Usman, Ali CisseyBulut, SefaKaplan, MehmetEğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü2024-07-162024-07-162024Usman, A. C., Bulut, S. ve Kaplan, M. (2024). Personal and social factors as a determinate of adolescent smoking. Journal of Substance Use, 1-7. Personal and social difficulties are key contributors to smoking during adolescence. Thisstudy examined personal and social factors that influence adolescent smoking. In all the study examinedgender, perception of academic success, relationship between students’ teaching-students relationship,and adolescent smoking. Method: Data used for this study are a portion of a large cross-sectional archival survey data titled “Aquestionnaire for high-school students on cigarette-alcohol-substance use” that was collected in 2018among three high-school types (Anadolu High School, Imam Hatip High School, and Vocation highschool) in Bagcilar, Istanbul. We examined the association between personal factors, social factors, andadolescent smoking by using the Spearman correlation and chi-square test of independence. Findings: Of all the variables irrespective of the influence of school types, the results found a link betweennegative perception of academic success, teacher–student relationships, peer relationships, and gender onadolescent smoking. More specifically, a negative perception of academic success was found to influenceadolescent smoking in vocational high schools, while teacher–student relationships, and gender werefound to influence adolescent smoking in Imam Hatip high schools. The only variable that was found toinfluence adolescent smoking in Anadolu high schools was peer relationship pressures.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAdolescent SmokingPersonal FactorsSchool TypesSocial FactorsHigh SchoolSmokingPersonal and social factors as a determinate of adolescent smokingArticle1710.1080/14659891.2024.23747982-s2.0-85197723501Q3