Küresel rekabete ayak uydurmak ve sürdürülebilir olmak isteyen tüm şirketler ve kurumlar, değişimi doğru bir şekilde yönetmek, teknolojinin gerekli kıldığı zihinsel ve operasyonel dönüşümü kurumlarına hızlı bir şekilde adapte etmek zorundadırlar.
This conceptual paper primarily explores the current applications of credit guarantee (CG) in selected government institutions.Two CG government programs have been selected. The theoretical discussions have covered the underpinning concepts, mainly kafalah contract and cash waqf. To this effect, the shariah stand on charging fees for kafalah has been highlighted, along with the latest resolutions and decisions of shariah academies and institutions are cited. The discussions of the paper resulted in a conceptual CG framework based on cash waqf. The qualitative method is used, and an extensive literature review has been conducted. This paper found that the Malaysian CG program has a special Islamic scheme to offer CG, nonetheless, the program uses the concept of Kafalah bil-ujrah where it charges fees directly from the client with various rates. This paper argues that cash waqf perfectly fits as a source of funding for providing CG.
(Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBÜ), 2021) Kachkar, Omar; Alfares, Marwa; Azrak, Tawfik; Kachkar, Omar; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü
Zakah is one of the most effective tools in the Islamic fiscal policy and economic system that has been introduced to achieve a variety of socio-economic objectives. On top of those objectives are poverty alleviation and wealth redistribution. The former objective is clearly indicated in the hadith that is narrated by imam al-Bukhari when the Prophet (PBUH) commanded Mu'adh bin Jabal, his delegate to govern Yemen: “Inform them (the people of Yemen) that Allah has made a charity obligatory upon them, that is collected from their rich and given back to their poor...