, frankly. The way those issues of joint interest are managed shall play a crucial role in the future of Turkish-EU relations. The positive atmosphere that emerged after the May 2023 elections could potentially generate more constructive momentum in Turkiye's relations with the European Union and the U.S. There are, however, some hurdles that should be overcome by building mutual confidence by working on shared agendas.Yayın [Book Review]: "How ISIS fights military tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt"(SETA Foundation, 2023) Uyan, Cenkay; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler BölümüJihadism, terrorism, radicalization, and extremism have been on the agenda of the world, especially after the 9/11 attacks. Following that event, al-Qaeda gained popularity among other radical groups, and more al-Qaeda-affiliated groups started becoming effective in various regions. One of the groups that outshined was al-Qaeda in Iraq (later on becoming ISIS), which succeeded in controlling areas of Iraqi and Syrian territory by mid-2015.