Khan, Asad ul IslamÖzcan, RasimMasood, Syed Muhammad UsmanYönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İktisat Bölümü2023-04-182023-04-182023Masood, S. M. U., Özcan, R. ve Khan, A. I. (2023). Till debt does us apart: Cross-country evidence on the relationship between microfinance prevalence and social distrust. PLoS ONE, 18(3), 1-20. interventions have social consequences. In this paper, we explore one such relationship, between microfinance intensity and social distrust levels reported by the low-income people. We find a significant association between microfinance intensity in a country and distrust among the poor as well as ultra-poor in cross-section using World Values Survey & European Values Survey (WVS-EVS) Wave 7 (2017-2022). We supplement these findings using empirical Bayes on a panel extending back from 7th to the 4th WVS wave (1999-2004). To deal with potential endogeneity, we run 2SLS as well as weak instruments-robust conditional instrumental variable tests and find evidence showing microfinance prevalence intensity affects distrust levels among the poor and ultra-poor households. We find no association between microfinance and distrust levels in the rich in any of the tests, potentially because the rich are not exposed to microfinance.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEmpırıcal BayesJoınt LiabilityPerformanceTrustInstitutionsInequalityOutreachCreditTill debt does us apart: Cross-country evidence on the relationship between microfinance prevalence and social distrustArticle18310.1371/journal.pone.0282072Q2WOS:0009487750000022-s2.0-8514972795936888582Q1