Perveen, AsmaAbas, Nurul Ain HidayahHamzah, HazalizahKee, PauMorgül, EbruSa'ad, Fauziah Binti MohdKumar, Pavithrah JayaMorgül, Ebru2020-06-182020-06-182019Perveen, A., Abas, N. A. H., Hamzah, H., Kee, P., Morgül, E., Sa'ad, F. ve Kumar, P. J. (2019). Validation of the emotional competency module. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10(7), 787-791.0976-02450976-5506 study is a design and development-based research which intends to develop a module specifically to be implemented on adolescents to help enhance their emotional competence and also to test the content validity ofthemodule. Seven professionals with experience in dealing with adolescent emotional issues were recruited to validate the module. A rating scale based on this is constructed to be evaluated by the professionals. The overall validity was calculated based on the percentage of agreement between the professionals. The Emotional Competency Module received an overall validity rating of 85.6%. Therefore, there is evidence that shows that this module is suitable to be implemented to enhance the emotional competency level of adolescents.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEmotion CompetencyEmotional Competency ModuleValidityValidation of the emotional competency moduleArticle10778779110.5958/0976-5506.2019.01671.12-s2.0-85073942872Q4