Zaim, Selim
Araştırma projeleri
Organizasyon Birimleri
Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
Küresel rekabete ayak uydurmak ve sürdürülebilir olmak isteyen tüm şirketler ve kurumlar, değişimi doğru bir şekilde yönetmek, teknolojinin gerekli kıldığı zihinsel ve operasyonel dönüşümü kurumlarına hızlı bir şekilde adapte etmek zorundadırlar.
Adı Soyadı
Selim Zaim
İlgi Alanları
Multivariate Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management
Kurumdaki Durumu
Aktif Personel
2 sonuçlar
Arama Sonuçları
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Yayın ESIB’s antecedents: An analytic hierarchy process application in the manufacturing industry in Albania(MDPI, 2023) Malaj, Ardita; Zaim, Selim; Bayyurt, Nizamettin; Tarım, Merve; Zaim, Selim; Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim DalıThis study examined factors that might motivate employees to engage in social innovation. The objectives of this study were to identify the relative importance of factors that impact Employee Social Intrapreneurial Behavior (ESIB) in the manufacturing sector in Albania using an AHP approach and to select the best practice that can improve Employee Social Intrapreneurial Behavior (ESIB) on a company basis in the same sector by merging a linguistic method with the AHP approach. A questionnaire was designed to collect expert viewpoints. A standardized AHP scale ranging from 1 to 9 was used in the questionnaire. Fifteen managers and experts from four important manufacturing companies in Albania (Everest Shpk., Kamëz, Albania; Lufra Shpk., Lushnje, Albania; Ajka Shpk., Lushnje, Albania and F&M Shpk., Tirane, Albania) were contacted, and eleven of them expressed an interest in engaging in our study by ranking the importance of various criteria and sub-criteria. The findings suggest that the sub-components of the internal factor, such as superior relationship quality and expected image gains, have a combined importance of 50% in the local weights in the Albanian context. The two sub-components mentioned above remain significant in the analysis of global weights, accounting for 41% of global influence...Yayın Building higher value-added firm practices in challenging contexts: Formal networks and talent management in Turkey(SAGE Publications, 2024) Demirbağ, Mehmet; Tatoğlu, Ekrem; Wood, Geoffrey; Glaister, Alison J.; Zaim, Selim; Nair, Smitha R.; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüWhere do high-impact human resources management practices thrive, and how do they make a difference in environments with limited institutional support? This study delves into the realm of talent management (TM) in Turkey, where institutional coverage is incomplete and unstable. Drawing on survey data, we explore the conditions under which TM succeeds, supplementing previous research on internal networks by examining the impact of external networks that encompass the entire firm. We find that when firms have closer ties with customers, suppliers and competitors (and hence, the basis for formal network tie building), TM is more prevalent and more likely to be successful. While conventional wisdom in comparative institutional literature suggests that such dense ties might be less effective in emerging markets owing to the absence of advanced complementarities found in mature economies, our study challenges these assumptions. In the eyes of managers, TM is not merely a tool to overcome disadvantages; it is perceived as a source of opportunities. This prompts a critical question: what specific advantages does the emerging economy system confer on firms embracing TM? Our study seeks to unravel these dynamics and contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between institutional contexts and TM.